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Benidorm Warning


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Guest Peter James
Yes its remarkable how none of these anesthetists turned thieves have ever been caught humping their illegally obtained gas tanks about *-)
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"Foxy" has raised an important point, and that is to be more careful.


I (we) have been guilty of letting our guard slip and a timely reminder does not go amiss.


The Spanish Costas have, in recent years, become targets for an immigrant minority whose sole aim in life is to commit such crime as will bring in as many Euros as possible.


As tourists we present a very obvious target. I am in the habit of dressing down, I wear no watch nor carry a wallet, camera, or anything of any value. I have, nonetheless been the subject of an attempted puirse snatch, pickpocketed, and attempts to break into my vehicle.


None of these has been successful to date, and in that I count myself fortunate.


So take notice, when in Benidorm just be a bit more careful, actually when anywhere abroad be a bit more careful.


Thanks again Foxy for the reminder.



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Bolly1965 - 2013-06-29 9:36 PM


well it's up to you whether you believe the 'stories' or not but my favourite phrase is 'I told you so' ;-)


Have you actually sat down and tried to logically work it through, how its going to be achieved, etc? For a start, do you no how much gas is needed and we are talking about low life getting huge quantities.


Get real


My favourite phrase is "one born every minute"

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Despite the increasing numbers of reports of people being gassed in motor-homes or commercial trucks in France, and the warning put out by the Foreign Office for travellers to be aware of this danger, this College remains of the view that this is a myth.


It is the view of the College that it would not be possible to render someone unconscious by blowing ether, chloroform or any of the currently used volatile anaesthetic agents, through the window of a motor-home without their knowledge, even if they were sleeping at the time. Ether is an extremely pungent agent and a relatively weak anaesthetic by modern standards and has a very irritant affect on the air passages, causing coughing and sometimes vomiting. It takes some time to reach unconsciousness, even if given by direct application to the face on a cloth, and the concentration needed by some sort of spray administered directly into a room would be enormous. The smell hangs around for days and would be obvious to anyone the next day. Even the more powerful modern volatile agents would need to be delivered in tankerloads of carrier gas by a large compressor. Potential agents, such as the one used by the Russians in the Moscow siege are few in number and difficult to obtain. Moreover, these drugs would be too expensive for the average thief to use.


The other important point to remember is that general anaesthetics are potentially very dangerous, which is why they are only administered in the UK by doctors who have undergone many years of postgraduate training in the subject and who remain with the unconscious patient throughout the anaesthetic. Unsupervised patients are likely to die from obstruction of the airway by their tongues falling back. In the Moscow seige approximately 20% of the people died, many probably from airway obstruction directly related to the agent used.


If there was a totally safe, odourless, potent, cheap anaesthetic agent available to thieves for this purpose it is likely the medical profession would know about it and be investigating its use in anaesthetic practice.


13 September 2007.

The Royal College of Anaesthetists



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Being the subject of anaesthetic gas is an easy way to account for what has happened in the face of the fact that people can't quite believe they slept through being burgled, and probably perpetuated by truckers etc who have to account for losing very expensive cargo. I'm sure some people are quite sure they must have been gassed.


But they haven't.


Anyway, if Roma gangs are responsible for some of the street crime initially described, be assured that the proceeds are put to very good use.


Houses like this are clustered in parts of eastern Europe and the driveways and streets outside are thronged with cars with GB, I, E, and a few other nationalities' registrations.


Of course, not all people who have houses like this are criminals and most eastern Europeans are thoroughly decent people; ashamed of their thieving compatriots.


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While discounting the many 'gassing' rumours on the forums, it is a fact that I witnessed my mother- in-law being abducted by an alien spacecraft, just after my marriage.

She was never seen again.

Well that's what I told the police anyway.

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Hi all,

It seems these thieves will get some booty from someone somehow, I myself was robbed on the train going to the Vatican in Rome and it did leave me feeling rather shocked.

The real problem I feel is not when you have little kids diving around trying to get in any and all of your pockets but when people are physically mugged and relieved of their possessions.I imagine the effect of this would be to leave some people really traumatized. As to people committing these crimes due to the fact of living in an impoverished society I would simply say 'watch this space, I wouldn't be surprised if we have a crime explosion on the way in this country.




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Peter James - 2013-06-28 11:06 AM



PS I know what its like to be mugged because it happened to me - four small children mobbed me after drawing cash from a machine in Florence. They were only little kids so I could overpower them easily. Nevertheless, when they have four pairs of hands and you only have one pair, you soon find you can't keep their hands out of your pockets for long. I kept one hand firmly on my wallet pocket and fended them off with my other hand as best I could. They got the contents of my other pockets.


It happened to me in Milan on a business trip. As you say, there is nothing you can do except swear at them loudly and hang on to your wallet. All they got from me was the city map from the hotel. The moral is to be very suspicious of groups of unaccompanied small children in unlikely places.

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Guest pelmetman
pkc - 2013-06-30 8:40 AM


While discounting the many 'gassing' rumours on the forums, it is a fact that I witnessed my mother- in-law being abducted by an alien spacecraft, just after my marriage.

She was never seen again.

Well that's what I told the police anyway.


Don't suppose you have the Aliens phone number? :-S

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Guest JudgeMental
pkc - 2013-07-01 10:25 AM



Unfortunately not, It all happened so fast.




we had a similar local UFO experience..flashing lights and the neighbors very aggressive and annoying dog was seen no more 8-)

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