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Wild camping tips

Geoff Bell

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[QUOTE]michele - 2006-08-08 8:26 PM Apparently private land or not if the owner contacts the Police they will act in a civil role....If you remain on the land you put yourself in a position in which you form a contract with them, what if they wish to charge you. If you refuse to move they may offer to assist to move you with their Massey ferguson. if they clamp you, how are you to remove it ? If you damage it you will be arrested for criminal damage. Contrary to the statement that Police have no powers on private land . If you should stray into private land you should be ready to move no alcohol. [/QUOTE]

Yes, I should have been clearer.  What I meant was that the police will not trouble you voluntarily.  If a landowner calls them because you are trespassing and he wants you moved they will attend (if they've nothing better to do!) and add their weight to the landowner's request for you to leave.  However, I think if you refuse to go it becomes purely a civil matter and the landowner would have to sue.  Unless the police decide you could be a terrorist, of course.  Of course, if you are blotto you'll have a bit of a problem, bacause as soon as you comply you'll be done for drink driving!  S'an ard world, innit?

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Hiya Brian. You ask for a common definition but there is no such thing. any given subject will be viewed in different ways by different people. For there to be a misunderstanding you must be misunderstood. Communication and exchange of thoughts are the only guidelines. You can not have precise legal definitions as each local authority will apply its own bylaws in their own particular ways. even within those authorities different people will have varying views on these matters. So what have we got. Just a general understanding and opinion of what wild camping is all about. Howard. ( If you have a minute could you explain how the quote option works. I,ve tried it a few times but no joy. Thanks )
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[QUOTE]howardtcz - 2006-08-09 12:28 AM Hiya Brian. You ask for a common definition but there is no such thing. any given subject will be viewed in different ways by different people. For there to be a misunderstanding you must be misunderstood. Communication and exchange of thoughts are the only guidelines. You can not have precise legal definitions as each local authority will apply its own bylaws in their own particular ways. even within those authorities different people will have varying views on these matters. So what have we got. Just a general understanding and opinion of what wild camping is all about. Howard. ( If you have a minute could you explain how the quote option works. I,ve tried it a few times but no joy. Thanks )[/QUOTE] shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh secret squirel
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[QUOTE]howardtcz - 2006-08-09 12:28 AM Hiya Brian. You ask for a common definition but there is no such thing. any given subject will be viewed in different ways by different people. For there to be a misunderstanding you must be misunderstood. Communication and exchange of thoughts are the only guidelines. You can not have precise legal definitions as each local authority will apply its own bylaws in their own particular ways. even within those authorities different people will have varying views on these matters. So what have we got. Just a general understanding and opinion of what wild camping is all about. Howard. ( If you have a minute could you explain how the quote option works. I,ve tried it a few times but no joy. Thanks )[/QUOTE]

No, no; Howard.

My apologies, not what I meant at all!  I'm not after legal definitions, or even dictionary definitions. 

However, wild camping is frequently referred to.  For example, the Caravan Club's celebrated little rant about it, from which it seemed clear to me (but I think others may disagree) that they were only referring to camping on land without authorisation.  In other words trespassing, which they could hardly advicate. 

However, others interpreted that as meaning the CC was anti-motorhome.  It seems they thought the CC was against any "off-site" camping, which, it seems, they regarded as wild camping.  One or two even resigned membership because of that. 

I was interested to understand what people mean when the refer to wild camping.  Which activities do they call wild camping, just to try to get a better idea of how wide a range of camping options the terms is, in reality, being used to describe.

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[QUOTE]howardtcz - 2006-08-09 12:28 AM .............( If you have a minute could you explain how the quote option works. I,ve tried it a few times but no joy. Thanks )[/QUOTE]


Click on the "quote" button and a window should open containing the text you wish to include in your post between sets of square brackets [ ] bracketing the word "QUOTE".  (You can also edit this text yourself, between the "QUOTE" brackets, as I have done above.)  Scroll to the end of this, i.e. cursor just beyond the closing "QUOTE" bracket, press enter (return, if you're a typist) to get to a new line, and then type your new text and sign of in the usual way.  When you press "submit" you should get the preview pane with both the original text as a (in quotes) header and your own text as the continuation.

Hope this helps/is clear.

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