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Fiamma barrel jamming

Boo King

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I have read plenty of messages re the Pip on the barrel key needing to be filed off in some cases to use these locks, but we have a different problem-we have a fiamma magnum safe door lock on the front of our single cab door(hymer B544) and it is totally stuck-it has only been on 2 months and it looks as if one of the tiny blebs inside(at 11 pm site) is totally puished in to the lock, and will not move. All of the other prongs move easily when pressed, but this won't move. Fiamma are ignorong my emails and Pioneer leisure where I bought it just say they'll pass details to Fiamma but can't help. Its not really safe to use the van if we cant exit the cab-only the back habitation door is useable now and my elderly labradors cant get in or out so we can't use the van!!-any ideas other than a locksmith to drill it all out?thanks :-(
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Locksmiths do not charge the earth but they do have a wealth of knowledge. I do not know what area you are from so cannot recommend a locksmith in your area but have a look in yellow pages. That would be my route to resolving the immediate problem but the real party who should be sorting it out is the installer/seller, that is who you have a contract with. It is not clear whether or not they fitted the product but in any case the product should be fit for purpose. If they can get away with it they will pass the buck but insist and if they fail to resolve the problem tell them you will get it resolved elsewhere and give them the bill. Take them to small claims court if necessary. Too many of these suppliers do not fulfill their obligations to customers and we, the customer too often accept that. Whilst it is a fiamma product you purchased it elsewhere so they have an obligation to sort it.


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