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Hi to all fellow motor homers.........was wondering if any of you have walked the Camino / way of Saint James or any part of it, from Jean Pierre de Port, in France, to Santiago in Spain. Have researched a lot and would like to hear from anyone that has done it or a section.




Regards ;-)

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Have seen loads of people doing it whilst pootling about in northern Spain. Many of them walk on or adjacent to many of the east / west trunk roads and seem to have little option. To be honest it looks like a miserable experience with vehicular traffic thundering by only feet away.


Maybe it's supposed to be a miserable experience.

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crinklystarfish - 2013-07-05 8:03 AM


Have seen loads of people doing it whilst pootling about in northern Spain. Many of them walk on or adjacent to many of the east / west trunk roads and seem to have little option. To be honest it looks like a miserable experience with vehicular traffic thundering by only feet away.


Maybe it's supposed to be a miserable experience.


Yes I have seen that too, but when I looked at the guide-book it seems that mostly it is on small roads and I think the trunk road is only when there is no other viable option. Even so, a day next to a trunk road is not my idea of fun.

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Might be worth remembering that there are several ( many) Camino routes to Santiago through Spain, not only the one from right to left across the very "top" of Spain.


Google will help with routes/stops/blogs etc .........there's tons of info on it once you start digging.



But a word of caution: it's a hotbed of lust and depravity.

A retired Brit mate of ours (in his late 60's) who lives near us on the Costa Blanca did a months worth of trudging along the "Top" route about three years ago. (Not a religious bloke at all, just a keen walker).

There must by summat in it though we all thought, as he went back and did a months worth of another route, this time up through mid-Spain, the following year.

But it turns out he had an affair along the route with as Aussie woman who had come over to do the camino the first time, so they then arranged to do the second route afterwards, secretly together, so they could continue the liaison!

He's now left his wife for her!





To get your "Compostella" certificate thingy, you've got to walk at least 100kms (from memory) although most "perigrinos"( pilgrims) do a helluva lot more; or cycle at leat 200kms ( again, most do a lot more), along one of the official routes, getting your record card stamped at each of the numerous check-in stations along the way.


Don't ever try to do it in the blazing 40 degree high summer (you'll die).

Nor in the freezing minus 5 degree winter (you'll die).

In the later Spring or early autumn is probably least worst (you'll probably almost drown a lot, but only nearly die).

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bgrobbins@hotmail.co - 2013-07-04 5:57 PM


Anything on dos and don'ts would be a big help. Did she do hotels or hostels and what kind of charges as we are hearing different stories. Thanks for that .





I spoke to her this afternoon. She stayed in albergues. The cheapest was 5 euros but most were 9-12. Some were 20ish but these included dinner and breakfast.


She said that during discussions along the way everyone agreed there were no do's and don'ts, everyone had to find their own way of doing things. However, she then went on to say that she thought the most important thing was not to be tempted into going the extra few km in a day. A lot of people wreck themselves after a few days and have to give up. She stopped every hour, took her boots off and rested her feet. She dealt with any incipient blisters or discomfort straightaway and used a lot of plasters. It reminded me of the distance runners' joke......at 12 miles I thought I could run for ever, at 24 miles I thought I had.


She said she learnt a lot from the camino forums.

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