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Campsites in Serbia


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OK so there are not so many campsites here in Serbia but I dropped lucky (very lucky!) when I met an ACSI tour leader a few weeks ago in Albania who told me about this site herein Serbia;




Scrupulously clean throughout, ultra modern and fully equipped with everything imaginable from sensor controlled showers and lighting to properly installed waste disposal points (chemical and grey water). Site is in a very quiet country area at Zasavica just outside Srmeska Mitrovica which is about 50 miles west of Belgrade.


I've been staying on this site a few days now and don't want to leave! Both Tina and Jasmine speak fluent English as does Jovan (John) the site owner. Fresh bread, Croissants etc available daily on site too! Not only that but they are really friendly people here and a warm welcome is guaranteed.


It's an amazing country and the Serbian people love tourists from all countries coming to visit their country. So for those who like to explore a bit more than the usual destinations of Spain or France........come to Serbia and visit Camping Zasavica.



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Guest JudgeMental
starvin marvin - 2013-07-07 7:58 PM


JudgeMental - 2013-07-07 6:33 PM


I think you need to investigate living a bit :D


What would you recommend?......a long break in Benidorm possibly!



have been in croatia/slovenia/ tuscany/Umbria/ India etc.....plus many other countries. You may not believe it but there are far better alternatives to france, and plenty of decent campsites wherever we travel Europe wide. Have been to Benidorm just the once.. what exactly is your problem numpty

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Bulletguy - 2013-07-07 12:58 PM


OK so there are not so many campsites here in Serbia but I dropped lucky (very lucky!) when I met an ACSI tour leader a few weeks ago in Albania who told me about this site herein Serbia;.................

Out of interest, can you please say where you got insurance for Serbia?

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BGD - 2013-07-07 9:08 PM


BG - a very good and thought-provoking post about an region that we've not really considered as yet in the MH; thanks for sharing.


I agree, thanks BG, from Slovenia to Albania on the coast and inland from Croatia to Macedonia, a beautiful area. The "former Yugoslavia" has had a troubled time, We dipped our toe in Croatia last year, and would love to zig-zag our way to Greece and retrace some of our hitching trips of the late 60's and early 70's.

More info please,

thanks again

alan b

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Guest JudgeMental
I really fancy the Peloponnese area of Greece, but as summer only time we can go...concerned about the very high temperatures :-S Easyjet have just started flying to the refurbished airport at Kalamata, so I could drive down and Mrs M fly over and we could have a month there next year....but health issues and 50+ temps a concern..it was 43 deg in Tuscany last year and in India a few years ago, and handles that fine..... but 50+ and people start dying *-)
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JudgeMental - 2013-07-08 9:20 AM


I really fancy the Peloponnese area of Greece, but as summer only time we can go...concerned about the very high temperatures :-S Easyjet have just started flying to the refurbished airport at Kalamata, so I could drive down and Mrs M fly over and we could have a month there next year


Accepting that the temperature could be a killer, if you can only go at the hottest time. I wonder if the only sensible way to make such a trip is over an extended period. To be able to meander there, and meander back, to get the maximum enjoyment and value for money.

Unless someone can find a low loader/transporter service for less than £500!

Doesn't stack up does it? I think it's a trip for the long-termers.

Hope you find a way


alan b


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Guest JudgeMental
snowie - 2013-07-08 10:47 AM


JudgeMental - 2013-07-08 9:20 AM


I really fancy the Peloponnese area of Greece, but as summer only time we can go...concerned about the very high temperatures :-S Easyjet have just started flying to the refurbished airport at Kalamata, so I could drive down and Mrs M fly over and we could have a month there next year


Accepting that the temperature could be a killer, if you can only go at the hottest time. I wonder if the only sensible way to make such a trip is over an extended period. To be able to meander there, and meander back, to get the maximum enjoyment and value for money.

Unless someone can find a low loader/transporter service for less than £500!

Doesn't stack up does it? I think it's a trip for the long-termers.

Hope you find a way


alan b


problem is Mrs M's new job. still education but less holidays *-). I'm happy to drive down alone and we do that now with spanish winter trip, where wife jets over for a week half term. Easter to early as in April..ideally spring or autumn best, but not possible and dont fancy a touring holiday on my own :-S . Doing some homework on TA peloponnese forum :-D


The Cyclades islands have a wind so more tolerable apparently...

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Forgot to ask Paul, where are you headed?

I reckon you've covered most of eastern and southeastern europe over the last couple of years?

How's the weather been?

Good alternatives to France, Spain and Portugal?

As you said, ACSI a bit thin on the ground if any at all in some eastern countries,

Happy travels

alan b

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gwyn - 2013-07-07 8:23 PM


Thankyou very useful information, how much as it per night?



Gwyn.....click the price list tab on the website. I'm paying €16 for one person on EHU. Yes I know there are cheaper.....but the facilities here are top class. Take a look at the photos of the shower/toilet block too which gives an indication of the high standard.


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Brian Kirby - 2013-07-07 10:41 PM


Out of interest, can you please say where you got insurance for Serbia?



Brian......I went with Scenic as they were the only ones I could find who would offer Green Card, though I believe the NFU do. The Green Card cost nothing but was necessary for Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania and Serbia.


That was the first thing they asked to see at each border control.



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snowie - 2013-07-08 9:06 AM


BGD - 2013-07-07 9:08 PM


BG - a very good and thought-provoking post about an region that we've not really considered as yet in the MH; thanks for sharing.


I agree, thanks BG, from Slovenia to Albania on the coast and inland from Croatia to Macedonia, a beautiful area. The "former Yugoslavia" has had a troubled time, We dipped our toe in Croatia last year, and would love to zig-zag our way to Greece and retrace some of our hitching trips of the late 60's and early 70's.

More info please,

thanks again

alan b





Croatia has an amazing coastline and plenty of Camp sites along the way but they have been quick to recognise the number of people touring and prices are prohibitively expensive. One site at Dubrovnik was charging €35 pp per night!!


Albania is cheaper though the roads can be unpredictable in places. The main highway from the border to Shkoder is new so that is very good, but it's not fully complete so sometimes 'runs out' if going further south to Tirana. Normal roads often just disappear into rough tracks. Road signing on new sections is good.....but not on some of the minor roads.


I feel Albania still has a long way to go compared to the likes of Bulgaria or Romania.


North Montenegro through the Tara Canyon is a 'must see'......amazing scenery and supposedly the second deepest in the world.


The city of Belgrade is far too busy and Novi Sad to the west of Belgrade easier to navigate and easier to find somewhere to park.


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Guest JudgeMental
We have been to Croatia high summer for the last two years running, we payed around 30 € for pretty decent sites, most on a beach and on the islands. Plitvick lakes a must do......we then payed a lot less when ACSI discount card kicked in in September
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snowie - 2013-07-08 6:08 PM


Forgot to ask Paul, where are you headed?

I reckon you've covered most of eastern and southeastern europe over the last couple of years?

How's the weather been?

Good alternatives to France, Spain and Portugal?

As you said, ACSI a bit thin on the ground if any at all in some eastern countries,

Happy travels

alan b




I'm gradually heading North after temps in Albania proved too much for driving (my van has no air-con which isn't a luxury here....it's an essential!), plus my Satnav is on very limited mapping with some major roads only and no co-ordinates. TomTom simply hasn't mapped these countries and having met other people who have toured here before it seems Garmin is the only system which will at least get co-ords. So i'm working off direction notes taken from maps which can sometimes prove 'interesting'!


From Serbia I will eventually cross the border into Hungary, stay on a site there for a week or so and then through Slovakia into Poland where this time I intend to tour the middle as opposed to the west and east sides, both of which i've done before.


Heading for a site near the Baltic in Poland.


Weather in Serbia has been quite hot though the last two days there has been rain for a few minutes......the first i've had since leaving UK!


Serbia is well aware of it's troubled past but trying very hard to put that behind itself now and move forward. The Serbian people are extremely warm, friendly, helpful and welcoming to foreign tourists as they recognise it as not simply a means of generating income, but a positive way to move forward. And I am in no doubt that they want to encourage it so will do their best to protect it too.


So far on the Campsite there have been people from Poland, Germany, France, Slovakia......but nobody from UK except myself. It's time some of you gave it a go!!


There is a really lovely Serbian family from Novi Sad who have a Caravan permanently sited here and I had a most enjoyable weekend in their company. Very intelligent and knowledgeable about the politics and culture of Serbia and aware of it's 'image' to those outside. Both speak very good English with two young daughters who are fluent. For those who come, you will meet them on weekends.






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JudgeMental - 2013-07-08 7:58 PM


We have been to Croatia high summer for the last two years running, we payed around 30 € for pretty decent sites, most on a beach and on the islands. Plitvick lakes a must do......we then payed a lot less when ACSI discount card kicked in in September.





If anything that's the mistake I made.......touring in high season. *-)


No idea why as I can go any time, but despite being retired almost three years it's still taking time for me to get used to it!


Next year I may do things differently though i'm planning Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and (maybe) part of Russia but definitely into Ukraine.



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Guest JudgeMental
Bulletguy - 2013-07-08 8:14 PM


JudgeMental - 2013-07-08 7:58 PM


We have been to Croatia high summer for the last two years running, we payed around 30 € for pretty decent sites, most on a beach and on the islands. Plitvick lakes a must do......we then payed a lot less when ACSI discount card kicked in in September.





If anything that's the mistake I made.......touring in high season. *-)


No idea why as I can go any time, but despite being retired almost three years it's still taking time for me to get used to it!


Next year I may do things differently though i'm planning Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and (maybe) part of Russia but definitely into Ukraine.



some of us have no choice BG..wife ten years younger and in no mood to retire anytime soon. but at least she works in education so we have a lot more holidays than most normal folk :-D

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Bulletguy - 2013-07-08 7:02 PM


Brian Kirby - 2013-07-07 10:41 PM


Out of interest, can you please say where you got insurance for Serbia?



Brian......I went with Scenic as they were the only ones I could find who would offer Green Card, though I believe the NFU do. The Green Card cost nothing but was necessary for Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania and Serbia.


That was the first thing they asked to see at each border control.


Thanks for that. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

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JudgeMental - 2013-07-08 8:40 PM


Bulletguy - 2013-07-08 8:14 PM




If anything that's the mistake I made.......touring in high season. *-)


No idea why as I can go any time, but despite being retired almost three years it's still taking time for me to get used to it!


Next year I may do things differently though i'm planning Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and (maybe) part of Russia but definitely into Ukraine.



some of us have no choice BG..wife ten years younger and in no mood to retire anytime soon. but at least she works in education so we have a lot more holidays than most normal folk :-D


BIB Eddie........so was my mate who took early retirement after 30 years teaching. Four years later he had a stroke, then got a heart condition and is currently battling cancer. At least he had four years of pleasure that he wouldn't have had if still working.


IMO even 65 is too long to go for anyone......best to go as soon as you can financially afford it. I would like to have retired far earlier than I did but could not have managed financially.




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Guest JudgeMental

We still have our son at Uni (daughter just finished) and living in London not cheap! I retired at 57 due to health, so know very well what you are talking about. Wife took voluntary redundancy last year and regretted it.. She was like a lost soul to be honest..far better for her to work, loves her new job, and keeping moi in the manner I become accustomed to :-D


Not that long ago a mans life expectancy after 65 ws 2 or 3 years. we travel loads compared to most always have...rather have a few good months away then 6 penny pinching :D


of next week to Alsace/switzerland/Italy for a month.......Spain in October....Sri Lanka Christmas (sorry but no blondes there for u:D)...Vietnam/Cambodia early next year so enough to keep life interesting. That being said I could happily live on the road but that out of the question due to health....

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JudgeMental - 2013-07-09 1:39 PM


We still have our son at Uni (daughter just finished) and living in London not cheap! I retired at 57 due to health, so know very well what you are talking about. Wife took voluntary redundancy last year and regretted it.. She was like a lost soul to be honest..far better for her to work, loves her new job, and keeping moi in the manner I become accustomed to. :-D



Sounds like a good 'arrangement'! ;-)


Too late for me to find one of these women I think! (lol)

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Considered this worthy of 'upping' with a special mention.


Today I was planning to leave Camping Zasavica in Serbia where i've spent the past seven days and move on to Hungary. I've really enjoyed my stay here and everyone has been so friendly and welcoming. Without doubt it has been the best site i've had the pleasure of staying on and as my trip today was not that long, I sat around this morning with Johan (Site Director) and Tina (Site Manager), Ivana and Jasmine drinking coffees and chatting.


So imagine how I felt when Johan invited me to stay on for another night at no charge. As he put it, "I am asking you to be my guest......you must stay!" I accepted immediately!!


So let me introduce "The Team" (from left to right)....Ivana, Jasmine, Tina and Johan. And yes, all are speaking excellent English....whilst I struggle to learn just a few basic words of Serbian!




Site Entrance



Site Grounds



Shower Block, Kitchen, Laundry with Common room area at far left where everyone socialises.



I will miss everyone here......when I do leave!


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Well.......one hour ago I was leaving this morning but you've guessed it. Jovan insists I stay another night!!! :-D


I told him I should pay but he won't accept anything. I have Lev, Lei, Zloty and Florint but just 500 Dinar and Jovan says, "you don't need money.....you are my guest". So I am still here!! How can such kindness be repaid?


I forgot. There is also another "resident"....... a stray kitten which has become the Camp Cat.


Isn't she lovely?




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