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Does anyone carry a 150kg bike in or on their MH?


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peter - 2013-07-10 11:54 PM


Some people just can't control the urge to start a war. :-(


If a person (who incidentally seems to upset some on here but not me until this thread) starts hurling insults and manipulates facts to suit an argument then it is not unreasonable to expect there to be a right of reply. The problem with Rupert is that he is always right or at least thinks he is.


Well done Mel.



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Some of the Swifts are pretty good on payload. Our Konitki is sub 3500KG but has 700KG payload.


However. I carry a 2 stroke Peugeot Speedfight 2 100cc which is only 95KG on a rack on the back and by the time we are fully loaded we are bang on the limit.


What I would say though is that despite the fact that it would be nice to have a more powerful bike I seldom think its a problem. The van does all the leg work getting to were your going so your only really using the bike for touring around the immediate area. Back roads and mountains in the main for us. We seldom exceed 45-50 miles an hour. Some of the big hills are a challenge though with the bikes record being 7500ft but it felt like it was about to explode and speed does drop down to about 20mph on serious hills but its all part of the fun.


To me its a compromise really. I wouldnt want a trailer and I will always want a rear lounge so 100KG max for a bike is all we can have.

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Mike88 - 2013-07-11 10:51 AM


peter - 2013-07-10 11:54 PM


Some people just can't control the urge to start a war. :-(


If a person (who incidentally seems to upset some on here but not me until this thread) starts hurling insults and manipulates facts to suit an argument then it is not unreasonable to expect there to be a right of reply. The problem with Rupert is that he is always right or at least thinks he is.


Well done Mel.


Mike If you feel insulted I am really sorry, nothing personal but I just put my feelings on the subject down. I do not, as some do, call people names, may say you are talking b******s but then at that point in my opinion you where. If you still feel not then fine by me we agree to disagree. Mel is different she is incapable of saying she is wrong, she just jumped in with a load of old 'tosh' and promptly blames me for not giving enough information, her mistake, why can she not just say so. If the info was not their, in her opinion, surely best to say nothing rather than making statements that are just wrong, it is unfortunate that you chose to believe her without checking the facts.

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BGD - 2013-07-10 10:32 PM


What is all this latest Handbags-at-dawn crap for?


How does that help the OP?

I agree actually but I did give a load of information from practical experience, as did you and Barry, Mel choose to dis-believe this and came out with a load of info that was plain wrong. She promptly took the 'hump' when I pointed this out and of course being a women, I think, she put this down to me.

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rupert123 - 2013-07-11 6:00 PM


Mike88 - 2013-07-11 10:51 AM


peter - 2013-07-10 11:54 PM


Some people just can't control the urge to start a war. :-(


If a person (who incidentally seems to upset some on here but not me until this thread) starts hurling insults and manipulates facts to suit an argument then it is not unreasonable to expect there to be a right of reply. The problem with Rupert is that he is always right or at least thinks he is.


Well done Mel.


Mike If you feel insulted I am really sorry, nothing personal but I just put my feelings on the subject down. I do not, as some do, call people names, may say you are talking b******s but then at that point in my opinion you where. If you still feel not then fine by me we agree to disagree. Mel is different she is incapable of saying she is wrong, she just jumped in with a load of old 'tosh' and promptly blames me for not giving enough information, her mistake, why can she not just say so. If the info was not their, in her opinion, surely best to say nothing rather than making statements that are just wrong, it is unfortunate that you chose to believe her without checking the facts.


Rupert. You apologise and then repeat the insult and go further in your following post by blaming Mel's comments on the fact she is a woman.


Most people would either attempt to defend themselves politely or simply say they disagree and leave it there.

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Thanks for the website advice Rupert , SC look very useful,

I agree I will have to be aware of the door size Star, some say "garage" and I don't think I could get in!

BGD, I take your point with the "looking rich" and keeping your CAT safe but if i do go newer rather than older hopefully I'll be able to take precautions and maybe fit a catclamp or similar, do you know when cats were first fitted ? (course you do!) I've googled it and got nowhere., thanks

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rupert123 - 2013-07-11 5:00 PM


Mel is different she is incapable of saying she is wrong, she just jumped in with a load of old 'tosh' and promptly blames me for not giving enough information, her mistake, why can she not just say so. If the info was not their, in her opinion, surely best to say nothing rather than making statements that are just wrong, it is unfortunate that you chose to believe her without checking the facts.

Oh dear, is Mr Bear feeling a bit grumpy today? :D


Of course YOU are never wrong, I forgot just how intelligent and superior in every way you are to us that we should all really be expected to always believe everything you say, even when you don't say everything ... we should be psychic and KNOW what you're thinking shouldn't we ... but then surely that would make us SUPERIOR to you ....! *-)


rupert123 - 2013-07-11 5:05 PM


BGD - 2013-07-10 10:32 PM


What is all this latest Handbags-at-dawn crap for?


How does that help the OP?

I agree actually but I did give a load of information from practical experience, as did you and Barry, Mel choose to dis-believe this and came out with a load of info that was plain wrong.

Actually the info wasn't wrong ... based on the 2008 version of the 530LP article written by Practical Motorhome it was apparently RIGHT ... perhaps you ought to let Practical Motorhome know that they were talking b*****ks in their review ... in your view of course!


rupert123 - 2013-07-11 5:05 PM


She promptly took the 'hump' when I pointed this out and of course being a women, I think, she put this down to me.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear ... I can assure you Rupert that it has nothing to do with me being a woman, or you being a man (allegedly) ... be careful as you are seriously in danger of injuring yourself by falling off the massive pedestal you've built (or got your oiks to build!) ... but I'm sure that the views of this mere woman don't matter to you anyway! That is fine though as your views don't matter to me either and probably other people too! As soon as you start using my being a woman as a reason for my disagreeing with you, you lose all credibility ... so keep on wiggling away ... have you any other sexist comments to make? :->

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Mike88 - 2013-07-11 6:24 PM


Rupert. You apologise and then repeat the insult and go further in your following post by blaming Mel's comments on the fact she is a woman.


Most people would either attempt to defend themselves politely or simply say they disagree and leave it there.


Ah, but Rupert ISN'T most people ... we are mere minions in his eyes it would appear ... personally I'm glad I can't see through his eyes, I much prefer my own which give a 'realistic' picture and not a deluded one! (lol)

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I carried a 140kg Lambretta scooter on a scoot rack on the back of my last van a sundance 590rl I checked max and axle weights all ok but and a big BUT it was not a nice drive steering was very light and when it rained pulling away on a slight hill was not easy!(So rack is rusting if any one wants it) I then got a trailer were the scooter went side ways cross, this was hard to load and reverse so sold that. I now have an Erde single bike trailer easy to load easy to tow. OK need a bit more practice with reversing!


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paul2 - 2013-07-12 3:21 PM



I carried a 140kg Lambretta scooter on a scoot rack on the back of my last van a sundance 590rl I checked max and axle weights all ok but and a big BUT it was not a nice drive steering was very light and when it rained pulling away on a slight hill was not easy!(So rack is rusting if any one wants it) I then got a trailer were the scooter went side ways cross, this was hard to load and reverse so sold that. I now have an Erde single bike trailer easy to load easy to tow. OK need a bit more practice with reversing!



It is not only a question of axle weights.


Most people think if they comply with individual axle weight limits then all is fine. But that is not the case as a ratio between the front and rear axles has to be maintained. This extract from an e mail I received from Swift might be of help in the context of this issue:


"................................The front axle load in all conditions must be between 40% and 70% of the total weight to ensure adequate road holding. Obviously, the weights and the balance front to rear change as Fuel, gas and water are used and the overall weight will depend on what luggage and number of passengers are included and the distribution of that weight within the vehicle."


The rack and towbar weighing anything between 40 and 60 kgs needs to be taken into account as do the other issues mentioned by Swift.


Whether those with scooters are running overweight is anyone's guess but clearly those who have done their homework are fine.

The key for everyone is to get the vehicle weighed first as has been mentioned previously.

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Mike88 - 2013-07-12 3:37 PM


paul2 - 2013-07-12 3:21 PM



I carried a 140kg Lambretta scooter on a scoot rack on the back of my last van a sundance 590rl I checked max and axle weights all ok but and a big BUT it was not a nice drive steering was very light and when it rained pulling away on a slight hill was not easy!(So rack is rusting if any one wants it) I then got a trailer were the scooter went side ways cross, this was hard to load and reverse so sold that. I now have an Erde single bike trailer easy to load easy to tow. OK need a bit more practice with reversing!



It is not only a question of axle weights.


Most people think if they comply with individual axle weight limits then all is fine. But that is not the case as a ratio between the front and rear axles has to be maintained. This extract from an e mail I received from Swift might be of help in the context of this issue:


"................................The front axle load in all conditions must be between 40% and 70% of the total weight to ensure adequate road holding. Obviously, the weights and the balance front to rear change as Fuel, gas and water are used and the overall weight will depend on what luggage and number of passengers are included and the distribution of that weight within the vehicle."


The rack and towbar weighing anything between 40 and 60 kgs needs to be taken into account as do the other issues mentioned by Swift.


Whether those with scooters are running overweight is anyone's guess but clearly those who have done their homework are fine.

The key for everyone is to get the vehicle weighed first as has been mentioned previously.

In my Swift handbook it stated front axle load must be at least 40% of total, no upper limit given, I would doubt this upper limit could be reached anyway on a C/B. Mine, from memory was just short of 1900kg on the rear and just over 1200kg on the front so just made this limit, however it would still steer ok and never showed an inclination to spin the front wheels. A good point though not mentioned before on this thread. The other point not mentioned, which again I only just made with my small Swift was the ratio of overhang to wheel base but as this is such a complicated thing to work out with the current rules never bothered about it much.

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If you can go to above a 3.5ton vehicle, a swift sundance 360G / Bessacarr E480 might be worth a look.

We carry a 125kg scooter in the garage. A few weeks back we loaded up the garage with scooter, 25kg generator and 25kg awning and a few other bits and went to local weigh bridge. We were still 100kg under max rear axle loading of 2,400kg, and over the 40% min F/R limit. The garage is great for motorbikes as we have just the one door and with the standard chequer plate flooring and sides the front wheel can be pushed hard up to the side and strapped down securely with the 4 floor eyelets. I can easily push the bike up the ramp without engine assistance. Have to take both mirrors off to get bike through the door opening.


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