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Is Motorhome Parking another PPI issue

John J Thompson

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Conversely when was the last time you saw a sign like this in the UK, when we were in Mende just a couple of weeks ago the local Gendarmerie were enforcing it with regular patrols after a makeover of the local car park we often stop at,in a lovely spot alongside the river and weir, and this too is a common sign in France, lets have some balance please.



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Balance would indeed be good and those that write GB off as a hopelessly hostile destination whilst constantly gushing about France are perhaps those that need to think about this the most.


At the end of the piece, we can, in GB, move about freely, park up, and overnight without any reliance whatsoever on dedicated facilities. Indeed I do.


I completely accept that visiting urban tourist honeypots can lead to frustrations in parking a larger vehicle in public places, but that's not a problem that's exclusive to the UK.


Sure, it would be nice to have a network of dedicated motorhome parking / stopover areas and in spite of the current reality I do think it's achievable. Like I said though, I believe it will only be achieved by a top-down public sector approach, or if one of the big supermarket giants or similar start a scheme and the concept gathers a toe-hold of credibility. The protagonists 'for' are seemingly largely oblivious to this notion and are, instead, flogging dead horses.


Aside from this, it seems to me that it's easy to get bogged down in how outdated laws and petty-minded officialdom don't technically cater for the dynamics of current motorhome use, or you can just ignore these MacGuffins and, like me and thousands of others, just get on with enjoying motorhoming, be that within, or outwith GB.


I do, honestly, come in peace but the reality is that motorhome parking is not a PPI type issue, the truth is it isn't much of an issue at all apart from amongst those that need a cause.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Given that the majority of respondents so far take a different view, I'm more inclined to think there most definitely is a problem, and for those that previously were able to park on our local car park ( Aberdyfi ).without hindrance, note that there is now a prohibition on parking there at all, unless that is you have a builders van >:-(
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Footster, I really do think you are a worthy contributor but I'm afraid we are poles apart.


If we are to quantify this issue of stops / parking then, you only have to look at how few people bother to back petitions, or contribute to sites like Keith's, or offer up tales of woe on forums. A comparative handful at best are moved enough to think it worthy of airtime. They are vociferous though!


Apathy and indifference reign supreme amongst the many, many thousands of motorhome users in the UK. Most just aint affected, many just aint bothered, and many are happy to just get on with it and live with occasional frustration, or come up with another solution like towing a car / scooter / pushbike / public transport.


In the great scheme of things, it's hard to fly in the face of the fact that hardly anybody cares.


And we still aren't an attractive user group.


It isn't looking too promising... *-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave

All I can say is for more times than I can remember we have been crossing the channel, together with what must run into thousands of other UK M/home users, most of whom return year after year, perhaps if someone could persuade the authorities to go and sit on Dover dockside to witness the great British exodus every hour of every day across the channel, and the absolute derisory number of EU M/home visitors coming from the opposite direction, especially given the huge M/home ownership in Francand Germany in particular, perhaps, just perhaps they may feel the UK tourism could be given a major boost, if only they had some collective vision.


Almost to a man most Brits abroad all say the same thing, they would at times love to tour the UK, but simply do not want the hassle of it all, you do not share that view obviously, but I can assure you I and many others hear it all the time when on our EU travels, oh well, ;-)

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1footinthegrave - 2013-07-14 6:09 PM


Almost to a man most Brits abroad all say the same thing, they would at times love to tour the UK, but simply do not want the hassle of it all, you do not share that view obviously, but I can assure you I and many others hear it all the time when on our EU travels, oh well, ;-)

Well I for one do not hear it all the time, the few Brits I come across in Europe say they come for the better weather, none mention problems at home. Crinkly has got this about right, their is no call for the system to change at home, you may not like it but that is how it is. The UK is caravan land and this is where the market here is, motorhomes are still to small a market to bother with. Would having an aire type system attract more euro vans, well a few maybe but I suspect not to many, they know our system and use it as it is. We are off to Scotland on Thursday, just about the only place in UK or Europe that will not be full up, and have booked only one site. We do not anticipate any problems with parking or sites because we know the system and can work things out, beats me why some cannot. We do not get away to Europe this year until September so have done a fair bit in the UK with no problems at all, except I will admit I came across my first ever stroppy CC warden.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

My replies were not limited to an Aire type system being established, just a reigning back in of height barriers, and other "unfriendly" parts of the UK that prevail, and prevail so much so that MMM have published a so called "Motorhome friendly parking guide" so this very magazine see it as an issue.


If the only option for me was to visit the midge infested, rain sodden country that resembles here on a bad day simply because there is no other option, I'd give up altogether. I'm guessing as you always bang on about it, you will ensure you've got the land owners permission to park up whilst your there. ;-)

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John J Thompson - 2013-07-14 11:10 AM




The trial was instigated by the Hawick Welcome Initiative, a group of volunteers that ‘works to enhance the quality of the visitor experience in Hawick’. Motor Caravan parking is likely to be a popular feature of tourism in the town.


It was not motor caravan users that got this provision, but the tourism group. who though of them and how to accommodate them as visitors, not just hoping they would go away.


It is this type of thinking that needs to be nurtured and encouraged. Tourism is an angle that needs to be exploited. Thinking out of the box and not having closed minds. Petition have been shown not to work.


I don't doubt there will be problems, but they can be overcome with thought.


A willingness to help and not hinder is needed by some.


The initial impetus for the parking scheme at Guisborough was targeted at the tourism department and, after some effort, received the full support of the councils cabinet member for Tourism and Culture who also happened to be the Deputy leader. The council leader was also supportive and chaired the working group he formed to see the project through.


The scheme received a good deal of publicity but this cannot be sustained indefinitely and, in any event will not necessarily prove to be the deciding factor. As an aside, I had not heard of the Hawick scheme until I read this thread.


Wilst I remain supportive of the whole concept of overnight Motorhome areas (in whatever form) and agree that the best chance of gaining the necessary support of Local Authorities is through direct face to face contact and a well though out and delivered case, I have to reiterate that the two main factors that led to the scheme at Guisborough being withdrawn were a) local politics and b) lack of use even for daytime parking.




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1footinthegrave - 2013-07-14 8:22 PM


My replies were not limited to an Aire type system being established, just a reigning back in of height barriers, and other "unfriendly" parts of the UK that prevail, and prevail so much so that MMM have published a so called "Motorhome friendly parking guide" so this very magazine see it as an issue.


If the only option for me was to visit the midge infested, rain sodden country that resembles here on a bad day simply because there is no other option, I'd give up altogether. I'm guessing as you always bang on about it, you will ensure you've got the land owners permission to park up whilst your there. ;-)

No I will get no -ones permission, no need will use all sites.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-07-14 6:09 PM


All I can say is for more times than I can remember we have been crossing the channel, together with what must run into thousands of other UK M/home users, most of whom return year after year, perhaps if someone could persuade the authorities to go and sit on Dover dockside to witness the great British exodus every hour of every day across the channel, and the absolute derisory number of EU M/home visitors coming from the opposite direction, especially given the huge M/home ownership in Francand Germany in particular, perhaps, just perhaps they may feel the UK tourism could be given a major boost, if only they had some collective vision.


Almost to a man most Brits abroad all say the same thing, they would at times love to tour the UK, but simply do not want the hassle of it all, you do not share that view obviously, but I can assure you I and many others hear it all the time when on our EU travels, oh well, ;-)


It's not that I wouldn't prefer things to be different, which is why I've advocated, on many occasions, that those who really care about setting up a system should divert their attention from individually approaching individual local authorities etc and low-level carping and instead get stuck into organisations like Visit Britain who are resourced sufficiently and should be required to reverse the exodus.


All I've tried to do on here is redress the balance a bit. Those with an interest in getting stopovers / parking formalised are arguably not making the best use of their commendable efforts, grossly overestimate current levels of expressed demand, and are sometimes closed to the fact we are a 'problem' group. Also wanted to redress the fact that GB is not as hostile as many would have us believe.


And with that I'm done, I''ve reached the point where I'm boring myself now.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
We can conjecture until the cows come home, but it occurs to me an exit questionnaire to all those at the ferry / tunnel departure points asking one simple question could really throw some light on the reasons so many cross the water, as for why so few EU motorhome users come here, well that would be very interesting as well, on our last crossing ( we were delayed for nearly an hour due to a security issue ) I walked around the departure lanes at Calais, and there was only ONE EU van making the crossing, all of the other vans being returning Brits, this is the same time after time, so for some reason we are not seen as an attractive destination, or they are all scared of driving on the left. :-S
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What we should do, is get together about 20 of us ,with our motorhomes and all go down to 'Sandbanks' in Dorset and all park up for the day enjoying the lovely weather and view. I don't suggest staying the night, that would make us appear like ' The travelling community'. We would be just 'Tourists' enjoying the view. After all I am sure that Dorset's Council are all for encouraging tourism ?? And before anyone pipes up with 'bully tactics' i live in a Tourist area myself, which has also put up 'Anti-motorhome' parking restrictions. THEY (the Council) do NOT do it in 'My name'. So, 'the 20' could just as easy come here to Pembrokeshire. with my Blessing. Ray
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Rayjsj - 2013-07-15 9:45 AM


What we should do, is get together about 20 of us ,with our motorhomes and all go down to 'Sandbanks' in Dorset and all park up for the day enjoying the lovely weather and view....



Maybe you "should"?...but I doubt very much any of you "will"... (lol)



...as it's far easier to just keep on repeatedly bleating on about it on forums like this..... (lol)

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crinklystarfish - 2013-07-15 8:35 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-07-14 6:09 PM


All I can say is for more times than I can remember we have been crossing the channel, together with what must run into thousands of other UK M/home users, most of whom return year after year, perhaps if someone could persuade the authorities to go and sit on Dover dockside to witness the great British exodus every hour of every day across the channel, and the absolute derisory number of EU M/home visitors coming from the opposite direction, especially given the huge M/home ownership in Francand Germany in particular, perhaps, just perhaps they may feel the UK tourism could be given a major boost, if only they had some collective vision.


Almost to a man most Brits abroad all say the same thing, they would at times love to tour the UK, but simply do not want the hassle of it all, you do not share that view obviously, but I can assure you I and many others hear it all the time when on our EU travels, oh well, ;-)


It's not that I wouldn't prefer things to be different, which is why I've advocated, on many occasions, that those who really care about setting up a system should divert their attention from individually approaching individual local authorities etc and low-level carping and instead get stuck into organisations like Visit Britain who are resourced sufficiently and should be required to reverse the exodus.


All I've tried to do on here is redress the balance a bit. Those with an interest in getting stopovers / parking formalised are arguably not making the best use of their commendable efforts, grossly overestimate current levels of expressed demand, and are sometimes closed to the fact we are a 'problem' group. Also wanted to redress the fact that GB is not as hostile as many would have us believe.


And with that I'm done, I''ve reached the point where I'm boring myself now.


This is precisely why this group was established and its aims.


We aim to repeat the survey that was made in 2010 to get up to date info. We are contacting tourist bodies and putting our views to them and collecting feedback.


Petitions and one off request have got us nowhere.

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david lloyd - 2013-07-14 8:56 PM


John J Thompson - 2013-07-14 11:10 AM




The trial was instigated by the Hawick Welcome Initiative, a group of volunteers that ‘works to enhance the quality of the visitor experience in Hawick’. Motor Caravan parking is likely to be a popular feature of tourism in the town.


It was not motor caravan users that got this provision, but the tourism group. who though of them and how to accommodate them as visitors, not just hoping they would go away.


It is this type of thinking that needs to be nurtured and encouraged. Tourism is an angle that needs to be exploited. Thinking out of the box and not having closed minds. Petition have been shown not to work.


I don't doubt there will be problems, but they can be overcome with thought.


A willingness to help and not hinder is needed by some.


The initial impetus for the parking scheme at Guisborough was targeted at the tourism department and, after some effort, received the full support of the councils cabinet member for Tourism and Culture who also happened to be the Deputy leader. The council leader was also supportive and chaired the working group he formed to see the project through.


The scheme received a good deal of publicity but this cannot be sustained indefinitely and, in any event will not necessarily prove to be the deciding factor. As an aside, I had not heard of the Hawick scheme until I read this thread.


Wilst I remain supportive of the whole concept of overnight Motorhome areas (in whatever form) and agree that the best chance of gaining the necessary support of Local Authorities is through direct face to face contact and a well though out and delivered case, I have to reiterate that the two main factors that led to the scheme at Guisborough being withdrawn were a) local politics and b) lack of use even for daytime parking.




Thanks for your informative reply David.


Being from NW Durham I had intended to use the Aire at Guisborough myself, but it was withdrawn before I could get there.


Tourism is the way forward as you say. The Motor Caravan Tourism Organisation http://www.tmcto.org has been set up with the aim of working on the tourist bodies in the UK. We have contacted Roul in Portugal and received permission to use his survey results and repeat it on a regular basis. We are redesigning some of the questions so they reflect the UK and its visitors point of view.


Information is the key. Facts are what we need not banter on websites.


It has been pointed out to us that using the word CARAVAN may cause some confusion with local authorities and.with the traveller community activities.

It has been suggested that we change the website name to Motorhome instead of Motor Caravan. We are discussing this ourselves and are not closed to constructive comments.


If anyone would like to get involved of has skill they think could be useful please log in and contact us by the internal email system.


We are all active Motorhome users. Keith is setting up the website while travelling through France on his way back from Spain. I full time and touring in the lakes at present, then I will be off to Spain for the Winter. Pollik is touring the UK "in her words giving it a good try this year" and is in Scotland at present. We are able to do this work on the move thanks to the internet and mobile connections.

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