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Camping Car Inventry


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A recent Central news item reported an unfortunate tail of yet another gas attack and break in, all the equipment and personal items were stolen, leaving them with just the camper and clothes. It occurred to me that an inventry taken while you still have your property might come in useful. I have compiled my inventry using an xls spreadsheet, noting when the equipment was bought, serial numbers, make & model and from where it was bought, using hyperlinks in the spreadsheet and web access, to ascertain its replacement costs etc... Included in the inventry are extra equipments which have been fitted to the camper such as gaslow system, solar panels and controllers, batteries etc.. Some of the bits and pieces have been acquired over 40 years or so. I was suprised as I typed it all into the spreadsheet, the total column came to just over £4000.00. If you travel abroad, or even if you don’t, by loading the file up on your web page, with ot without password access, it will be available at any police station here or abroad. Regards Terry
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Guest starspirit
Just how does gas get injected into a van Terry.? Does anyone know? If it is via the gas vent holes in the floor it should be possible to quite easily shield these by the use of very close mesh metal covers screwed over the outlets? Possibly? Any ideas folks?
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Hi Starspirit, I missed that bit on the news - but my older sister who knows everything, seems to think that they can squirt it through a WD40 type tube or a windscreen washer sized tube, by pushing the tubing between window and the soft rubber seal. I hate to agree with her - but it's certainly possible. Regards Terry
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Guest starspirit
Yes I was rather afraid that might be the case. Difficult to think of any defence against that except a gas detector - if they work for every known type of knock out gas?
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Brian, Is it me ? My Machine ? Dumb Blonde? I can't seem to get anthing on the search .....I put in Gas Attack's Maybe I need to give it a different header......Like ? any clue's but I also noticed you had problem's searching yesterday am I right. I saw the reply from Forum Mod ... :-| ok Found it Sorry to be a pain So where do I buy this gas alarm from anyone know ?
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I think the gas is usually sprayed from a can of diesel engine starter, which is mainly ether.  But someone please correct me if I'm wrong.  It is easily available for purchase, and I guess it is sprayed through the most convenient vent.

Michele, search for "Gas attacks", make sure you click on "Motorhome Matters" and search back 1 year.  The threasd titled "Gas attacks - towards a definitive view" was a most interesting thread!  Note there are 2 pages.

I bought an EtherAlert EA1200 from http://www.nereusalarms.co.uk/

It certainly is sensitive to LPG, and the byproducts of midnight intestinal flatulence!!!  I have to take their word about ether!

Terry, your idea about an inventory is fantastic.  At a minimum it will be a memory prompt if the worst happens, and better, it will aid the police and the insurance company.

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I have an inventory of what we need to take away with us which covers virtually everything we have in the motorhome, useful for when you're getting ready for your first major trip of the year. I use this every time I pack the van and just tick off as I check what's already in etc, I use various headings such as 'such already be in in' and 'check each time' to split it down to save having to go through it all every time, very useful and saves forgetting things ... except the time I forgot the open milk in the fridge at home ... anyone want some cottage cheese!!!??? As regards gas attacks, see my posting from this evening ref Richard and Judy's show.
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