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Peeling/lifting graphics

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Guest Peter James


My solution would be take advantage of the hot weather to peel the graphics off because the van looks better without all that posing tackle ;-)

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Peter James - 2013-07-17 5:33 PM



My solution would be take advantage of the hot weather to peel the graphics off because the van looks better without all that posing tackle ;-)





That gets my vote too.


I've taken the faded/peeling vinyl graphics off mine, then a light T-cut and polish, and I have to say it actually looks a lot cleaner/classier since!

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Sydney1 - 2013-07-17 6:27 PMAre you sure it's not just the clear film that has lifted and not the actual vinyl underneath? >:-)

Aha, seems you know something about these vinyl thingys Sydney! I was taking a closer look when you posted and you're right. It's just the clear film...........so............peel it off?
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Before doing anything I'd suggest getting in touch with Autrotrail to see what their advice would be, as I'm sure it won't be the only one of their MHs that this has ever happened to!


I could say welcome to the 'crappy graphics' club as the new set of graphics which were applied to our Autocruise Accent (2012 model) earlier this year are now going bubbly etc the same way as the first set did! Another trip to Swift will be in order when we get back off our next holiday! *-)

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Vinyl graphics come in a variety of 'qualities'.  Some are indoor others for outdoor, some are 1 year life others range up to 7 years.  For outdoor (vehicle) use it is usual for 'quality' suppliers to use 5 or 7 year vinyl.  To prolong the life and colour this is usually laminated (clear coat on top of base vinyl).  The laminate should not protrude beyond the edge of the original 'colour' decal.  If it does it's a poor job as the laminate adhesive is not intended to adhere to the substrate (surface the decal is mounted on).


If as you say yours are slightly lifting you can get a 'Sealitpen' off fleabay for around £15.00.  This will re-adhere your decal and seal the edge against future peeling.


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Guest JudgeMental

whats the best way to clean graphics as giving my van its yearly spruce up in readiness for hols this weekend...


You get different quality of graphics, from peel of to aircraft (think about it) and we have never has a problem with any of our campers but then they are european vans...you can hazard a guess as to what grade swift use *-)

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JudgeMental - 2013-07-18 12:29 PMwhats the best way to clean graphics as giving my van its yearly spruce up in readiness for hols this weekend...You get different quality of graphics, from peel of to aircraft (think about it) and we have never has a problem with any of our campers but then they are european vans...you can hazard a guess as to what grade swift use *-)


Judge....nothing 'magical' in it really.  Wash and wax/polish as you would any vehicle.  As with vehicle paint vinyl will damage if you're heavy handed or get grit etc on the brush/sponge.  As for aircraft vinyl...all that is different there is the thickness (it's around 100-120 microns as opposed to vehicle vinyl of around 75 microns) and the adhesive is a little stronger...oh and they 'edge seal' every one...........I know because when in Malta some years back we put our Squadron emblem (55 Squadron) in vinyl onto the Commanding Officer of 5 Squadron's Lightning.  He was a lazy git and didn't do a full inspection hence he didn't see our emblem until he landed back in the UK......LOL.


I make quite a lot of decals for motorcycle racers so you can imagine they get a little more 'rough' treatment than those on a MH and all I recommend for them is a coat of Mr Sheen polish which gives a thin film of polish for protection.  Obviously an impact will damage any vinyl but impact damage aside the polish works well for light abrasion protection.


Oh and as for the 'European' superiority of vinyl.............almost all of it is manufactured in Europe or the Far East and as long as the MH manufacturers use one of a suitable longevity.....5 or 7 years there should be no difference.  It's only the 'decal' producers like me that have a preference of one brand over another.  In reality they are all very much the same.


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A signwriter can replicate the existing graphics. A few people have had problems with the graphics on Swift Mondial's and one option was to get a completely new set done by a signwriter. I know of one in Cornwall but that's not of much use to most people on here.
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Guest Peter James

I think so too.

Quality car manufacturers don't deface their cars with stick on vinyl. They leave that to the boy racers *-)

So why do they do it with Motorhomes (?)

I can understand them wanting to put their name on it for advertising. But not 'go faster' stripes on a Motorhome *-)

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