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vat exemption on new motorhomes


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I have been told recently that providing you take a disabled relative on hoilday in the van and have it adapted you can buy a new van without paying tax. Has anyone bought a new van in these circumstances and could you please tell me what criteria must be met. many thanks
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I think you underestimate the money grabbing powers of HM customs and revenue, VAT can be deducted from the purchase price of a vehicle but lots of criteria as to be met to gain it, a disabled relative is not one of them. chas
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Guest starspirit
I bought a new van vat free when my wife was seriously ill in 2004. Most dealers will be familiar with the process and will advise but some have their own interpretation of the rules which can be unhelpful. Basically, if memory serves, you need a doctor's certificate to state that a member of your immediate household is unable to cope with an unadapted vehicle on account of illness or disability. The vehicle then needs to be permanantly modified to make boarding, travelling in and leaving the vehicle both possible and safe for this person. This usually means wheel chair ramps and fixings. Look on the web under VAT and you will find a very dtailed booklet available to read up on the subject. It can be a bit involved but is well worth the effort. Doubtless others eill also be able to advise.
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No this is not the case. Firstly you have to prove that you are, or have either family living with you disabled . Then you have to prove that you are in receipt of DLA at the higest rate ...T Then you have to give them your disability badge Numbers .....Then once satified for HM custom's the dealer............... you have to have adaption's made... That is part of the deal; and cannot be tax exempt without this . It is not wise to take free tax unless you really do have full time disabled people using it for their sole purpose only. Meaning you cannot go anywhere without the Disabled person on your own ...This is why we choose to pay the Tax as it is above board then . This is also how my husband and I get a weekends respite. By taking a free Tax disc you must prove that you have the disabled person with you alway's . ... hope this help's you
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David, So therfore what you are saying is it is for sole purpose .............. ie you are using it on and behalf on the work place for the sole purpose of Disabled people ie do their shopping.....That vechicle is not suposed to be on the road for any other reason . It is for full time use & for the sole use of the disabled person. There are no exceptions if you use the vechicles for any other reason. That's the law. The other misunderstanding is a Disabled bay outside of your house. People think it is for their sole use......Not true any disabled person can use....And believe you me my husband has check all this at work.....Sooo that brings me back to don't take the tax that other guy(because you cannot be for argument's sake having a weekend away and claiming that you are doing it for the disabled person.....
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Anyone noticed on this string you're talking about two different things.

Some are talking about exemption from VAT, others are talking about exemption from VED.  The one may, or may not, go with the other, but they surely ain't the same tax!

If you buy your 'van VAT exempt, does it follow it is automatically VED exempt?  Should we be told? 

Anyone qualifying for this exemption on grounds of disability has my greatest sympathy, and my best wishes.  It is a civilised and reasonable exemption.

Anyone taking liberties with such exemptions, as appears might have been suggested above, earns my contempt.  Why should a fraudulent claimant get away with this?  It's pure selfishness.  They'd put everyone else's taxes up, and put in jeopardy the exemption for those unfortunate enough to need it.  I'm afraid I'd snitch in this case, if I knew what was going on!

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If you have a VAT free van it is odds on you are recieving DLA (disability living allowance) and it is this that entitles you to FREE VED. On the grounds of getting a VAT free van, it is my understanding that the van must be for the DLA recipient and be there only means of vehicular transport. Yes I do have one, but, whatever I saved in VAT on the purchase has been spent in having the van converted so that I can drive it and use it. Hope this clarifies some of the above points Pete
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Guest starspirit
I can't remember all the details as I was not thinking very straight at the time as I just wanted to get the van before it was too late, but I do seem to recall being told about VED exemption. However as I considered that the use restrictions were unacceptable I was therefore not eligible soI did not go for it. It all depends on whether I was correctly advised but no doubt the DVLA website will tell you. Similarly the HMCE VAT website tell you all you need to know on VAT exemption.
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First time in and I thought I would just post my bit on this subject. Six months ago I bought a three month old van which had been supplied new VAT free to a disabled chap. To make sure that I was eligible to buy the van I rang up my local VAT office to enquire about the legalities. After being passed round I spoke to the expert who told me that I was able to buy it and there would be no extra VAT to pay, as once it was supplied VAT free that was it. They also know vans are being sold VAT free with disabled coversions as simple as a knob on the steering wheel, (my van's only conversion is a Fiamma folding security - come entry handle by the side door). My van was then sold on to a dealer who purchased it for an average price from the original VAT free owner and then sold it on at dealer prices, a practice that the VAT office know about but admit that they can do nothing as it is all above board. Yes, I was the one who paid the dealer prices but I was happy with the purchase.
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[QUOTE]peteS - 2006-08-09 7:33 PM If you have a VAT free van it is odds on you are recieving DLA (disability living allowance) and it is this that entitles you to FREE VED. On the grounds of getting a VAT free van, it is my understanding that the van must be for the DLA recipient and be there only means of vehicular transport. Yes I do have one, but, whatever I saved in VAT on the purchase has been spent in having the van converted so that I can drive it and use it. Hope this clarifies some of the above points Pete[/QUOTE] pete It does as I understand not have to be the only mean's of transport . I take the girls out in the VW caravel VED paid for by us .....Ialso use the Volvo VED paid for ...& I also use the Nissan VEd paid for ..The tax exemption we have is on the Bessacarr.with the disability adjustments although just a few ... But we choose to pay for the Vechicles tax disc (windscreen ) because w knew that we would want to use it ourself's . not often I might add ,whenwe get someone who comes to stay and look after them then we get a weekend's respite ....I have met people out there like Brain states and they are deliberately taking the Proverbial. Which when there are people like yoursefs and us makes you very mad. In another direction. Whilst in hospital recently with the little one for Major Surgery. I was sitting having a bask in the sun ...she was out of it on Morphine..I heard a(Lady WELL debatable) say to a friend ...come on I have the car parked around the corner (This being Royal londonwhere it is impossible to park ) he said but you have to be disabled . she replied I bungged someone a fiver for the disc...........May she get what's coming to her................. In london it is quite often when out and about you will exempt from Tax Disc vechicle ..everyone has a Disabled bay outside of there house . I mightadd that over the road to my dad the women who is supposidly disabled does not even live there it is for her son's use ....after looking up the laws whenI go with the girl's to visit I park in the bay .He came out young lad saw me struggling with wheelchair and said you have to move I said you need to mind your own business I know your mother does not live there and i pointed out to him that it is not for her sole use even though they may be the applicant to the local council. It is there for everyone and should you arrive home and ask some other disabled person to move they do not have to go . You would have to wait your turn until the bay becomes empty... regards
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Hi Michelle the VED I am referring to is vehicle excise duty for which a form is required DLA404 to get it. This is only available for one vehicle registered to the DLA recipient. If you have the above on various vehicles please tell me how and I will get the wife's car done. As for buying a vehicle VAT free I believe this must be for the disabled person regardless of wether they will drive the vehicle or not. There is a guide document on the customs & excise site which I have just tried to look up to check my facts, unfortunateley the site is down at the moment. I will check later and have another read. Pete
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[QUOTE]JFL - 2006-08-09 4:05 PM First time in and I thought I would just post my bit on this subject. Six months ago I bought a three month old van which had been supplied new VAT free to a disabled chap. To make sure that I was eligible to buy the van I rang up my local VAT office to enquire about the legalities. After being passed round I spoke to the expert who told me that I was able to buy it and there would be no extra VAT to pay, as once it was supplied VAT free that was it. They also know vans are being sold VAT free with disabled coversions as simple as a knob on the steering wheel, (my van's only conversion is a Fiamma folding security - come entry handle by the side door). My van was then sold on to a dealer who purchased it for an average price from the original VAT free owner and then sold it on at dealer prices, a practice that the VAT office know about but admit that they can do nothing as it is all above board. Yes, I was the one who paid the dealer prices but I was happy with the purchase.[/QUOTE] The above is down to the supplying dealer. Should they sell a vehicle VAT free and later C&E disallow the VAT exemption it will be down to the dealer to pay and then try to recover the sum from the purchaser. Pete
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Michele VED is vehicle excise duty, ie tax disc Do you have more than one free tax disc as you have 2 disabled children? Is that why you appear to have 2? Or am I missing something? I thought you could only have 1 per disabled person - but I think that if you have 2 vehicles you can choose which vehicle to have the exemption on, or am I completely barking???
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I have no FREE anything I pay for it all , Husband being A COPPER WE WILL NOT CHEAT ....& husband not being a copper would still not cheat not in our nature ..We pay's our way................. We use all the Vechicles for our own, as well as the children's use . So can not say it is for the sole purpose of doing only the children's Shopping ect ...Will not lie ..................So the only thing I have off Her Majesty is the VAT off of the purchase of the van ..................All tax disc on windscreen paid for ................. Thanks for clearing that up mel
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Michelle if one of your familly is in reciept of DLA (Disability living allowance) which comes in 2 parts. Part 1 is the mobility side of it. Part 2 is the carers side of it. Part 1 is paid to help with getting around, this can be in taxi's, buses whatever. Also you can use it for a vehicle. If you use it for a vehicle you can apply to: DWP Disability benefit centre Olymoic house Olympic way Wembley Middx Ask for application form for Vehicle excise duty exemption, duly fill it in and return. You will then recieve form DLA404 which is to be filled in when applying for Tax disc. Hope this is of help. Pete
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Yes david , But you are not running around doing your own stuff. You are doing things related to work ..ect shopping transport collecting .. so there fore you are entitled to ved free... I think some people have missed my point we don't want the tax disc free we pay delibrately because un like yourself whom has no choice but to carry out job's for work on behalf of the disabled person/s ...We dont, we sometimes go on our own ...So this is why we choose to pay that way we are all above board & legal..... regards all have a nice holiday and thanks again for your kind help with the insurance it came today ....... Thank you much appreciated........................
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