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Loony Land reaches Hungary


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Tracker - 2013-07-23 4:18 PM
Bulletguy - 2013-07-23 11:24 AM In UK there is a virtual war going on between the anti-smoker fascists who will stop at nothing to get their own way (they still aren't satisfied with BOSIPP), and smokers who are continuously vilified and subjected to the sanctimonious preachings of this brigade.
Spoken with all the arrogance of an addicted smoker.Born with a fag in your mouth were you? The most natural thing in the world to is to smoke I suppose?So just how do you equate the rights of the rest of us to breath air not polluted with cigarette smoke whenever we sit outside in a pub or cafe and walk past a public building or run the gauntlet of a hospital entrance area?Should we just put up with it and say nowt in case it offends the sensitivities of those addicted to smoking?Come on get real - smoking is a disgusting habit that impacts on other people's health and enjoyment and it's high time arrogant smokers came to accept that fact.


Here we go again......anti this/ban that because some don't like it brigade......Just imagine if, for example Clarkson had his way.....you, me and all the other tuggers/motorhomers would be banned or restricted to travelling only through the night.


The answer to your comment above is unequivocally 'yes'......the anti's have forced smoking/smokers(which by the way is still 'legal') outdoors if they wish to partake of their legal habit.  The anti's can't rule the world!!  As a now classified 'non smoker' ( I partake of e cigs which emit nothing more than water vapour) I have a 'tolerance' of smokers of the tobacco variety unlike the 'anti' brigade. 


In essence...the anti's forced smokers outdoors....the anti's have the indoors to themselves all year round so it's their 'choice' if they/you choose to associate with those 'horrible' smokers outdoors, and I bet they/you don't kick up a fuss when about it when it's pi55ing down, blowing a gale and when winter comes.


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Spoken like another true addict who knows all about his rights but is conveniently content to ignore the rights of others.


Sure I am an anti smoker - always have been and always will be and I am very proud to be just that.


Look how far we have come in just a few years since smoking was a socially acceptable addiction in meetings, restaurants, pubs and cinemas etc to where we are now with it almost but not quite yet eliminated from all public places and spaces both indoor and outdoor.


Funny how it seems to be illegal to eat an apple or a sandwich whilst driving but not to smoke and I do have to wonder why and for how much longer.


You addicts can protest all you like but whichever way you look at it not smoking is normal and smoking is an abnormal activity that is gradually being eradicated and it is well worth it for the cleaner air for our children and grand children.


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Tracker - 2013-07-23 5:39 PMSpoken like another true addict who knows all about his rights but is conveniently content to ignore the rights of others.Sure I am an anti smoker - always have been and always will be and I am very proud to be just that.Look how far we have come in just a few years since smoking was a socially acceptable addiction in meetings, restaurants, pubs and cinemas etc to where we are now with it almost but not quite yet eliminated from all public places and spaces both indoor and outdoor.Funny how it seems to be illegal to eat an apple or a sandwich whilst driving but not to smoke and I do have to wonder why and for how much longer.You addicts can protest all you like but whichever way you look at it not smoking is normal and smoking is an abnormal activity that is gradually being eradicated and it is well worth it for the cleaner air for our children and grand children.


It has nothing to do with 'rights'.....it is to do with tolerance.....something you seem to have little of unless it suits you and others of your ilk.


As an 'ex' addict not having had a cigarette for over 20 months I have the 'tolerance' to understand that smokers 'smoke'...an as yet 'legal' act.  I have no objection to someone smoking next to me outdoors in a pub garden or elsewhere where it is not banned.  Yes I applaud the progress on eradicating smoking in 'enclosed' places but the likes of you anti's want everything your own way and have no tolerance for the 'legal' actions of others.  It is the attitude of the anti brigade that fuels the animosity and to be honest if I was still a smoker and an 'anti' wanted me to stop smoking in a pub garden because he didn't like it the answer would be 'well sod off indoors...it's where you lot wanted me banned from and until it is banned outdoors then it's your problem'.


As for the pathetic clean air argument you might like to look at the real pollutants in the world....China, USA, India etc all dump millions of tonnes of chemicals etc into the worlds atmosphere every minute of the day....and they are carried on the winds to a 'global population'.  Smoking doesn't even come close.


Oh and by the way...smoking at the wheel can be deemed an offence if the 'officer' considers it means you have impaired control of the vehicle the same as eating an apple/sandwich etc.


As for 'abnormal activities' you might consider the recent changes to the marriage laws?.........a great many people consider that 'union' to be abnormal....so who is to say what is and what isn't 'normal'?


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A totally predictable response Roger in which all the age old arguments in favour of smoking and smokers are again rolled out - but the plain fact is many of us find even the faintest whiff of the disgusting odour of cigarettes offensive so why on earth should we tolerate this abnormal habit just because it suits a small selfish minority?


The tide has well and truly turned so that the socially acceptable of yesteryear have now become the social outcasts of this year!


There are none worse than reformed ex smokers who think that they are able to see both sides of the argument but in reality have not a clue about how someone who has never smoked feels about the presence of that awful stink so I suppose it really is asking too much for them to show enough tolerance to expect unrepentant smokers not to smoke in the presence of non smokers.

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Bulletguy - 2013-07-22 2:40 PM


Mike B. - 2013-07-22 2:25 PM


I am in Hungary and agree it is quite bizarre to see the shops.


Bulletguy-if you get near Sarvar, come and say hello-beer's in the fridge




Mike......my exact location is; N 46.88539° E 19.39736°


A site called Somodi Tanya where I stayed last year. Excellent meals and open from 7am until late! Just 14 miles from Kecskemet.


I'm guessing you are on Thermal Camping Sarvar? (N 47.24808° E 16.94747°) Not a cheap site that!



It is for me-it's free! Helping a mate out for a few weeks with on site maintenence



PS you can wild camp in a designated area (Motorhome Park) right outside the camping and it's free, level and hardstanding-oh and it was 42 degs today! Whew!

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Tracker - 2013-07-23 6:25 PM


A totally predictable response Roger in which all the age old arguments in favour of smoking and smokers are again rolled out - but the plain fact is many of us find even the faintest whiff of the disgusting odour of cigarettes offensive so why on earth should we tolerate this abnormal habit just because it suits a small selfish minority?


Go indoors, shut the windows, seal all gaps and buy yourself one of these;




Tracker - 2013-07-23 6:25 PM


The tide has well and truly turned so that the socially acceptable of yesteryear have now become the social outcasts of this year!


OMG.......after Camerons Canute moment, now we have another Pretender to the throne. *-)


Tracker - 2013-07-23 6:25 PM


There are none worse than reformed ex smokers who think that they are able to see both sides of the argument but in reality have not a clue about how someone who has never smoked feels about the presence of that awful stink so I suppose it really is asking too much for them to show enough tolerance to expect unrepentant smokers not to smoke in the presence of non smokers.



You cannot comprehend 'tolerance'........it's not part of your vocabulary.




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Bulletguy - 2013-07-23 9:29 PM

You cannot comprehend 'tolerance'........it's not part of your vocabulary.


You wanna preach tolerance!!


Why don't you as a smoker accept the right of everyone else not to breath or smell the filthy stuff - now that really would be tolerance


Why should I tolerate the filth and smell emanating from those who carry out the unnatural act of smoking in public.


That's real coming from a smoker who just hates being told how antisocial to everyone else his addiction is!!


The sheer arrogance of those who know their rights but not it seems their responsibilities to others never ceases to amaze me, and you have the sheer gall to try and lecture me about tolerance.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

This argument goes round in circles, the anti smoking lobby don't think twice about polluting the air that we breath with their traffic fumes, trundling off as we all do on largely unnecessary journeys.


Exposure to traffic fumes can set children on the road to diabetes, a study has shown.

Living near a busy road and increased levels of pollution from cars and lorries significantly raised the risk of insulin resistance in ten-year-olds, scientists found.

The condition, which reduces the body’s ability to control blood sugar with the hormone insulin, is a recognised precursor of Type 2 diabetes.

For every defined step-rise in levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and sooty particulate matter (PM) from diesel exhausts, the risk of insulin resistance increased by 17 per cent and 19 per cent respectively.

The risk also rose by 7 per cent every 500 yards closer to a major road a child lived.


So here's the deal, I'll give up my fags if you lot all go back to horses and carts, oh no that's different isn't it. I equally find the stench of stale sweat and the sight of big fat gits wobbling along and invading my personal space obnoxious, lets ban them too, say 9 stone max for woman, and my body weight 11 stone for men, while we're at it a total ban on dogs so I don;t have to step in their crap, bloody hell.

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Tracker - 2013-07-23 5:39 PM


Spoken like another true addict who knows all about his rights but is conveniently content to ignore the rights of others.


Sure I am an anti smoker - always have been and always will be and I am very proud to be just that.


Look how far we have come in just a few years since smoking was a socially acceptable addiction in meetings, restaurants, pubs and cinemas etc to where we are now with it almost but not quite yet eliminated from all public places and spaces both indoor and outdoor.


Funny how it seems to be illegal to eat an apple or a sandwich whilst driving but not to smoke and I do have to wonder why and for how much longer.


You addicts can protest all you like but whichever way you look at it not smoking is normal and smoking is an abnormal activity that is gradually being eradicated and it is well worth it for the cleaner air for our children and grand children.


I am not a 'Real addicted Smoker' and never have been, I used to like an occasional Cigar, when i was totally relaxed (usually sitting outside the van after a long drive, and now 'pitched up') or sitting beside a Loch sipping a 'Dram' of malt and watching the World go by. But my Astmha had other ideas, so the cigars had to go. AND I miss them.

I get fed up with Strident 'Anti- Smoking' Zealots always wittering on against smokers. I think the present situation is 'about right', we can sit in a restuarant and have a meal, without smelling cigarette smoke, and have a drink in a pub without being half blinded in the smoke haze. If the poor sods are 'hooked' I feel sorry for them, but don't keep on 'Hounding them' Perhaps, Just perhaps they Enjoy a cigarette (although i don't know why) a Pipe with some pleasant smelling dutch tobbaco or a Good Cigar would be much nicer, or even a pinch of Snuff (you don't see many doing that these days !).

Cigarettes always seemed to be half chemicals to me, REAL tobacco stops burning and goes out if you stop drawing on it. (which is why my Father-in-law was always re-lighting his pipe, stuffed with 'Erinmore') Anyway, 'Live and let Die' provided they are happy, and not 'Slaves' to it. Ray

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1footinthegrave - 2013-07-23 10:11 PM


This argument goes round in circles, the anti smoking lobby don't think twice about polluting the air that we breath with their traffic fumes, trundling off as we all do on largely unnecessary journeys.


Exposure to traffic fumes can set children on the road to diabetes, a study has shown.

Living near a busy road and increased levels of pollution from cars and lorries significantly raised the risk of insulin resistance in ten-year-olds, scientists found.

The condition, which reduces the body’s ability to control blood sugar with the hormone insulin, is a recognised precursor of Type 2 diabetes.

For every defined step-rise in levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and sooty particulate matter (PM) from diesel exhausts, the risk of insulin resistance increased by 17 per cent and 19 per cent respectively.

The risk also rose by 7 per cent every 500 yards closer to a major road a child lived.


So here's the deal, I'll give up my fags if you lot all go back to horses and carts, oh no that's different isn't it. I equally find the stench of stale sweat and the sight of big fat gits wobbling along and invading my personal space obnoxious, lets ban them too, say 9 stone max for woman, and my body weight 11 stone for men, while we're at it a total ban on dogs so I don;t have to step in their crap, bloody hell.


And any woman (or man) with a Fat Arse wearing only Black tights gets arrested on sight. 8-) Ray

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Guest 1footinthegrave
I wait for the day when it will be socially unacceptable to keep an animal that craps everywhere that I want to walk, that the owners of which don't have them on a lead 15 foot long, that drive other people nuts with their barking and yelping, and the very many people and children maimed for life, or killed as a result of being attacked by dogs. Just imagine the howls of protest if ever that day was to come about the dog lovers freedom to inflict their little pets on the rest of us. It's a funny old world, passive smoking apparently is a killer so ban it, but the staffy ripping someone apart is OK. >:-(
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Tracker - 2013-07-23 9:37 PM
Bulletguy - 2013-07-23 9:29 PMYou cannot comprehend 'tolerance'........it's not part of your vocabulary.
You wanna preach tolerance!!Why don't you as a smoker accept the right of everyone else not to breath or smell the filthy stuff - now that really would be toleranceWhy should I tolerate the filth and smell emanating from those who carry out the unnatural act of smoking in public.That's real coming from a smoker who just hates being told how antisocial to everyone else his addiction is!!The sheer arrogance of those who know their rights but not it seems their responsibilities to others never ceases to amaze me, and you have the sheer gall to try and lecture me about tolerance.


You keep banging on about 'rights'.  It seems to me you know everything about 'rights' and very little about tolerance.  Smoking is NOT ILLEGAL, it is simply banned in certain places because the likes of you wanted it so and in certain circumstances/situations I'm glad it is.  So we agree on something.  However the 'outdoors' is where the ban has forced smokers to migrate to indulge in their habit.  The likes of you anti's are obviously not happy with having the nice warm/air conditioned indoors to yourselves and seem to want the outdoors to yourselves as well.  So the scenario is you go into the pub garden or wherever and see a number of smokers.......do you ask them to stop because the all important 'you' doesn't like it and 'you' want to sit outdoors?  If you do that is arrogance in the extreme and is likely, at the very least to get you a mouthful of abuse.  The thing is you have a choice.  No one is making you go where 'smokers' have been forced to go to indulge in their 'legal' habit.  You have the option to utilise the smoke free areas.  Should you venture into a smoking permitted area that is your decision.  You know smokers have been forced outside so if you don't like it stay indoors and away from the smoke.....it's quite simple really.  It's called tolerance....and like I said before if you came and asked me to stop (if I still smoked) you would be told in no uncertain terms where to go.  Oh and it was usually the case that 'reformed' smokers were the worst critics.........but you take the biscuit for intolerance and a me me me attitude. 


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And there speaks the voices of tolerance and reason?


It is surprisingly easy to wind up smokers, probably because deep in their own minds somewhere even they now realise that they are becoming more and more socially unacceptable and to combat this they have to try and defend their indefensible addiction.


If smoking is so important in their lives perhaps I am missing something, so please tell me what are the advantages of being a smoker that only a smoker enjoys and a non smoker does not?


No more red herrings please as dogs and vehicle pollution are quite different topics - but seeing as you mentioned it at least I drive an economical modern van and a modern hybrid car so I reckon I'm doing as much as anyone on here to reduce vehicle pollution.

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Guest JudgeMental
on this really nice Alsace campsite at the moment, on route to Italy, large pitches, nice site etc...enjoying my first cuppa of the day with van door wide open, then chap on adjacent pitch must have lit up and even though 20 meters away? the nauseous and disgusting fumes entered my space and made me cough...I have no tolerance for smokers what so ever! the disgusting and life threatening habit beyond justification. In fact i dont know anyone who still smokes as I dont have any idiot friends into self harming....
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Guest Had Enough
1footinthegrave - 2013-07-23 10:11 PM


This argument goes round in circles, the anti smoking lobby don't think twice about polluting the air that we breath with their traffic fumes, trundling off as we all do on largely unnecessary journeys.



Thank you for that. I wasn't aware that only non-smokers pollute the air with their vehicles. One lives and learns. But part of your argument seems to be that, whilst smoking is seen by many to be anti-social and is proven to be deleterious to the health of the smoker and even those around them, it doesn't really matter because some people have dogs?


I have returned in the past from business and social functions with my clothes reeking so badly that I've hung my suits in the garage or conservatory with the windows open in an attempt to reduce the noxious odour. God knows what I breathed in! Ask the widow of the late Roy Castle about that perhaps?


I can never remember having to do the same because my clothes smelled of the fumes from a Chinese power station or from the car I drove to the function.


I'm a libertarian. Smoke yourselves to death if you like but not near me. The government of this country and all the others that have seen sense, including Hungary, are to be congratulated for doing everything in their power to dissuade people from adopting what is a pointless, expensive and unhealthy pastime.


Loony Land is where smoking is not discouraged and where governments turn a blind eye to an obnoxious and life-threatening addiction.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
My argument is quite simple for those able to be objective about it, everything we do as individuals has an impact on others, so why single out smokers, we're out in the open air with our habit now, and if anyone thinks my rollup fumes competes anywhere near the average vehicle passing by they belong in the loony bin, as for Roy Castle there could NEVER be a proven causal link, Bernard Manning lived to be a fairly ripe age of 77 having spent almost all of his life in the Embassy club which even I would admit resembled a bad fog, he died from renal failure, and of course lung cancer and oral cancers are NOT limited to smokers.
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Mike B. - 2013-07-23 9:20 PM


Bulletguy - 2013-07-22 2:40 PM


Mike B. - 2013-07-22 2:25 PM


I am in Hungary and agree it is quite bizarre to see the shops.


Bulletguy-if you get near Sarvar, come and say hello-beer's in the fridge




Mike......my exact location is; N 46.88539° E 19.39736°


A site called Somodi Tanya where I stayed last year. Excellent meals and open from 7am until late! Just 14 miles from Kecskemet.


I'm guessing you are on Thermal Camping Sarvar? (N 47.24808° E 16.94747°) Not a cheap site that!



It is for me-it's free! Helping a mate out for a few weeks with on site maintenence



PS you can wild camp in a designated area (Motorhome Park) right outside the camping and it's free, level and hardstanding-oh and it was 42 degs today! Whew!



Yes pretty crazy temps eh? I was getting this in Albania and thought by heading up into Serbia it would be cooler, but it remained just as hot! I read where they have even had a 'heatwave' in UK with London reaching 31c on one day. Naturally they don't know what to do!!


Hhmmm.......a free MH parking area right outside a paying Campsite?!! That's and odd one.


Not in my direction really though as after here i'm off into Slovakia and then Poland.


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Guest Had Enough
1footinthegrave - 2013-07-24 12:22 PM


My argument is quite simple for those able to be objective about it, everything we do as individuals has an impact on others, so why single out smokers, we're out in the open air with our habit now, and if anyone thinks my rollup fumes competes anywhere near the average vehicle passing by they belong in the loony bin, as for Roy Castle there could NEVER be a proven causal link, Bernard Manning lived to be a fairly ripe age of 77 having spent almost all of his life in the Embassy club which even I would admit resembled a bad fog, he died from renal failure, and of course lung cancer and oral cancers are NOT limited to smokers.


No one is singling out smokers. You may not have noticed but that's what this thread is about. It's not about car emissions or dogs fouling the pavement.


If it was was about dogs we'd have people asking why we're singling out dogs when there are far greater evils in the world. We might have child porn collectors asking why they're being singled out when there are murders being committed.


When people have run out of a sensible argument ,is when they start saying: "Why are you singling us out, what about X, Y and Z?"





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Yeah struck me as weird too when I got here but it's true and not just for MH-caravans can park there too! No facilitites, just a glorified car park -but very popular at weekends. This attached pic was a Dutch couple who called last week

Have a good trip-think we're going to Slovenia next as would like to call and see the new Adria at the factory en route




Bulletguy - 2013-07-24 12:51 PM


Mike B. - 2013-07-23 9:20 PM


Bulletguy - 2013-07-22 2:40 PM


Mike B. - 2013-07-22 2:25 PM


I am in Hungary and agree it is quite bizarre to see the shops.


Bulletguy-if you get near Sarvar, come and say hello-beer's in the fridge









Mike......my exact location is; N 46.88539° E 19.39736°


A site called Somodi Tanya where I stayed last year. Excellent meals and open from 7am until late! Just 14 miles from Kecskemet.


I'm guessing you are on Thermal Camping Sarvar? (N 47.24808° E 16.94747°) Not a cheap site that!



It is for me-it's free! Helping a mate out for a few weeks with on site maintenence



PS you can wild camp in a designated area (Motorhome Park) right outside the camping and it's free, level and hardstanding-oh and it was 42 degs today! Whew!



Yes pretty crazy temps eh? I was getting this in Albania and thought by heading up into Serbia it would be cooler, but it remained just as hot! I read where they have even had a 'heatwave' in UK with London reaching 31c on one day. Naturally they don't know what to do!!


Hhmmm.......a free MH parking area right outside a paying Campsite?!! That's and odd one.


Not in my direction really though as after here i'm off into Slovakia and then Poland.


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The solution is simple. Mutual respect:


I have no problems with respecting the right of consenting adults to repeatedly breathe in smoke containing the cancerous, massively toxic cocktail of deadly poisons that temporarily sates their drug addiction; so long as they respect my right not to have to breathe any of it in whilst they do so.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-07-24 1:22 PM


My argument is quite simple for those able to be objective about it, everything we do as individuals has an impact on others, so why single out smokers, we're out in the open air with our habit now, and if anyone thinks my rollup fumes competes anywhere near the average vehicle passing by they belong in the loony bin, as for Roy Castle there could NEVER be a proven causal link, Bernard Manning lived to be a fairly ripe age of 77 having spent almost all of his life in the Embassy club which even I would admit resembled a bad fog, he died from renal failure, and of course lung cancer and oral cancers are NOT limited to smokers.




But only a dribbling idiot would still deny that the likelihood of dying early from hideous diseases such as lung cancer, throat cancer. mouth cancer, heart disease etc is not massively increased by constantly breathing in and absorbing through ones mouth throat and lungs the enormously toxic mix of poisonous chemicals contained in cigarette smoke.




The argument moved on from "it's not dangerous" decades ago now, as overwhelming scientific evidence proved the habit beyond any shadow of doubt to be hideously dangerous.


Any intelligent person recognises that it will most likely KILL YOU. That's very very very dangerous. Really.


The only remaining rearguard action argument now is only one of "rights":- it's my right to slowly kill myself through this drug addiction if I want to.

That's born out of fear - not fear of dying 'cos no smoker thinks he'll be the one who contracts cancer as a result and then dies slowly in agony as he rots from the inside. It's fear of having to confront the addiction,and actually stop the habit/go through the cold turkey.


Smoking is NOT a positive pleasure. Addicts don't don't feel any happier when smoking then non-smokers do all the time.

The act of smoking to an addict merely removes the pain of NOT smoking for a short period of time....making him for that short period of time as happy as a non-smoker. Until the effect wears off and the craving awakens once again........and so the need/satisfy/need cycle continues.

Classic drug addiction.


It's fear of confronting that withdrawal process that makes smokers defend their "right" to continue with their addiction. Every one of them knows it's madness; it's stupid, it costs a fortune and it will in all probability rob them of decades of healthy life into old age.

But continuing the habit minute by minute, day by day, blocks out the terror that there might be no more fixes, that the next craving cycle might not be satisfied. It's that fear that, underneath all the bluster and pseudo-rationalising actually drives the excuse of "it's my right".



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Guest 1footinthegrave
BGD - 2013-07-25 12:14 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-07-24 1:22 PM


My argument is quite simple for those able to be objective about it, everything we do as individuals has an impact on others, so why single out smokers, we're out in the open air with our habit now, and if anyone thinks my rollup fumes competes anywhere near the average vehicle passing by they belong in the loony bin, as for Roy Castle there could NEVER be a proven causal link, Bernard Manning lived to be a fairly ripe age of 77 having spent almost all of his life in the Embassy club which even I would admit resembled a bad fog, he died from renal failure, and of course lung cancer and oral cancers are NOT limited to smokers.




But only a dribbling idiot would still deny that the likelihood of dying early from hideous diseases such as lung cancer, throat cancer. mouth cancer, heart disease etc is not massively increased by constantly breathing in and absorbing through ones mouth throat and lungs the enormously toxic mix of poisonous chemicals contained in cigarette smoke.




The argument moved on from "it's not dangerous" decades ago now, as overwhelming scientific evidence proved the habit beyond any shadow of doubt to be hideously dangerous.


Any intelligent person recognises that it will most likely KILL YOU. That's very very very dangerous. Really.


The only remaining rearguard action argument now is only one of "rights":- it's my right to slowly kill myself through this drug addiction if I want to.

That's born out of fear - not fear of dying 'cos no smoker thinks he'll be the one who contracts cancer as a result and then dies slowly in agony as he rots from the inside. It's fear of having to confront the addiction,and actually stop the habit/go through the cold turkey.


Smoking is NOT a positive pleasure. Addicts don't don't feel any happier when smoking then non-smokers do all the time.

The act of smoking to an addict merely removes the pain of NOT smoking for a short period of time....making him for that short period of time as happy as a non-smoker. Until the effect wears off and the craving awakens once again........and so the need/satisfy/need cycle continues.

Classic drug addiction.


It's fear of confronting that withdrawal process that makes smokers defend their "right" to continue with their addiction. Every one of them knows it's madness; it's stupid, it costs a fortune and it will in all probability rob them of decades of healthy life into old age.

But continuing the habit minute by minute, day by day, blocks out the terror that there might be no more fixes, that the next craving cycle might not be satisfied. It's that fear that, underneath all the bluster and pseudo-rationalising actually drives the excuse of "it's my right".



As a smoker I do not deny much of what you say, it is an addiction pure and simple, and one of the most addictive substances known to man, I notice you have a statement on your website " all you need to provide me with is beer, lots of beer, so your obvious passion for alcohol ( or is it addiction ) kind of puts you in the same camp, plenty of potential to develop many terminal illnesses, I know that my brother-in-law spent years saying he loved a drink, not that he was addicted to the stuff, but died as a direct result of his consumption.

There are very real parallels between drink and tobacco consumption, it's just that the anti smoking brigade don't like to acknowledge it.


I have said before if this issue was really about health they would ban tobacco end of, but given the huge sums involved that ain't going to happen any time soon which in my view is hypocrisy of the highest order, so I'll continue to smoke because I'm addicted, and the anti's will continue to be annoyed, perhaps they should aim their anger at governments instead of me, they allow the stuff to be sold.

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