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Loony Land reaches Hungary


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Bulletguy - 2013-07-24 12:51 PM


Hhmmm.......a free MH parking area right outside a paying Campsite?!! That's an odd one.



Mike B. - 2013-07-24 10:15 PM


Yeah struck me as weird too when I got here but it's true and not just for MH-caravans can park there too! No facilitites, just a glorified car park -but very popular at weekends. This attached pic was a Dutch couple who called last week

Have a good trip-think we're going to Slovenia next as would like to call and see the new Adria at the factory en route





Blimey.......if that was the UK it would be packed out with Gypo's! :D


Not sure how far into Slovenia you're going but if anywhere near the North west I can recommend Camping Radovljica N 46.34771° E 14.17236° which i've used a few times. If you do, give my regards to Vesna, the lovely Receptionist there. Just mention "Slovenian firecracker" which will have her laughing. She knows what it's about. ;-)



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I'm pleased I only know you people via an Internet forum as I would not like to meet you in real life. 8-)


There is a lot of venom in you regarding your fellow man. :-(


I think I will restrict myself in future to only logging in to watch your spiteful little spats. It's a pity because I might occasionally have been helpful to someone. :'(

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747 - 2013-07-25 3:56 PM

I think I will restrict myself in future to only logging in to watch your spiteful little spats. It's a pity because I might occasionally have been helpful to someone.


Such a lack of modesty does not become you!

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I have never had an argument with you Tracker but I can see now why some members hate and despise you.


Please engage your brain before operating your mouth and you will get on better with your fellow man.

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747 - 2013-07-25 8:27 PM


I have never had an argument with you Tracker but I can see now why some members hate and despise you.


Please engage your brain before operating your mouth and you will get on better with your fellow man.


I post an innocent bit of banter in response to what I assumed was a bit of banter from you and this is what I get chucked at me.


Is it because I didn't put a smiley - or what - or do you have indigestion - or is the heat making you teasy?


Please preserve us from humourless pomposity and from people just looking for the opportunity to be 'offended'!


Uncalled for vitriol becomes you even less than immodesty (lol)


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BGD - 2013-07-25 12:14 AM
1footinthegrave - 2013-07-24 1:22 PMMy argument is quite simple for those able to be objective about it, everything we do as individuals has an impact on others, so why single out smokers, we're out in the open air with our habit now, and if anyone thinks my rollup fumes competes anywhere near the average vehicle passing by they belong in the loony bin, as for Roy Castle there could NEVER be a proven causal link, Bernard Manning lived to be a fairly ripe age of 77 having spent almost all of his life in the Embassy club which even I would admit resembled a bad fog, he died from renal failure, and of course lung cancer and oral cancers are NOT limited to smokers.
But only a dribbling idiot would still deny that the likelihood of dying early from hideous diseases such as lung cancer, throat cancer. mouth cancer, heart disease etc is not massively increased by constantly breathing in and absorbing through ones mouth throat and lungs the enormously toxic mix of poisonous chemicals contained in cigarette smoke.The argument moved on from "it's not dangerous" decades ago now, as overwhelming scientific evidence proved the habit beyond any shadow of doubt to be hideously dangerous. Any intelligent person recognises that it will most likely KILL YOU. That's very very very dangerous. Really.The only remaining rearguard action argument now is only one of "rights":- it's my right to slowly kill myself through this drug addiction if I want to.That's born out of fear - not fear of dying 'cos no smoker thinks he'll be the one who contracts cancer as a result and then dies slowly in agony as he rots from the inside. It's fear of having to confront the addiction,and actually stop the habit/go through the cold turkey.Smoking is NOT a positive pleasure. Addicts don't don't feel any happier when smoking then non-smokers do all the time. The act of smoking to an addict merely removes the pain of NOT smoking for a short period of time....making him for that short period of time as happy as a non-smoker. Until the effect wears off and the craving awakens once again........and so the need/satisfy/need cycle continues. Classic drug addiction.It's fear of confronting that withdrawal process that makes smokers defend their "right" to continue with their addiction. Every one of them knows it's madness; it's stupid, it costs a fortune and it will in all probability rob them of decades of healthy life into old age. But continuing the habit minute by minute, day by day, blocks out the terror that there might be no more fixes, that the next craving cycle might not be satisfied. It's that fear that, underneath all the bluster and pseudo-rationalising actually drives the excuse of "it's my right".

Well you obviously haven't started smoking again. It must be five or six months since you quit. Well done...an example to us all.

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bob b - 2013-07-25 9:55 PM


Well you obviously haven't started smoking again. It must be five or six months since you quit. Well done...an example to us all.


Well done to anyone successfully quitting.


My son quit just over a year back and thankfully hasn't joined the "anti brigade". I said to him at the time....do it quietly and won't become too over confident. Afraid it's all about "what you've never had you don't miss", so for those who like a ciggie in the morning after breakfast or whatever.....that will be missed.


Strangely there are some people who don't really smoke but enjoy the odd ciggie now 'n then. One guy I used to work with would buy a 20 pack on a Friday when he and his wife went out for a drink, smoked the pack, then none at all until the following weekend! During this tour I met a Dutch couple whose 70 year old husband begged a couple of cigs from me during meals/drinks (I hadn't offered him one as I thought he didn't smoke!). Turned out he was an ex-smoker who could just enjoy the occasional ciggie.


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Guest 1footinthegrave
A pal of mines missus gave up about 30 years ago, always said she'd love a fag in all that time, and promised herself that when or if she reached the age 70, she would go back to them, she did hit 70 and although has not gone back to it big time she does keep a packet to have one when she fancies one, obviously a hanging offence. ;-)
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I read a paper which indicated that the first cigarette of the day does most of the damage health-wise and then the increased risk of further smoking rapidly falls off. So by cutting right back you don't make a big difference to the risk.
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Guest 1footinthegrave
I have a pal who very sadly had oral cancer at the age of 52, the first thing they asked about was his consumption of alcohol, and was he a smoker now or had ever been in the past, he did neither, and never has done, no specific reason was given as to why he had his tumour, so s**t happens to the most clean living folk, there are no guarantees in life, but one thing IS certain, we're all going to snuff it, and the philosophical question being if we have no knowledge of our existence beyond death, what possible difference does your chronological age, or your means of meeting your end make, and then the whole business of trying to lead a blameless life doing all "the right" things would seem to be a pointless exercise.
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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2013-07-26 2:01 PM


Spoken like a true and dedicated sinner Mike!!



:D one things for certain, if I had my time all over again, I'd have sinned a lot more, all that wasted youth eh. ;-) and missed opportunities at the back of the Roxy.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-07-26 4:01 PM


Tracker - 2013-07-26 2:01 PM


Spoken like a true and dedicated sinner Mike!!


one things for certain, if I had my time all over again, I'd have sinned a lot more, all that wasted youth eh. ;-) and missed opportunities at the back of the Roxy.


Oh I don't know about changing much - but life did get easier when I got my first van - it may only have been a mini van but part converted what luxury after a mini cooper!


Just to be able to stop for a cup of tea or coffee whenever I fancied it was great!

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