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Auto trail control unit keeps beeping ?


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The control unit above the habitation door in our auto trail kept beeping the other night we were off electric hook up ,even when I had it on leisure battery it would change to vehicle battery and start beeping .we wondered if it was because we had everything switched off apart from power on button ??and it was just letting us know to switch power off? (Middle of night v annoying) thanks pp
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It may simply need rebooting?


On our last Autotrail I removed the bezel and then the panel and disconnected the multiplug for a few seconds before reconnecting etc.


It might or might not help, but best bet is to describe the issue to Sargents who will quickly be able to diagnose the problem.



OOOPs - sorry Kelly - didn't spot your post before I typed mine!!

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We had it on leisure battery (good) but it kept swopping to vehicle battery and beeping and wouldn't let me swop back to leisure battery as we had nothing using the battery at the time but had left the control unit switched on I wondered if it thought we was leaving it in storage and had left it on leisure and I should switch it off and leave it on vehicle battery .i can't check it at moment cos it's in storage but will see it at weekend and have a faff around thank you all for replies pp. and we don't carry water so tanks always empty (still haven't filled it!!)
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It's warning you that the leisure battery is going below 10.9 volts. The leisure battery readout on the control panel will be 'leisure battery poor' therefore it will start to bleep and switch over to the vehicle battery. It does it to stop the leisure running too low as it can damage it.
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I'd agree with SAS, sounds like your leisure battery level is low, as an aside,What make is it ??

My 2012 Autotrail has an Elecsol, and it does'nt seem to be holding a charge too well. I'm getting it checked at it's First habitation service, at the supplying dealer,as I think it's failing.

You can switch off ALL power draining items with the Switch in the main power/breaker cupboard.


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I think Elecsol is a common make that Autotrail fit from new. They are usually trouble free but there again if a motorhome is left in storage and doesn't have a solar panel fitted it won't take long for things like the alarm system to drain the battery.
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SAS - 2013-07-23 8:15 PM


It's warning you that the leisure battery is going below 10.9 volts. The leisure battery readout on the control panel will be 'leisure battery poor' therefore it will start to bleep and switch over to the vehicle battery. It does it to stop the leisure running too low as it can damage it.


Are you sure about that?


It would seem to be a dangerous ploy to automatically switch a power-supply from a depleted-charge leisure-battery to the vehicle-battery as there'd be the potential to flatten the latter and prevent the vehicle being started.


I can appreciate a system that might automatically switch the power-supply from vehicle-battery to leisure-battery if the former's charge falls below a certain threshold. Sargent's instruction's for their EC400/EC450 systems say this will happen if the vehicle-battery's charge reduces to 10.9 Volts, but (as far as I can see) there doesn't appear to be any advice in the instructions that the system will operate the other way round (ie. if the leisure-battery's charge drops to 10.9V).


(I believe Pampam's vehicle is a 2010 Arapaho model, so there's a good chance it has an Elecsol battery.)

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rolandrat - 2013-07-24 1:41 PM


I think Elecsol is a common make that Autotrail fit from new. They are usually trouble free but there again if a motorhome is left in storage and doesn't have a solar panel fitted it won't take long for things like the alarm system to drain the battery.


Mine has a solar panel as standard, No alarm (everyone ignores them anyway !) and the Elecsol is still losing charge. Not good for a 'new' battery.


talking about 'beeping' does anyone know how to turn off the very noisy 'Seatbelt reminder' beep in the Ducato Cab. It is very annoying when reversing or slowly creeping around a site, a positivley dangerous distraction when trying to concentrate. Ray

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Pampam - 2013-07-25 6:10 PM


The leisure battery said good but vehicle battery said fair will have a mess at weekend thanks again pp


What you said originally was that your motorhome's control-panel was indicating that the 12V power-supply was being swapped from the leisure-battery to the vehicle-battery, and that you could not 'force' the system to reselect the leisure-battery as the power source. (Or that's how I understand your postings.)


If your vehicle-battery's charge was only "Fair" and that battery was being used as the power source, one might reasonably expect a Sargent system to swap the power-supply to the leisure-battery and to prevent the supply being swapped back. That would make logical sense and it's what the Sargent instructions seem to be saying should happen.


If your Auto-Trail's electrical system is swapping the 12V power-supply spontaneously from a well-charged leisure-battery to an only-fairly-charged vehicle-battery (as you've said was occurring), you would appear to have a problem. If it's swapping in the opposite direction, there's a good chance that you have not.


I suggest you carefully read the relevant information in your Auto-Trail's handbook and then check methodically what the control-panel is doing. If you just faff/mess around, with little understanding of what should or can happen, it's unlikely to be productive.

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It sounds as though the problem has been found (battery) but just to add my two penneth, the re-boot option applies when the control panel display flashes and shows gobbledegook information. Instead of dismantling the unit itself, I found the easier solution to be to remove the two large fuses temporarily and then replace them. If the problem persists, clearly something else is wrong and one of the commonest faults is a loose earth connection behind the consumer/charging unit, I had two!
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