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Seat belt reminder. Fiat Ducato.


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Does anyone know how to silence or even just 'tone down' the very noisy seat belt reminder in the Fiat Ducato cab ? I find it very distracting when driving slowly round a site, or reversing.

I am after all, an Adult and a couple of short beebs would do fine to remind me if I forget to put it on.

I am very tempted to do something 'DRASTIC' which I would probably regret. A more measured technical approach would be better. Any ideas ?? And please don't say wear earplugs, the missus would never allow it. (as I wouldn't be able to hear her giving 'essential' instructions !!).


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Never mind the seatbelt - how about the flippin' handbrake warning beeper - used to drive I daft just because although the handbrake was well and truly off the lever was not at it's ultimate lowest point.


Not any more - easily cured - either disconnect the wire from the switch or tape the switch closed!

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Got to say it very rarely annoys me as 'driving slowly round a site' I only usualy do after booking in and just got used to automaticaly putting belt on, and I've never needed to remove a seat belt to reverse. Don't know of any way to disarm it throu the pute. There will proboly be two sensors, one to see if someones in the seat and the other on belt mech, my worry would be disabling either might upset the crash tensioners.

For the handbrake, I've pretty much solved that with the extender now it's dead simple to lower lever right to bottom.

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You need to watch out for the handbrake when getting out of the driver's door toooo - it could inflict a nasty injury if you catch it wrong - even worse when wearing shorts as you can also be left suspended and hung out to dry!
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euroserv - 2013-07-26 4:28 PM


That's an alarming/funny image Rich!


I switched mine off completely because it was doing my head in.


It can only be done using Fiat's Examiner tool or the one we have which is a Technotest Reflex.




It may be a funny image to you Nick, and Dot thought it hilarious too, but it brought a tear to my eye until I unhooked myself!


Could have done with an examiner tool myself to check for software damage!

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Tracker - 2013-07-26 10:38 AM


You need to watch out for the handbrake when getting out of the driver's door toooo - it could inflict a nasty injury if you catch it wrong - even worse when wearing shorts as you can also be left suspended and hung out to dry!


Been there done that. :D


But is was on a Trannie (LHD) we hired in Germany,never had any problems with the X250.

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Sundowner - 2013-07-26 9:26 AM


In my humble opinion, the cheapest and easiest solution is to plug in your seatbelt! ;-)


isn't exactly what i was asking was it ?


looks like DRASTIC is has to be then !


anyone got a translation of 'throu the pute' ??



Also hope that Trackers 'tackle' is now healed.

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Never had a problem with either handbrake or seatbelt warning bleeps. Maybe I just accept that things change, sometimes for the better,, other times just for the sake of it.


The handbrake warning has picked me up on a couple of occasions when the brake was not fully released, but as far as the seatbelt warning is concerned, as previous replies have stated, I just plug the belt in and have got used to that procedure. Oddly enough I do this automatically on the car, although there is no reminder to do so.

Would be interesting to hear further comments about the point of the situation if the warning was 'disabled', as it surely forms part of the vehicle specification.

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Everyone just seems 'to accept things' even though they are very annoying and distracting. I do not.

This is my vehicle, AND my life, if I am stupid enough not to wear a seatbelt when driving then surely that is MY problem, it is NOT a safety issue for anyone else apart from me. Actually I always DO wear a belt, but not when doing slow ,onsite driving.or reversing (as Autotrail's reversing Camera needs 10 minutes before it switches on, I have done the Reversing and and am on my way again before it is any use ! (an exageration, but you know what I mean).

My temporary 'solution' is to make a piece of metal that 'fits into' the seatbelt receiver, to fool the sensor into 'thinking' that the seatbelt IS latched home, that way no 'MOT' sensors are permanently disabled, I object to things being 'forced' on me, 'For my own good' however well intentioned.

My 'nanny' died years ago. and Yes, I have always 'Tilted at Windmills' and knocked a good few down. Ray


RE. Don Quixote of La Mancha.

is 'Throu the pute' Spanish ??

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Rayjsj - 2013-07-27 11:08 AM


Everyone just seems 'to accept things' even though they are very annoying and distracting. I do not.

This is my vehicle, AND my life, if I am stupid enough not to wear a seatbelt when driving then surely that is MY problem, it is NOT a safety issue for anyone else apart from me.


Thats not the way the law sees it, and some might say with good reason, the introduction of seat belt laws have reduced NHS costs by millions. On private land there is no law which says you must wear a seat belt and as you say at low speed it will be of little if any use, but I still don't understand why you need to remove seat belt to reverse.

My new Suzi occasionally makes a 'peep' which I presume is some kind of warning, what the hell for I've no idea, this evening it started going 'ding.ding,...' wondered what was going on then realized gf had got out the car with the 'keys', got to say I'm not that impressed with a keyless system, at least with the old system when you parked and went to get out the car you always knew where to look for the keys,

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colin - 2013-07-27 7:55 PM


Rayjsj - 2013-07-27 11:08 AM


Everyone just seems 'to accept things' even though they are very annoying and distracting. I do not.

This is my vehicle, AND my life, if I am stupid enough not to wear a seatbelt when driving then surely that is MY problem, it is NOT a safety issue for anyone else apart from me.


Thats not the way the law sees it, and some might say with good reason, the introduction of seat belt laws have reduced NHS costs by millions. On private land there is no law which says you must wear a seat belt and as you say at low speed it will be of little if any use, but I still don't understand why you need to remove seat belt to reverse.

My new Suzi occasionally makes a 'peep' which I presume is some kind of warning, what the hell for I've no idea, this evening it started going 'ding.ding,...' wondered what was going on then realized gf had got out the car with the 'keys', got to say I'm not that impressed with a keyless system, at least with the old system when you parked and went to get out the car you always knew where to look for the keys,


half an hour in the shed, problem solved, piece of correct shaped metal with plastic grip. Inserts into Seatbelt receiver, warning gong stops and light goes out. Now I can lean out of the door, while I reverse onto leveling Ramps or drive slowly around the site without the bloody gong driving me mad.

Thanks for the help and advice !!!! (if you want a job doing properly...do it yourself). Ray


Thankyou Colin, I am quite aware of the Law, and I wasn't advocating breaking it. I was asking for help with an annoying problem, I didn't need a lecture, on seatbelt law.

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Good idea, but the missus has banned ear plugs, as she insists on me listening to her 'Essential Instructions' when finding a pitch , such as ' No, 'they' (whoever 'They' are ??) can see into our kitchen on that pitch, that one's in the shade/sun/not facing south, that one's too grassy/stoney/uneven delete as appropriate. What with that and 'You have reached your destination.....Bong', You have unlatched your seatbelt....Alarm,Alarm,Alarm, bong,bong bloody bong ! Alarm, Alarm, you have left the handbrake on one 'Notch' Bing Bong,Bing bloody Bong !! arriving can be a bit chaotic, just looking to calm things down a bit. It's all meant to be PLEASURE isn't it ? Ray



and not forgetting, 'exciting Bit on radio play' Oops, you have left your Radio on for over twenty minutes WITHOUT having the engine running....you 'Stupid Boy' Here, I'll just switch it off for you 'Shall I'

Bloody No ! What do you think God supplied me with a Brain and Free Will for ?? (sorry rant over,Ive taken me 'Medicine'.

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Rayjsj - 2013-07-27 9:55 PM



half an hour in the shed, problem solved, piece of correct shaped metal with plastic grip. Inserts into Seatbelt receiver, warning gong stops and light goes out. Now I can lean out of the door, while I reverse onto leveling Ramps


Now I'm upset ;-)


I've just reversed onto the drive at the 'old house', and it's only now occurred to me that my van doesn't bleep if reversing with no seatbelt on, what have I done thats upset the H&S peeps so much they don't care if I should die in some freak accident whilst reversing? :-S


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Rayjsj - 2013-07-27 9:55 PM......................half an hour in the shed, problem solved, piece of correct shaped metal with plastic grip. Inserts into Seatbelt receiver, warning gong stops and light goes out. ..................

If at some time you discover you have forgotten your belt plug, try the other method. Plug the buckle into the reciever first, and then sit on the belt. Both sensors will be satisfied, and no warning should result.

PS, it doesn't require any work in the shed, either! :-D

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This is what to do on a jag, there must be a similar fiat fix.



Disabling Seatbelt Minder Function [beltminder]


Although not advisable, it is possible to disable the seat belt minder function as follows:


Note: This complete procedure must be completed within 60 seconds of the ignition being switched on.


1.) With the front passenger seat unoccupied, turn on the ignition but do not start the engine.

2.) Buckle the driver's seat belt and ensure that the warning light is extinguished.

3.) Now unbuckle the driver's seat belt and wait until the warning light comes on.

4.) Repeat steps 3 and 3 eight more times.

5.) As the seat belt is unbuckled for the ninth time, a single chime will sound acknowledging that the seat belt minder has been disabled.


If the steps above are repeated, the seat belt minder function will be reinstated. If a heavy object is placed on the front passenger seat it may activate the Beltminder feature. It is recommended that the object be placed in the luggage compartment.


Note: No acknowledgement chime received on 2009 XF

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