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Some Sat Nav info for you if you want it

Mel B

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My husband has found some interesting sites on Sat Nav POIs and general info which some of you may be interested in: Points of Interest for your sat nav - This is for people using tom tom software - loads of POI's including aires, platz etc etc. This site is free to register but downloads only seem to work in internet explorer. http://poiplace.oabsoftware.nl One for Germany - tested and works, for Tomtom, Navigation Navigon etc. http://reisemobil.re.funpic.de/navi.html And one for French Aries, again tested this year and works well. http://www.campingcar-infos.com/Poi/Aires_services.ov2 Also, a few good programs for getting the most out of you sat nav here http://rjdavies.users.btopenworld.com/html/programs.html If you need help using these files- YELL and I'll ask him to explain!
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  • 2 weeks later...

An excellent piece of software is POI Edit which is available from www.poiedit.com.  It's FREE once you click on the sponsored link but please make a donation via PayPal if you like it.  We aren't talking Microsoft or Adobe here just a guy helping us out.

I've used the software for a few years and it's great.  It essentially looks at POI web sites (some you have to register with) and you can select which POIs you want from which site.  You then tell it which folder on your PDA you want to save them to.

For instance, you could ask for the 'All French supermarkets' POI to be saved to your PDA's French map folder and the 'Motorhome Parking in Germany' POI to be saved in your German map folder . . . . I think you get the idea.

The brilliant thing is that once you've set it up all you need to do to update your selected POIs is:-

1.  Connect your PDA in it's docking station which connected to your PC.

2.  Start the POIEdit software.

3.  Click [F9] Update now.

This will now automatically search your selected POI web sites and download any updates to your previously selected POIs and update the POIs on your PDA in the appropriate country's folder - doddle.

Image, you're going off to France for the weekend and maybe nip over to Belgium for some chocolate!!

You dock your PDA, launch the software, update your POIs automatically and cross the channel with the very latest up-to-the-minute POIs.  Completely hassle free.

Of course, there are also stacks and stacks of POIs for the UK as well which you would setup for your 'Great Britain' folder.

Go check it out . . . . you'll be glad you did.

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Yes, that is a bit of a problem and should have been able to sort out if there was a section on 'avoids' maybe width or height restrictions.  Must be hell with a large motorhome.

We aren't due to buy a motorhome until next Spring but I've used TTN extensively in my car both here and abroad.

Apart from one hairy bit where it tried to take us over a ravine via a narrow walkway!! I have to say TTN is a nice and very useful bit of kit.

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