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Hartal Habitation Door central locking failure


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The Hartal door on my Swift Bolero 680FB (2009) has failed again, the wiring that passes from the interior through the bottom corner of the door has broken disabling the central locking function, this happened previously after about 2 years, then the problem was fixed by a dealer who spliced the broken wiring and it has lasted a similar period of time. In addition this time after a couple of days of locking the door manually the lock system became disconnected and I had to resort to entry via the cab doors. On return from my last trip I contacted a local coachbuilder who has repaired the broken lock, one of the rods had become disconnected and repaired the wiring, making what I think is a much more sensible approach to the problem. The original wiring that enters via the bottom right of the door snaps and there is little or no slack to reconnect or splice a new piece of cable to (especially if it has already been done before), the door is foam filled and the cable is siliconed at both ends making withdrawal of the cable impossible. To avoid a repeat of this failure it was decided to enter the door with new cable at a position higher up and utilising a reinforced plastic tube to eliminate the wires breaking again a neat and practical solution to the problem has been reached. PM me if you would like to access photos showing the finished result. Anyone who has suffered a similar fault and wishes to contact the person who fixed mine should call Jason (07947657828) he is in North Kent, but is mobile so covers a wide area.
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My Autosleeper has a set of contacts in the door frame and a set in the door, these mate and make contact for the door to lock. Have a look at an Autosleeper and see if you could adapt/copy their approach. There are of course No wires to bend or break. I guess other makes have a similar wireless approach, but I do not know which so my comments/advice can only be how my motorhome works.



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  • 1 year later...

Very old post I know :)


But.. Just had exactly the same thing happen on my 2009 Swift. Not sure if you are still around on the forum Alan but if you are would be good if you could let me have the photos you mentioned as I wanted to work out how to go about fixing this.


Alternatively any other suggestions / solutions gratefully received

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Welcome to the Ou&AboutLive forums, Huw.


Alan’s last forum logon was in October 2014. It’s reasonable to assume, then, that he is no longer an active forum member and unlikely to react to your inquiry. Similarly, trying to contact him via the forum’s PM facility is likely to be unproductive.


However, Alan did provide an e-mail address that may still be valid and monitored by him. This is probably your best bet to contact Alan regarding the photos.



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