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Chassis upgrade to 3850Kg


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Does anybody know how to, or even where to go to get a Fiat ducato maxi cassis long upgraded from 3500kg MTPLM up to 3850Kg MTPLM. I realise all the implications, i.e. speed restrictions, servicing, drivers licenses etc, but with two growing up kids and the ever growing amount of stuff we seam to drag along we are getting right up to the limit and I am not happy with it. Try as I might to take it out they always manage to sneak it back in! I have checked with my insurance company and there is no premium increase for it but can't recommend anyone. I remember seeing an article about it a while ago in MMM but can't find it, I think I recall that depending on the chassis, you may even be able to do it as a paper excercise. However if I need to do some engineering work, I live in the yorkshire area so don't really want to travel to far. Thanks for any information. (!)
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 Its not as simple as getting a new sticker saying 3850kg, your rear suspension will also have to be upgrade to take the extra weight. You will need to check if your van is a 3850kg chassis that has been downgraded to keep withing the licencing laws or it is a 3500kg chassis to start with. The main dealers ie Fiat etc can help you with that.

It may be cheaper to tow a trailer

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Been there, done that! You don't necessarily need to have the suspension altered, we took ours from 3500 to 3850 just with a new sticker. SvTech are indeed the people to advise and do it for you, 01772 621800 and www.svtech.co.uk They will look up your chassis number and tell you what you can and can't do. It depends on what the front and back axle currently add up to - have a look at the current plate. We could have gone to 4000 if we had uprated the back axle. It cost £235 and it was all done by post. That was the easy bit! Actually the next bit should be easy too, you take all the documents to the DVLA and retax it as a Private HGV (cheaper!). Our difficulties came when the woman at Lincoln didn't know how to do it and point blank denied it was possible. We went to Peterborough instead and it happened there and then. I could go into reams and reams of step by step, if you need to know any more let me know. Good luck
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Re, Does anybody know how to, or even where to go to get a Fiat Ducato maxi cassis long upgraded from 3500kg MTPLM up to 3850Kg MTPLM. If your van is a 3850kg chassis that has been downgraded to keep within the licensing laws check the constructors plate if it 3850kg, Just take a photo of the plate also an advising brochure of the camper van and photo copy and all the documents to the local DVLA and ask for it to be changed class a Private HGV (cheaper! now ). This is what I did to change our 3850kg. Mirage from 3500kg. the only cost was the £5 extra tax duty . If your manufactures plate states 3500kg than that's a different scenario. (One of our club members has had his mirage van plated at 4100kg.!!) Regards Mike
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My Laika was upgraded from 3500 to 3850 by SvTech tel 01772 621800.Cost £295 total last year,not cheap but now I have piece of mind.Because of the limited capacity of the rear axle I removed the spare from the extreme rear end & fixed it behind the passenger seat.The weight of the spare was 28kl but calculated at approx 41 kl on the axle because of the long overhang.Everything heavy where possible is stowed forward where there is bags of spare weight capacity on the front axle.I now have about 50 kl to spare on the rear axle even with half a tank of water.No alterations were necessary to the vehicle itself,I just had to furnish SvTech with info about the existing axle type & brakes & chassis on this vehicle.Best of luck. (lol) ;-)
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[QUOTE]w1ntersun - 2006-08-12 12:32 PM Hi,

 Its not as simple as getting a new sticker saying 3850kg, your rear suspension will also have to be upgrade to take the extra weight. You will need to check if your van is a 3850kg chassis that has been downgraded to keep withing the licencing laws or it is a 3500kg chassis to start with. The main dealers ie Fiat etc can help you with that.

It may be cheaper to tow a trailer


You should also check what wheels, and more especially tyres, are fitted, and verify that they, and the tyre pressures, are suitable for the new, higher, loadings.  Don't forget the spare!

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