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calais to nice


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Booked the ferry and thats it ! Arrive in Calais on the 2nd september and plan to head to Nice, then on to Barcelona travelling back via Bilbao on the 21st september. We have booked no campsites and so far planned no route, we do not plan to book campsites as we are going to play it by ear. We could do with some help with the route as we are undersided which route to take suitibale for a 8 meter motorhome. I do fancy going through the rhone-alps but wonder about the roads? YES maybe i little cry for help but we are going anyway.
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Hi cmac, I always thought that Nice was near Italy, not Spain :-D :-D BTW I suppose you realise that the tour you propose is around 2300 miles, a long way to go in less than 3 weeks. Are you catching the Ferry back from Bilbao? If you are then the journey drive mileage would be a bit less. B-) B-) Phil.
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Firstly France is very motorhome friendly and you should have no problems finding stopovers. Have a look at the aire de services. All the major routes are first class you do not need to use Motorways, stick to the n routes. France is such a huge and diverse country, you need to think what you would like to do/see. If you get the chance drive over the millau bridge 750 metres above sea level.
At that time of year don't bother with Spain, Spain is best in Winter.
Good luck

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Hi looked at the Milau bridge but we plan to go via via Lyon/Grenoble through the Alps into Nice. My main concern was Driving conditions for a 8m motorhome. We have booked the ferry back from Bilboa and i really fancy Barcelona. Options will be left open day to day all I need is to be pointed in the right direction when i get of the ferry at Calias. I'm limited to the time of year i can travel due to work commitments.
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Guest starspirit
Word on the street is that Barcelona is the mugging and purse theft capital of Europe and that the AP7 in Spain and the A9 in France are the robbery hot spots of Europe. So that is one route we sure ain't taking!
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