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Selling private reg No ?


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You can sell them through a number of organisations simultaneously ie you don't need to stick with just one. The valuations you receive will differ widely and these numbers rarely go for the amount advertised.


When I had mine up for sale the highest advertised price was £3500 with £2300 for me and the rest for the company although they did the paperwork and paid the DVLA transfer fees.


In reality the highest price I was offered was £1200 (buyers knock the price down) so in the end I decided to keep it. Not bad as I got it for nothing but I will sell it one day.

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That's interesting stalwart.

I purchased the 13 plate Xmas, then my wife was supposed to down size. She now doesn't like to part with her car!!!

I purchased CA13OLE. it looks good.

Looked at eBay, but I'm not keen on that. So will look into several company's.



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There a harmless bit of fun. Loads cost a few pounds upto the sky is the limit. With me it started with my medical company and chose a reg plate, which brings a smile to those of my customers.

This last one I purchased and then to follow with a new car for the wife, when she test drove 3 cars, she wanted to keep her low mileage first class condition car. So today I'm purchasing another present. You've guessed it a non age related plate. Her first and last.

I'm sure she will like it

1 DOG !!!!


Just kidding, she won't even see this post.

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vindiboy - 2013-08-23 12:02 AM


I have never understood peoples need to have  these number plates , and yes I could well afford one if I wanted one.but that is just me.


Yes I think it is. People can spend their money on what they like. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean everyone thinks the same. For some people they can be an investment that is far better than the 1% or so you receive from savings accounts.


As I said mine was inherited from a previous vehicle and it cost nothing.

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Why ?


Vanity, a laugh, or a brain teaser for some.


Ours is M155 OME on the m/home.


I could / should have purchased MII OME when I had the chance. A well placed "sticky Bumble bee" could have made it MI HOME .


The most obscure one I have read about was a Star Trek fan, that had managed to work in the the name the Borge used for Captain Picard when he was "Borge-ed" or simulated..


Still watch if only to see" 7 of 9 "in her cat suit :D



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My brother in law has a plate with ALF in it and looking in the Mail they had a advert for reg numbers, One was £6300 with ALF in the plate . He sent off his one and they offered £260. He tells me it has cost him £25 a year to keep the number (he no longer drives).
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On our levoyageur 8 series, we have reg no L8 VOY. We did have L7VOY on our Fiat 500.


Both didn't cost a lot.


On my medical van I have DL 57. SOS


And on my minibus. DL 61 BUS.


Boys and his toys.


When my wife wanted one, I suggested she change her name by deed pole to the same as her car. Lol



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Like them or not it's all a matter of choice.  I have D8ONA (Daytona) on a Triumph m'cycle.  I enquired of Elite registrations if they could supply it and they said yes for £2500!!!!!  Fortunately the interwebby thing opened up the possibility to buy direct from DVLA and I now own it for the princely sum of £300........now that's what I call an investment.  Considering Triumph continue to use the Daytona name I am hopeful of a nice return on my investment when I decide to sell it.


As to the OP you don't have to use a 'private reg' company.  You can sell privately, cut out the middle man and make more profit.  It's all done through DVLA....simples.


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I too went the DVLA route. I thought up the combination I wanted then asked DVLA if I could buy it as it hadn't ever been issued. No, they said, they would issue it however and put it into one of their auctions and notify me at that time.


Two and a half years later I got a letter (before emails) and had to attend the auction to bid for it.


Luckily my choice was for a personal-to-me plate rather than a vehicle so there were no other bidders.




and the strictly legal version...




Probably not much of an investment but I've been very happy to have it displayed for the last 12/13 years. :-)

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I got stopped by a community police officer for having an obscene number plate on my bike, it ended in KOF and had a 4 at the beginning. Quite legal though. *-)

Seriously I put a cherished number on my car as a friend had their's cloned and picked up loads of speeding and parking fines. She even saw the car with the same plates on coming the other way, but the police weren't interested.

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I've toyed with the idea of getting one for our motorhomes now again, but have never really found anything that I fancied, however I did have a 'cherished number' for one of the Fiat 126s that we had which hubby spotted on one of the Fiat forums that someone had on his Renault and thought someone might be interested which we were and we got it, including transfer for £150. The reg was: F126 TOT and the car was known as Totty!!!


It actually was a good 'investment' as a friend of ours into Fiat 126s had a rare cabriolet version and desperately wanted the reg for it, so when we came to sell the car he bought it and transferred to number to his little 'totty' and his son had 'our' Fiat as his daily transport. It actually added about £400 in value to our Fiat! :-D

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