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Actually “One Foot” I agree with much of what you say, perhaps you miss-read or were being selective, as for the other “ilk’s I know not their views. (lol)


Speaking from some authority [i was a town councillor way back long ago].


We did not target motorhomes, they unfortunately fell into that troublesome oversize group i.e. Lorries, large trade vans and the other unmentionable group [unmentionable because it will cause a massive input here] etc. Other than motorhome/caravan/holidaymaker only signs, that would have been ignored, well you get the drift.


We did for a while manage to accommodate Motorhomes, taking note of their continued request for short stops, shopping etc. and assurances that there would be no abuse. Guess where that got us. I remember with a chuckle one family who spent a week in the allocated car-park occupying 4 spaces and locking the toilets from the inside for hours on end.


No, we gave limited consideration to the “business” prospects of the nearby campsites. Their concern is largely a myth, they know their client group. *-)


Will I ever join the “moaners club” ? All those near and dear have instructions to kill me at the first signs :-D



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Guest 1footinthegrave
Clamper - 2013-08-23 1:50 PM


Actually “One Foot” I agree with much of what you say, perhaps you miss-read or were being selective, as for the other “ilk’s I know not their views. (lol)


Speaking from some authority [i was a town councillor way back long ago].


We did not target motorhomes, they unfortunately fell into that troublesome oversize group i.e. Lorries, large trade vans and the other unmentionable group [unmentionable because it will cause a massive input here] etc. Other than motorhome/caravan/holidaymaker only signs, that would have been ignored, well you get the drift.


We did for a while manage to accommodate Motorhomes, taking note of their continued request for short stops, shopping etc. and assurances that there would be no abuse. Guess where that got us. I remember with a chuckle one family who spent a week in the allocated car-park occupying 4 spaces and locking the toilets from the inside for hours on end.


No, we gave limited consideration to the “business” prospects of the nearby campsites. Their concern is largely a myth, they know their client group. *-)


Will I ever join the “moaners club” ? All those near and dear have instructions to kill me at the first signs :-D




With respect when do people who have a genuine concerns that they try to address become moaners, yes I complain on open forums such as this as a way of hopefully galvanising others into action as well, you know the old saying united we stand, divided we fall.


I do take your point about selfish m/home users, but let's not forget this is reflected in wider society, we regularly have car visiting folk quite happy to discard their takeaway crap, and use the bushes for a toilet, and yet it's always us that get the kickings, one only has to look at the state of UK roadside verges to show it's endemic in the UK now, opps sorry moaning again ;-)

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Once again I am entertained by the posts on this forum.


Can you remember that sketch from the 60's with John Cleese and the 2 Ronnies. I will paraphrase some of it for you.


"I look down on him because he motorhomes in the UK" but "I look up to him because he motorhomes in Europe".


:D :D :D


I motorhome in the UK and I don't see Europe as the pinnacle of adventure (even when you include Morocco, which is Africa). This is because I have been to much wilder and exotic places than Europe but I would never use that fact to try and get a point over on a fellow motorhomer.


A minority on here certainly do need to get a life. *-)

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"When and where are you heading down to Spain, I am here now and will be for a few months yet, I will buy you a long cool beer and save you the best pitch possible. Together we can change the World and sort out Cornwall."



Well Mental, I take it that you will not be taking me up on my genuine offer.


I am both mortified and devastated but with the help of a glass or two of from the bottle of the best Tuscany wine we were saving [we were/are all down here thinking of you and your love of Italy] I will get over it.



(lol) (lol) (lol) ;-)



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Guest 1footinthegrave
747 - 2013-08-23 6:20 PM


Once again I am entertained by the posts on this forum.


Can you remember that sketch from the 60's with John Cleese and the 2 Ronnies. I will paraphrase some of it for you.


"I look down on him because he motorhomes in the UK" but "I look up to him because he motorhomes in Europe".


:D :D :D


I motorhome in the UK and I don't see Europe as the pinnacle of adventure (even when you include Morocco, which is Africa). This is because I have been to much wilder and exotic places than Europe *-)


Probably like many others on here, when you did your National service. and NO ONE is saying Europe is the pinnacle of adventure, just a more relaxed and largely free of petty mindedness as a destination compared to the uK, and to deny that simple FACT is to say the world is flat ;-)


and once again comments from a user who has obviously not been due to your more exotic destinations experience, yes right ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
1footinthegrave - 2013-08-23 7:52 PM


and to deny that simple FACT is to say the world is flat ;-)


What do you mean its not flat?? 8-)..............I know there's some lumpy bits ;-).................but you imply there's an edge 8-)..................where I might fall off?? :-S................I'm not staying here with you sooth sayers :'(...............I'm running back to Chattterbox where the world is normal >:-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
sean.clarke - 2013-08-23 8:59 PM


Kind of regret posting it now, just wanted to warn others and maybe avert them getting a fine.....




Your motives were entirely honourable I'm sure, but given that most council jobsworths don't start until around 8 or 9 am it's hard to see how they'll enforce it anyway if folk bugger off before then.


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Tracker - 2013-08-22 8:31 PM


colin - 2013-08-22 8:08 PM


As you are retired, what the hell are you doing going away on a bank holiday weekend?



As the saying goes Colin - because we can!!


Last minute decision, well 3 pm today - decided to go to a MCC weekend meet by the Thames near Kingston on Thames tomorrow for a day or three - may go on elsewhere next week - may come back - no rush as we are not away to the Alpes for almost two weeks!


Good innit (lol)


We go away on bank holidays to make sure we get the maximum value from the free night vouchers we get from using our Caravan Club credit card!


Actually the truth of the matter is we plan and book six trips of between three and five weeks each every year and we simply don't even bother to take into account wether they include bank holidays or not. August we don't book any leaving ourselves free to look after the kids houses and animals while they go away on holiday.


We're presently staying in youngest sons house overlooking one of the lakes in Milton Keyns and I'm drinking his 18 year old malt.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-08-23 7:52 PM


747 - 2013-08-23 6:20 PM


Once again I am entertained by the posts on this forum.


Can you remember that sketch from the 60's with John Cleese and the 2 Ronnies. I will paraphrase some of it for you.


"I look down on him because he motorhomes in the UK" but "I look up to him because he motorhomes in Europe".


:D :D :D


I motorhome in the UK and I don't see Europe as the pinnacle of adventure (even when you include Morocco, which is Africa). This is because I have been to much wilder and exotic places than Europe *-)


Probably like many others on here, when you did your National service. and NO ONE is saying Europe is the pinnacle of adventure, just a more relaxed and largely free of petty mindedness as a destination compared to the uK, and to deny that simple FACT is to say the world is flat ;-)


and once again comments from a user who has obviously not been due to your more exotic destinations experience, yes right ;-)


Too young for National Service I am afraid. I am just a young whippersnapper of 66. :D


You don't have to tell me about the sad state of the UK, I am a wildcamper remember. I do apologise for using bad language on this forum as it upsets certain members. I just get on with it and at times try to educate officialdom where possible. In fact I have organised a Meet for members of another forum on a Council owned Country Park in a lovely area of Northumberland. So you see, you can chip away at bureaucracy. ;-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Well all power to your elbow, too many just roll over and give up, as they say don't let the barstuards gring you down. ;-)
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Clamper - 2013-08-23 6:36 PM................I am both mortified and devastated but with the help of a glass or two of from the bottle of the best Tuscany wine we were saving [we were/are all down here thinking of you and your love of Italy] I will get over it. (lol) (lol) (lol) ;-)

Unfortunately, you posted at a bad time. This forum has fallen victim to a number of highly irritating and destructive trolls, and their ensuing bombastic spats, over the past few months.


When I first read your post I too thought it was the work of yet another, simply trying to provoke inflamed responses. First the title, then the lack of immediately apparent humour, from an apparently new member, suggested to me that the underlying intention was to provoke a "fight". A subtler, "silver tongued" troll, I thought, but a troll nevertheless. So, I merely passed on. Sadly, the almost inevitable spat followed.


I think you were probably just a bit too subtle with the irony, and some of your respondents possibly just a bit "trolled-out".

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Thanks for that Brian, you are quite right of course and there was honestly no offence intended by myself.


I did not give the title much thought, perhaps living with a 24yr old daughter who reminds me that I should be looking for one [life that is] now and then goes some way to explain :-S


I have never really thought about the punctuation graffiti but will in future (lol) (lol) (lol)


What did knock me back somewhat was the serious abuse and language in the immediate replies. I will in future take a little more notice of the "pen names". ;-) ;-) ;-)


I will if I may continue to referrer to my new friend as "Mental" B-) and am more than happy to be called "Clam" :-) .


Anyway, I can pass-on that it is more than a touch warm down here in Andalusia, even at this time in the evening [19.10] :-S


XXX (lol)

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