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buying a new motorhome


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Hi everyone, we are back to motorhoming after a 5 year break. We have done our research and know what we want (or we think we do!!) Anyway we are ready to order our 2014 model now, but have asked the manufacturer if there are any offers at the NEC as last year they gave away an awning a rear camera and a bike rack ,all things I want to add to ours. The manufacturers are saying these offers were by the dealers and not themselves but as every dealer did the same deal I dont beleive them.Sadly the company are only available by e-mail so I will have to wait another couple of days before they can be bothered to answer.What do you think about possible deals.As of now I dont want to name the manufacturer but I am so anoyed I cant speak to someone on the phone!! AGHHH!!!!! >:-( >:-(
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If you are frustrated by lack of communication 'before' purchase do you really want to buy their product in the first place?  They might be telling the truth regarding the 'incentives' being 'dealer offers' because if one starts with an offer the others will most likely follow suit to make sure they are not at a disadvantage to the other dealer/dealers offering incentives.


I would think it is a rarity to actually communicate directly with the manufacturer simply because of the fact that they are (presumably) not in the 'retail' business and don't have the infrastructure to handle (amongst a myriad of other things) individual customers enquiries.  That is why there are 'dealerships'.  It really is the attitude/competence of the dealership that you should be considering.....are they pushy, honest, have a good relationship with the manufacturer, good reputation.... (forums are a good place to ask/research this aspect), how do they handle warranty claims etc etc.


Whatever you decide...good luck.


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Thanks Stalwart,your points are very good . I do get frustrated buy any company that wont 'talk' to me. I think I,m getting grumpy over nothing really .I think I will just be patient and wait for NEC. Thanks
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Guest JudgeMental
Roger spot on..you need to play one retailer/dealer off against the other until you get a deal you are happy with. Might mean a bit of hard negotiating and leg work but don't see why you should have to wait for a show.....
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