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Repair or get rid...?


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Mornin' all..


This is probably just a "thinking out loud" ramble as much as anything..and it's not a MH specific query but it is concerning our Hiace "camping-van"... ;-)


Right, here goes...We bought this cheapish high mileage(high as in,200k high!) 2001 Hiace van about a year back, with the intension of using it a "trial" to see how we'd get on with reverting back to a more basic style of "camping" (..fitted a simple removable slide-out bed frame and brought our old camping kit back into use)...


Now,the idea (and the van itself)has gone really well....


However.... it has recently developed a whine(howl!)from the rear diff and now needs some money spending on it..

Our usual mechanic,who runs his own little garage, reckons that it'll be an *expensive job and it isn't really worth spending the time & money on it and that we should probably just get rid..


(..*he reckons £650+ for the outsourced recon diff, plus his time, plus what ever else needs doing while he's underneath it..He "guesstimates" £1200-1500!! 8-) )


Now although I agree at those figures proceeding doesn't make any sense, but as he also dismissed the idea of me sourcing a second-hand, lower mileage diff, I can't help but think that he maybe just doesn't want to get involved with it......



Another thing, in the **short term, we're unsure about what we'd replace it with.?


We did consider the Vivaros/Traffics but internet forums seem full of horror stories of early/expensive gearbox failures!?

(..**long term, I'd like to get rid of the MH and have a simple demountable..but the OH thinks we should end up with a VW sized "campervan").


Of the limited Hiace forums that I've come across and owners I've spoken to, most seem to reckon that I should get it fixed!?..


I just wondered if anyone with experience of working "in the trade" could offer any advice/thoughts...?



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Hi Eddie...

We've had quite a few quotes from these breakers/parts finders type sites..and some seemed very reasonable and made the job seem like a goer..It's just that "our" mechanic even dismissed that option....


I think we'll just do a little more searching to see if we can source a local mechanic who'd take it on,at a reasonable rate(..a "mate of a mate", who wants a "foreigner" ? ;-) )


If that fails, then we will just flog it "spares or repair"...


I agree that running two "vans" doesn't make that much sense.. but this wasn't really meant to be a long term option...just a trial run for a season or two... ;-)


(..and with it's removable bed and cabinets, the Hiace has been invaluable for fetching logs for the woodburner/taking stuff to the tip and helping my daughter(s) move..).

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JudgeMental - 2013-09-11 12:24 PM


I can do all that with my panel van :D


Not as easily, and with more risk of damage. I could remove the bed from my T4 and could easily carry 24 bags of manure from our neighbour's riding school. Problem was getting rid of the flies after *-)


It's one thing getting body parts from a scrappers or something like a starter motor. I'd worry about spending money on fitting a replacement diff unless I was sure it was OK. I think the issue is how much it would cost you to buy the equivalent and whether that might be developing problems. At least you know what yours is like.

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Muswell - 2013-09-11 12:51 PM

... I'd worry about spending money on fitting a replacement diff unless I was sure it was OK. I think the issue is how much it would cost you to buy the equivalent and whether that might be developing problems. At least you know what yours is like.


I think if we had owned it for umpteen years,during which time we had replaced timing belt(s) ,clutch(es), dampers, various/numerous suspension bushes etc, then it would make a lot more sense to get it fixed.


..and although it seems a pity and a waste to just get rid, at 200K and after only 10-11 months ownership, we have no real idea of what may fail next(not that anybody ever does of cause)..but once we do start throwing money at it,we may find ourselves in danger of chasing our tails.... :-S


See!..now I've switching back to the idea of getting rid of it.... (lol)

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