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Dog Charges


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Just spent 2 weeks touring Scotland and had a wonderful time,stayed at 8 sites in total and was amazed to find when i mentioned when booking in 2 adults oh and 2 dogs they all looked at me strange and said

we don't charge for dogs,I Think some of the sites i have stayed at in England & Wales should take a page out of the Scottish sites after all if you are a dog owner you would clean up after your dog so what is the charge for dogs for ???

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We too would like to know why they charge for dogs, we stayed at a number of sites over here in France this summer, on a six week tour. The highest charge was 3.80 euro per dog a day, I challenged the owners as to why, and they couldn't answer, or wouldn't, I can only assume it is a money maker, I will say that they did drop the charge to one dog per night instead of three, so it seems even in France there are bargains of buy one, get two free.Another reason to use Aires for us.
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We have two chihuahuas, I think we should pay half price! Lol on a serious note, if there's no dedicated dog walks why should they charge?


In fact one site we stayed at with an excellent dog exercise field, complete with doggy bag dispenser and disposal point didn't charge for dogs.


I have noticed a few people travelling with cats and even once with a tortoise, I wonder if they charge for them?

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Guest searchforsites
If they don't ask at reception when we check in or depart, we don't tell them we have dogs and have never been challenged over it. The highest charge I have seen is a whopping 8€ obviously priced to prevent dog owners staying but not appearing as a site the bans dogs.
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zak2442 - 2013-09-12 9:43 PM


... after all if you are a dog owner you would clean up after your dog so what is the charge for dogs for ???


(lol) ...So... which district of Utopia, do you live in then Zak?... :D


As *searchfor' says, of the 'site owners that charge, maybe they just don't really want your dogs on their 'sites? .


Site owners can and do charge for al sorts of different things,(price per head, awnings, canopies etc).

If their pricing structure isn't to your liking, just go elsewhere. *-)


(* Interesting to see mention of an "8€" charge..So thankfully,NO cries of "Rip off Britain" on this occasion then ;-) )

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I've paid 1eur a nt when pushed but on principle I wont stay if they charge for the dogs, we also have 2 chihuahua,s, I think as has been said its because they don't really want dogs that is why they charge they higher amount.

The best facilities Ive seen were at a Stal Kintzingen in Germany it cost 10euro a night there was toilets and outside a dog shower (lol) it had a big raised basin and a hand shower !! you might of paid 1 ero for the use of!! we didn't !! :-D


We did call at a site in Wales just last week where they charged for the dogs :-D needless to stay we turned around !! and it would have cost us £32 per night for us with electric..


Going through Luxembourg ALL the camping sites we tried charged for dogs!! We carried on!! its a ripoff.

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There was a pevious thread about this , I don't agree with Charges for Dogs UNLESS a service for the Dog is provided, If a site owner states he charges for dogs, I ask what is my dog getting for her money ? if he can't or won't answer, I phone /go to a differant site. And as previous, unless he 'states' it specifically to me that he charges for dogs, then I don't tell him/her that i have any. (2 labradors actually).

The worst one I went to (at my daughters request) was one at St Ives in Cornwall, where the charge was £3 per dog per night !! daylight robbery ! I would never darken their site again. If they don't want Dogs, then they should SAY SO. Not try it on by overcharging. Ray

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zak2442 - 2013-09-15 8:21 PM


Sorry pepe could you let us all know the name of the campsite you own.


I probably own the same amount of campsites, as the 99.9% of dog owning MHing/ caravanning, "Rip off" shouting public....zilch! (lol)

(.. I although I wasn't aware that one was required to own a site, in order to respond to topic that had been posted on an open forum.."sorry".. ;-) )...


Although, if you've seen something contained in my post that is incorrect (Re:Different sites, charge for different things,if they don't suit,go elsewhere..),then please, feel free to point it out to me.... ;-)



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Several years back i dropped one person right in it, so to speak ..........................LOL

We was on a site in Wales and the van on the next pitch to us ( self build ) had 4 dogs with them and they were constantly coming on to our pitch.

I asked him a couple of times to stop them coming onto our pitch and *issing and *hitting all over but he just found it funny especially when i said they should be on leads.

I went to reception and complained about the dogs on the pitch next to us and when they checked they said that they had booked in as 2 adults, 0 children and 0 dogs.

I made sure i was stood on the pitch as the reception staff came down and checked and found the 4 dogs in the van,

I felt enormous pleasure when i saw the look on his face and when i announced it was ME that had told the office.


Happy days.

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Muswell - 2013-09-22 9:39 AMIs that the same Caravan Club that is a rip-off run by sergeant-major types? :-D

YEs and the dog charge is included in the per night fee as well as Electricity so even if you a) don't have a dog or b) do not need electricity............................, Why not a charge for dogs, nasty noisy dirty things, and the way some owners treat their wolves you would think they gave birth to them and no one complains about charges for children.


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Double post ! and to Retread 24800, when children are charged for there are usually facilities provided for them, Showers,toilets, sometimes even Play equipment. When Dogs are charged for there is often NOTHING provided except stern warnings that they are admitted under sufferance. Our Dogs ARE part of our Family group, more so than any 'strangers' children are to us. I come across far more Rowdy,Rude, Dirty (dropping litter everywhere)and NOISY children than I do Dogs. And I have experience of Children of my own also. Dog Charges are fine,provided facilities are provided for them. Ray
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