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roof concertina blinds


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Hi all, Does anyone know where we can find a foreward roof vent blue concertina blind for a Hymer 534 .2002. we urgently need to replace the whole vent, we can find the vent from Hymer U.K who have tried really hard to find a blue one. However, they were changed to grey and we are well and truly up creek minus large paddle. Any help would be much appreciated. he tried Germany, Newcasle etc.etc!!! Does this contravene the rules of this forum? do so hope not. You are our last resort! Regards Henry (lol)
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I would suggest you e-mail Hymer Germany directly, quoting its unique Hymer vehicle identification number, and asking them what spares are available.

My own experience is limited to Burstner, but they are part of the Hymer group and do respond to direct approaches in English, albeit the reply gets sent via Burstner UK.  Burstner's have a "WBU" number that is their unique identifier.  I would hope the parent company is as good as its subsidiary in maintaining stocks of spares!

Hope this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for the response and my apologies for my very slow and poor response. We tried emailing Germany and they asked us very politely, to talk to Hymer UK. They cannot help. Hymer changed there entire roof vent system and carry no spares for a 2002 vehicle such as ours! We have had to order a replacement with a different colour blind. We shall see what arrives. Thanks for your help. Henry
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Well, that is rather disappointing.  Only 4 years old and the right spare not available!  Still, I suppose the vent is at least available, albeit wrong colour.  I wonder if the ones as you had caused a problem, and that has led to their withdrawl?

However, glad you're sorted, even if it won't quite match!

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Hi,Brian, Well the vent is not exactly available, they changed the design totally, or so we are led to believe by an exeedingly patient chap at Hymer UK! We are hoping that at least this is a Hymer one and She will be pleased or sa5isfied with the new one! Will update this saga! The old one got broke during a storm when we had not put a storm strap over the awning and , you guessed it, the Granpa of all storms blew up, took the awning out and the roof vent got cracked. We now know about storm straps! You live and learn in this game! Regards Henry
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If your awning is a wind out type, I wouldn't leave it extended when you're out, unless you are confident the wind will remain light.  Even with a strap over the "rafters" the fabric still baloons up in a wind, and causes the rafters to fold and unfold continually.  Once the wind is at that strength, winding the awning in can be a bit hairy as well, one of you has to hold it down while the other winds!  Ours is an Omnistor, and we can just about get away with it extended a couple of feet or so to just cover the door like a small porch, but any more than that it really can't take.  It's also a good idea to wind them in at night if the weather is unsettled.  Turning out in your jim jams in the small hours to wind it in isn't much fun either!  10:1, it'll be raining as well!
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