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Guest starspirit

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Guest starspirit
I see Howard's Brownhills thread has provoked some reaction! Shame it is the locking of the thread but at least he seems to have their undivided attention now! Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if they acted upon all this adverse publicity and took their responsibility seriously enough to replace Howard's pile of junk with a better make of van or even refund him to give him the choice of where he next spends his money. Power to the people! Well done to all who contributed
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I think it would be only fair to give Brownhills a chance to come good before we start another thread knocking them. They seem to be responding to CarolH's problems, let's see if they continue the trend with Howard. I think locking the previous thread was the sensible thing to do until such time as Brownhills have either sorted the issues raised out or otherwise. By the way I have no connection with Brownhills whatsoever, i have never bought anything from them so I am neither an unsatisfied or satisfied customer. D.
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Dave Agree about not knocking them any more (at the moment at least!) but giving them a chance to be all 'touchy feely and caring'. The only thing I think is a shame is that the thread itself is going to get pulled. Locking the thread it but leaving it available to view would let others see that they are prepared to listed and try to resolve problems. Are any of us ever 'satisfied' customers wherever we buy motorhomes?? Does such an 'animal' exist??? I'm sure all dealerships have their share of happy and unhappy punters, it's just a matter of opinion as to how bad or good they are depending on the circumstances and your experience at the time. My goodness, I'm turning in to, no, not Yoda, not Gollum .... a sensible sounding person !!!! I must be ill!!! AAAARGHHHHHHHHHH :D
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At the weekend was looking round Brownhills Swindon, with some friends who were very interested in buying a van conversion that was on display. Whilst there we had a look round tyhe shop and bought a whistling kettle. When we got home I thought it would be a good thing to boil up the kettle at home first to get rid of any nasties that may have been present. Was most dissapointed when the whistle didn't. took it back to Brownhills to be told that I would have to wait as the person who did refunds/ exchanges wasn't there at the moment. Half hour later a very unhelpful youth said "yeh do you want a refund or what?". I replied that I would like a whistling kettle that whistles, to which the youth grabs a kettle off the shelf and thrust it at me. I said how do I know if this one is going to be ok, youth shrugs his shoulders and suggested that I took it home and tried it, to which I replied "no thanks I'll have a refund instead". This got me thinking if their staff are this badly trained would I want either myself or my freinds to buy a motorhome from them, I think not!. Maybe a few staff training days might not go amiss
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[QUOTE]Dave Newell - 2006-08-17 9:24 PM I totally agree Mel/Gollum/sensible person. Message to the moderators: Why pull the thread? Just leave it locked so that others can read it and see that Brownhills are responding positively to a situation. D.[/QUOTE] Not sure they have responded positively yet dave - as the contract is with Brownhills simply passing the buck to Lunar does not, in itself, leave them in a good light. But I do agree - leave the thread (even locked) Brownhills have been given the chance to respond now let the people decide whether the company are being sufficiently positive to convince them to go there for their motorhome in the future. Regards, david
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The moderator has made a commercial decision, in his position with a major advertiser being given some stick he had no choice. As a poster on another forum said, "the cost of a 'free' forum can be the loss of free speech" Olley
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Well Mr. moderator? How's about leaving the thread up, preferably pinned to always stay at the top of the tree (until such time as the issue has been resolved one way or the other), for all to read. It's now locked so no-one can add anything more to it so what's the harm. D.
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Our one experience of Brownhills turned out positively. A few months ago bought a low wattage electric kettle from their Cannock accessories shop. Used it for about 2 weeks, and then as soon as we got to France it packed up - wouldn't boil although light in base was on. Bought another one in France (that's another story), and when we returned to Uk phoned Cannock store (using the freephone number of Newark, who put me through as i refuse to pay ' 0870' listed number!)....told them the problem, they said pack it up send it back to us, and we'll send a replacment. Although it was at my cost (£3 odd) to return it, the replacement duly arrived, so on that matter at least, some good service. Only other experience of this company when in 2001 we were looking at Rapido MHs...the information they gave was so far off the mark as to be unbeleivable, and certainly far from correct. We bought in hte end, but from Rapido, Wokingham, who are very professional, know pretty well everything there is to know about the products, and have provided excellent service.
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[QUOTE]howardtcz - 2006-08-18 11:38 AM I agree that the moderator has a difficult position to maintain Olley, but where do we draw the line between free speech and commercial considerations.[/QUOTE] In the real world commercial considerations will always come first. MMM business is mag's not internet forum's, they could shut this tomorrow and it would not effect the balance sheet, but a major advertiser stopping his spend would. Olley
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[QUOTE]olley - 2006-08-18 3:53 Pm In the real world commercial considerations will always come first. MMM business is mag's not internet forum's, they could shut this tomorrow and it would not effect the balance sheet, but a major advertiser stopping his spend would. Olley[/QUOTE]( Hiya Olley. Re. this forum. You are still suggesting that by applying pressure you can compromise the principle of free speech. But as my Dad used to say. Principles are alright for those that can afford them. Of course money talks. If my job and my families security were on the line, I would pull this thread without a second thought. Hypocritical. Yes, i,m sorry to say but that as you say is the real world. The good, the bad and the downright ugly, as long as the comments are fair and subjective, lets have them all.
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[QUOTE]hbarnett - 2006-08-18 4:09 PM Hi Olley, interesting view, I think their revenue from the adds must out weigh the cost and would therefore prevent them from stopping their spending though? Howard[/QUOTE] Your right, but who is in the dominate position, the man with the money, or the man who provides the service? Unless MMM are absolutely dominate in their area ie. M/H mags. the customer can always go elsewhere. Olley
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Re Olley thread “MMM business is mag's not internet forum's, they could shut this tomorrow and it would not effect the balance sheet, but a major advertiser stopping his spend would.” A fair point !! but it's worth remembering that all the forum members pay there subscriptions for the MMM magazine and I am sure this forum does a lot to keep the subscription membership healthy for MMM, also members are Potential “New customers “for Brownhills as well. Possible if we see that they can get a good service I think all most of us want is fair play!! MMM forum is sat in the middle and has to sit on the fence over this Issue me thinks!! Regarding the "the cost of a 'free' forum can be the loss of free speech” if thats going to be the case I would use a different forum!! I would like to think that if MMM did pull this forum's for the above reason it would affect the balance sheet, as I am sure a lot would not renew there sub's next time. All we want is fair Play so the game can continue !! Well Mr. moderator? How's about leaving the thread up ?
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[QUOTE]Dave Newell - 2006-08-18 1:01 PM Well Mr. moderator? How's about leaving the thread up, preferably pinned to always stay at the top of the tree (until such time as the issue has been resolved one way or the other), for all to read. It's now locked so no-one can add anything more to it so what's the harm. D.[/QUOTE]All a bit academic Dave. They close down one thread and it reappears on this one.
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[QUOTE]starspirit - 2006-08-17 7:59 PM I see Howard's Brownhills thread has provoked some reaction! Shame it is the locking of the thread but at least he seems to have their undivided attention now! Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if they acted upon all this adverse publicity and took their responsibility seriously enough to replace Howard's pile of junk with a better make of van or even refund him to give him the choice of where he next spends his money. Power to the people! Well done to all who contributed[/QUOTE] Update........ the offer is to take the mh back to Lunar again to rectify all the problems. I seem to be in a lose/lose situation. Even if I agree to this, I bet I have to go through all this again if subsequent problems develop. After reading the thread relating to delamination and dry rot, the fault relating to the movement of the near side panel / kitchen wall scares me. (Since the temperatures have dropped the gap has lessened to approx 6mm). Howard.
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