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Dodgy Motor Caravans

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[QUOTE]howardtcz - 2006-08-18 10:51 PM [QUOTE]Dave Newell - 2006-08-18 1:01 PM Well Mr. moderator? How's about leaving the thread up, preferably pinned to always stay at the top of the tree (until such time as the issue has been resolved one way or the other), for all to read. It's now locked so no-one can add anything more to it so what's the harm. D.[/QUOTE]All a bit academic Dave. They close down one thread and it reappears on this one.[/QUOTE] Maybe so Howard, I just think we should give Brownhills a chance to do something positive before we continue to slate them. I have spoken to plenty of people who have had poor service from plenty of dealers, not just Brownhills. Likewise I've spoken tp probably as many who have been more than happy with the service they've had, again from many dealers including Brownhills. Personally I would reject the vehicle at hand over if I found the faults that Howard said he found on the day but then as I'm not likely to buy a motorhome from a dealer at any time in the near future that too is academic! A company the size of Brownhills cannot be expected to respond overnight to a problem of this magnitude ( I do accept that up till now they seem to have been very lethargic) so all I'm saying is hold our fire and give them a chance to respond positively. D.
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Hi Dave, seeing as how their response has been to pass the buck to lunar, and get the thread locked/deleted, I don't hold out much hope. And whats size got to do with response? in fact with their buying power I would have thought a call to lunar telling them that they are going to swop it for a new one, and they expect lunar to bare any cost's involved should be easy. Olley
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OK Olley, now let's move into the real world for a moment. With a purchase of this value do you really expect any dealer to just say "sorry sir, please bring your motorhome back whenever it suits you and we'll replace it"? "in fact with their buying power I would have thought a call to lunar telling them that they are going to swop it for a new one, and they expect lunar to bare any cost's involved should be easy." Brownhills and Lunar (and for that matter all dealer/manufacturer partnerships) will work together to try and acchieve satisfaction for the customer with minimum cost to either of themselves, if they just replace the vehicle what do you think will happen to the faulty one? It'll go back to the factory and be re-worked then resold to someone else, possibly at reduced price. If it can be re-worked to a satisfactory standard for resale why shouldn't they re-work it for Howard? I just think we should hold off with further comment on this matter until such time as it's been resolved (hopefully to Howard's satisfaction) one way or the other. Is that really too much to ask? D.
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Hi Dave, the real world! Browhills lack the facilitiys to repair this vehicle, in my book that means their is a major fault with it, not a loose door hinge or similar. I don't know what they cost but assume its £30,000 plus so why should he accept a major repair after 3 months. most M/H have faults which are annoying but not a reason to swop the vehicle, but he's got a side panel bulging out along with a host of other probs. How much are they paying you. (lol) Olley PS. OK I will shut my gob now.
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OK Olley, You may have meant it in jest but I take exception to the implication that I have anything to do with Brownhills, or any other dealer for that matter! Yes I run my own business that is involved with the motorhome industry but I have no connection with ANY dealership, I don't even do any work for any of them, I am completely independent!! From the start all I have been saying is give them a chance to put things right before we condemn them, after all they seem to be dealing with CarolH's situation as best they can. Why can't we give them the benefit of the doubt and wait to see how they progress this issue? But no, you seem to want to condemn them without judge, jury or fair trial! Well I, for one, do not think that is a fair way to carry on in a sensible society. You say they have passed the buck to Lunar but why not see it as consulting with the manufacturer to acchieve a satisfactory outcome? One of the products I deal with is reversing camera systems. I recently had a customer (who happens to be a motorhome journalist of some repute) whom I had installed a camera system for and the paint finish started to peel from the camera. He phoned to tell me about it and I arranged, with the manufacturer, to replace the camera at a mutually convenient occasion. Does this constitute "passing the buck" to the manufacturer? I would say not as it actually took around six weeks from the customer contacting me about the problem to me being able to replace the camera! Did the customer consider this to be an undue delay? Well from his reaction I would say not and before you say anything about "gifts to the press" the customer payed full retail price for this equipment, by his own insistence! Now can we please give them a chance??????? D. And that is my last word on this thread!
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Mike.T You do NOT have to subscribe to the MMM mag to be able to use the forum, you used to have to either subscribe and use your sub number, or use the tempoary one that appeared in each issued, but not any more. Some people using the forum are not purchasers of the mag in any way, shape, or form. The more 'posters' the merrier!!!
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Geoff Dogs - we are just letting people know what our doggies look like, it started on the 'security' thread and has just wandered off, as dogs do! You had to mention the goat didn't you! It'd be interesting to see whether it looks like its master! As for Michele .. you're missing her aren't you, I can tell ... don't worry she'll be back to taunt you soon, you must really like being abused!!!
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Wouldnit be great if the TV programme Watchdog was to recruit a undercover journalist complete with hidden camera to check out dodgy motorcaravan dealers, and attend the salesmen seminars and training classes, to see how they are trained, Watchdog would of course have to have lots of emails from disgruntled punters, Newark springs to mind !!!! chas
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