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The scientists are frighted

Mrs T

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2013-10-08 1:38 PM


Shops or online? We go for both! The high street will survive, yes it will be smaller, but it will always be there because that's what people want!



Agreed high streets will survive in a few towns................but the bulk of our towns will become charity shops betting shops etc *-)..............1000's of shops will disappear over the next few years, along with them their business rates ;-).....................I wonder who will pick up the tab? :D

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Indeed Dave - give some politicians their due tho' - Eric Pickles is at least challenging the crazy parking charges and restrictions that blight our High Streets.


The last thing any industry needs in these difficult times is a Government applying yet more costs.


This is why the crazy Carbon Tax will simply mean that some industries up sticks and moves to the BRICS or equivalent.


I think even the Government is now realising that if jobs are on the line then the whole thing needs a re-think. Not for nothing Osborne calls the more rampant Alarmists in the Cabinet "the Green Taliban!" (lol) (lol) (lol)


Still we are seeing positive changes. Owen Paterson seems to have his head screwed on. (lol)




But of course - the usual alarmist suspects went apoplectic and the mere mention of anything that was not doom gloom and disaster! 8-) B-) B-)

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CliveH - 2013-10-08 6:38 PM

Still we are seeing positive changes. Owen Paterson seems to have his head screwed on. (lol)




I see that there is at least one other fool who thinks that all that will happen is that Scotland will get warmer! Never mind the ice melt, never mind the projected increased frequency of major storms, never mind the greater tendency for low-lying areas to flood, never mind the marginalisation of some of the world's largest food producing areas (I assume Scots eat more than just porage?), never mind the effects on the fishing grounds and so on. Still it must be good to know that as the waves close over your head you have at least one other person who thinks its all a figment of the imagination :-D





Oh and by the way, the bit about waves closing over your head was emphasising for effect - or in other words, a joke! (lol)

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Yeah! Scotland like the idea of Global warming as it could mean that they could sit back and watch the English drown! (lol)


But you do make me laugh John - all the references I cite and you still try to make out that those sceptical of the catastrophic predictions and the alarmism are a minority.


When the reality is quite the opposite.



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CliveH - 2013-10-09 11:29 AM


Yeah! Scotland like the idea of Global warming as it could mean that they could sit back and watch the English drown! (lol)


But you do make me laugh John - all the references I cite and you still try to make out that those sceptical of the catastrophic predictions and the alarmism are a minority.


When the reality is quite the opposite.



If a stick has only two ends, how come you keep picking up the wrong end of it? :-D


I never said anything about a minority except in one specific case - the majority of climate scientists accept climate change and man's role in it. It may well be that the majority of "ordinary folk" don't accept it, so that means we need to keep explaining it. Once, the majority thought the earth was flat!

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CliveH - 2013-10-09 12:19 PM


I quote:-


Still it must be good to know that as the waves close over your head you have at least one other person who thinks its all a figment of the imagination


Must be the words you use *-)


I go to all that trouble of telling you it's a joke and you still don't get it! (lol)

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John 47 - 2013-10-09 12:44 PM


CliveH - 2013-10-09 12:19 PM


I quote:-


Still it must be good to know that as the waves close over your head you have at least one other person who thinks its all a figment of the imagination


Must be the words you use *-)


I go to all that trouble of telling you it's a joke and you still don't get it! (lol)


Oh I think I do get it John


"A high percentage of what people say when they say they are joking is true. So, by their making some sort of joke about it, they get to say what they really want without admitting their vulnerability."


And I DO like a joke the same as the next person - but if you have to tell people what you say is a joke - is it really worth the bother?




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CliveH - 2013-10-09 6:34 PM


John 47 - 2013-10-09 12:44 PM


CliveH - 2013-10-09 12:19 PM


I quote:-


Still it must be good to know that as the waves close over your head you have at least one other person who thinks its all a figment of the imagination


Must be the words you use *-)


I go to all that trouble of telling you it's a joke and you still don't get it! (lol)


Oh I think I do get it John


"A high percentage of what people say when they say they are joking is true. So, by their making some sort of joke about it, they get to say what they really want without admitting their vulnerability."


And I DO like a joke the same as the next person - but if you have to tell people what you say is a joke - is it really worth the bother?




What's it like down that hole? :-D

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Guest Had Enough

I'm sure that I speak for all of us on here (that's about six) that we're grateful that Clive and John have stopped banging on about climate change and are now just insulting each other. It's far less boring.


Keep it up chaps.

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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-10-10 11:49 AM


Less challenging for someone of your reduced ability certainly. :-S



But my aging brain can remember how to spell curate! :-> :->

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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-10-10 12:48 PM


Ah! - are you now slipping back into a previous incarnation that obsessively focused on spelling?


Careful Frank.


Your memory is getting worse.


Oh dear, still banging on with that old chestnut. Well, here's the thing Clive, you opened the door. When you start these low, snide and underhand tactics such as implying that I'm senile or that I'm incapable of rational thought you deserve what's coming. And you do it constantly. Just look at some of the things you've called John47 in this thread.


And as for obsessing. I can assure you Clive that if I was obsessive about your spelling and grammar I'd be posting about it every day!


You constantly denigrate my and others' intelligence but let's look at yours. Here we have a man who is nearly sixty and still doesn't fully understand apostrophes, who can't spell a simple word such as curate, which according to you is curette and who litters his sentences with capital letters for words which are a million miles from being a proper noun.


Now I don't claim to have had your education. I was considered a bright lad who passed his 11+ but for reasons too long and complex to go into here, left school at 15. But because I'm bright I've learned over the years. You on the other seem incapable of understanding some of the basic rules of grammar, which suggests that you really aren't that bright and that your native intelligence, despite all your posturing and bluster, isn't too great!


And if you want to look at our respective career successes I'm quite happy to devote a whole thread to it, but I suspect that you really won't want to go there! Although I must say it would be nice to dissect your career up to now!


Now Clive, here's a tip. Stop all these nasty comments about my mental capabilities and I'll stop leaping on the obvious evidence of your intellectual shortcomings. I don't think for one minute that you have a mental problem. I am convinced that you have a deep-rooted inferiority complex which manifests itself in this constant desire to be a big fish in this very tiny pool and by your habit of starting threads designed purely to say 'Look at me, I'm an important financial advisor with an important firm'.


So there you are Clive, as I said, when you went down the route that you did of questioning my sanity, you opened the door. If you'd like it closed the answer is in your hands.





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Had Enough - 2013-10-10 11:34 AM


I'm sure that I speak for all of us on here (that's about six) that we're grateful that Clive and John have stopped banging on about climate change and are now just insulting each other. It's far less boring.


Keep it up chaps.


You mean there are three others??? They've kept very quiet! (lol) (lol)

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Guest Had Enough
John 47 - 2013-10-11 1:11 PM


Had Enough - 2013-10-10 11:34 AM


I'm sure that I speak for all of us on here (that's about six) that we're grateful that Clive and John have stopped banging on about climate change and are now just insulting each other. It's far less boring.


Keep it up chaps.


You mean there are three others??? They've kept very quiet! (lol) (lol)


But, never giving up trying to prove that he's right he's started a whole new thread! Fortunately, like most of his 'from the pinks' contributions below, not one person has contributed. Let's keep it like that please.

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Had Enough - 2013-10-11 12:29 PM


CliveH - 2013-10-10 12:48 PM


Ah! - are you now slipping back into a previous incarnation that obsessively focused on spelling?


Careful Frank.


Your memory is getting worse.


Oh dear, still banging on with that old chestnut. Well, here's the thing Clive, you opened the door. When you start these low, snide and underhand tactics such as implying that I'm senile or that I'm incapable of rational thought you deserve what's coming. And you do it constantly. Just look at some of the things you've called John47 in this thread.


And as for obsessing. I can assure you Clive that if I was obsessive about your spelling and grammar I'd be posting about it every day!


You constantly denigrate my and others' intelligence but let's look at yours. Here we have a man who is nearly sixty and still doesn't fully understand apostrophes, who can't spell a simple word such as curate, which according to you is curette and who litters his sentences with capital letters for words which are a million miles from being a proper noun.


Now I don't claim to have had your education. I was considered a bright lad who passed his 11+ but for reasons too long and complex to go into here, left school at 15. But because I'm bright I've learned over the years. You on the other seem incapable of understanding some of the basic rules of grammar, which suggests that you really aren't that bright and that your native intelligence, despite all your posturing and bluster, isn't too great!


And if you want to look at our respective career successes I'm quite happy to devote a whole thread to it, but I suspect that you really won't want to go there! Although I must say it would be nice to dissect your career up to now!


Now Clive, here's a tip. Stop all these nasty comments about my mental capabilities and I'll stop leaping on the obvious evidence of your intellectual shortcomings. I don't think for one minute that you have a mental problem. I am convinced that you have a deep-rooted inferiority complex which manifests itself in this constant desire to be a big fish in this very tiny pool and by your habit of starting threads designed purely to say 'Look at me, I'm an important financial advisor with an important firm'.


So there you are Clive, as I said, when you went down the route that you did of questioning my sanity, you opened the door. If you'd like it closed the answer is in your hands.





Yep! - Obsessive.


You definitely have a problem Frank.


The comments I get on here as PM's make you look a vindictive idiot.


I will not identify the poster but here is one as an example:_



"Clive, I took on board your words of wisdom, have remained at work and not committed to a new motorhome. I am grateful to you for steering me away from away what could have been a disastrous cause. I said i would donate to charity in your name. I thought of £50. If you have a specific charity, let me know otherwise I will make the gift to the Salvation Army for the work they do for the homeless.


I attended the one of the new Civil Service Retirement courses last week. Very little on finance - although I can have a second course on that for free - but very good on sustaining relationships into retirement. I think it's the likely adverse impact on my marriage that finally convinced me you were right!


Best wishes.


Now viewing private message # 527xx




So some people contact me direct and I help them.


That is what you cannot stand


And you accuse me of having an inferiority complex!!! (lol) (lol) (lol)


You are a joke of a man with more arrogance that knowledge.


And I really do think you have a "problem"


Get it sorted for goodness sake/


If you think my behaviour is going to be influenced by a Victor Meldrew wannabe who has become fixated on me such that you are "my little stalker" :-D - then you are very much mistaken - (lol) (lol)



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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-10-13 8:05 AM


Had Enough - 2013-10-11 12:29 PM


CliveH - 2013-10-10 12:48 PM


Ah! - are you now slipping back into a previous incarnation that obsessively focused on spelling?


Careful Frank.


Your memory is getting worse.


Oh dear, still banging on with that old chestnut. Well, here's the thing Clive, you opened the door. When you start these low, snide and underhand tactics such as implying that I'm senile or that I'm incapable of rational thought you deserve what's coming. And you do it constantly. Just look at some of the things you've called John47 in this thread.


And as for obsessing. I can assure you Clive that if I was obsessive about your spelling and grammar I'd be posting about it every day!


You constantly denigrate my and others' intelligence but let's look at yours. Here we have a man who is nearly sixty and still doesn't fully understand apostrophes, who can't spell a simple word such as curate, which according to you is curette and who litters his sentences with capital letters for words which are a million miles from being a proper noun.


Now I don't claim to have had your education. I was considered a bright lad who passed his 11+ but for reasons too long and complex to go into here, left school at 15. But because I'm bright I've learned over the years. You on the other seem incapable of understanding some of the basic rules of grammar, which suggests that you really aren't that bright and that your native intelligence, despite all your posturing and bluster, isn't too great!


And if you want to look at our respective career successes I'm quite happy to devote a whole thread to it, but I suspect that you really won't want to go there! Although I must say it would be nice to dissect your career up to now!


Now Clive, here's a tip. Stop all these nasty comments about my mental capabilities and I'll stop leaping on the obvious evidence of your intellectual shortcomings. I don't think for one minute that you have a mental problem. I am convinced that you have a deep-rooted inferiority complex which manifests itself in this constant desire to be a big fish in this very tiny pool and by your habit of starting threads designed purely to say 'Look at me, I'm an important financial advisor with an important firm'.


So there you are Clive, as I said, when you went down the route that you did of questioning my sanity, you opened the door. If you'd like it closed the answer is in your hands.





Yep! - Obsessive.


You definitely have a problem Frank.


The comments I get on here as PM's make you look a vindictive idiot.


I will not identify the poster but here is one as an example:_



"Clive, I took on board your words of wisdom, have remained at work and not committed to a new motorhome. I am grateful to you for steering me away from away what could have been a disastrous cause. I said i would donate to charity in your name. I thought of £50. If you have a specific charity, let me know otherwise I will make the gift to the Salvation Army for the work they do for the homeless.


I attended the one of the new Civil Service Retirement courses last week. Very little on finance - although I can have a second course on that for free - but very good on sustaining relationships into retirement. I think it's the likely adverse impact on my marriage that finally convinced me you were right!


Best wishes.


Now viewing private message # 527xx




So some people contact me direct and I help them.


That is what you cannot stand


And you accuse me of having an inferiority complex!!! (lol) (lol) (lol)


You are a joke of a man with more arrogance that knowledge.


And I really do think you have a "problem"


Get it sorted for goodness sake/


If you think my behaviour is going to be influenced by a Victor Meldrew wannabe who has become fixated on me such that you are "my little stalker" :-D - then you are very much mistaken - (lol) (lol)



Bloody hell Clive, if you tout for business long enough on here you're bound to get the odd question, even I do! ;-)

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But I do not "tout for business" on here - I have never charged anyone for my time or expertise.


How typical of you that you see what I do in the terms that you do.


That says a lot about you Frank - none of it particularly pleasant.


The gentleman I quoted above offered payment because as you can see - he thought I helped him a lot.


I refused any payment.


That is why he contributed to charity.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Big Feet

The other day, after a strenuous morning discussing global warming and devising draconian penalties to impose on people with oversized carbon footprints, a group of government ministers and their officials decided to continue their debate over a pub lunch at a popular bar about a mile away. Having only one hour for lunch, four of them went together by car, an eco-friendly Toyota hybrid, to save time. After a lively discussion, fuelled by a few beers, they dutifully left the car behind and set off on foot, back to work to find more innovative ways of saving the planet. Being already late they took a brisk walk, interspersed by jogging, just making it back to the office in fifteen minutes.


Big Mouth

First on the agenda was their own carbon footprint. Sheepishly the four admiited to the unnecessary car trip they had just made. During their one mile journey to the pub in the car they had dumped 142.4 grams of CO2 into the atmosphere. (Based on the manufacturer's perfromance data provided in the sales brochure for the car). They were however happier to talk about their environmentally friendly return journey and to prove their green credentials they set about calculating how much CO2 they had saved by walking back, using published data they found on the internet.


Big Surprise

This is what they discovered:


The volume of air breathed in and out by an adult male walking or jogging at 4 miles per hour is about 35 litres per minute, compared with less than 10 litres per minute while at rest. (Source - California Environmental Protection Agency. Research Note 94-11)


During their 15 minute journey back to the office each of the group had therefore breathed in and out 525 litres of air.


But this is not all carbon dioxide.


30% of the air we inhale is exhaled again unchanged as "atmospheric air" . This volume is called the "residual volume"and contains about 0.04% of carbon dioxide by volume.


The other 70% of the air intake, the so called "tidal volume", passes through the alveoli of the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place during respiration. The expelled air is known as "alveolar air" and, of this, 5.7% by volume is CO2. The rest is mostly nitrogen, oxygen and water vapour. (Source "Biology" by Claude Alvin Villee, ISBN 072169022X )


Ignoring the CO2 exhaled in the residual volume of atmospheric air contained in the 525 litres of air exhaled by each person during the one mile return journey, the exhaled alveola air alone contributed an increase of 21 litres of CO2 to the atmosphere and since the density of CO2 is around 1.98 grams per litre at standard atmospheric temperature and pressure, (Source - Wikipedia), this increase weighs in at 41,5 grams.


With the respiratory system of each individual generating 41.5 grams of CO2 per mile, the group added 166 grams of CO2 to the atmosphere on the way back to work. Just over 16% more than the footprint left by the car over the same distance.


But that's not the whole story:


To be strictly comparable, only the incremental CO2 content of the alveolar air exhaled by the four walkers specifically due to walking should be considered and not the basic CO2 generated by the body just to stay alive which should therefore be subtracted from their total CO2 output.


At rest or seated the volume of alveolar air exhaled by each person will be 70% of 10 litres per minute or 105 litres for the 15 minute period. The CO2 content of this air will be 11.9 grams so that the incremental CO2 resulting from the body's production of the extra energy needed for walking will be just 30 grams per person or 120 grams for the group of four.


Thus the four walkers together would actually generate 15.9% less CO2 than the 142.4 grams generated by the car.


But with five passengers in the car compared with five walkers, the result would have come out in favour of the car with same 142.4 grams emitted by the car compared with 150 grams emitted by the five walkers.


A close run thing!!


Big Relief

At least the victuals they consumed at lunch came from renewable sources and did not contain any fossils.


Note: The characters mentioned above are ficticious, the technology and the numbers however are factual.



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Good post Syd - kinda puts it all into perspective does it not.


I remember being lectured by an 18 year old with more opinion than knowledge whilst she opened and drank a can of Coke.


She was rather put out by my pointing out what made the her drink fizzy was CO2 and so as my beverage was 'still' I was considerably more carbon neutral than she was. I think the concept gave her indigestion.


Anyway - Global Warming always gets a bad press from the Alarmists - John always dismissed the Scottish Geriatrician's report that warmer winters would be better for the elderly - and that report is true and indeed has been repeated by those that care for the elderly. In fact just tonight - Sir John Major is saying that expensive energy - in part due to green taxes as well as greedy providers - and a predicted very cold winter is catastrophic for the elderly.


But now an article in The Spectator - a more balanced view is being put forward.


The hype and spin from the Alarmists is being seen for what it is.



Why climate change is good for the world


Don't panic! The scientific consensus is that warmer temperatures do more good than harm


Matt Ridley 19 October 2013




Love the cartoon !!!!!!!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D




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