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New IH van conversions - or are they coachbuilts?

david lloyd

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Guest 1footinthegrave
JudgeMental - 2013-10-19 7:06 AM


you live in the dark ages you miserable old grumble.....no draughts,and who in their right mind would want to lose the practicality of rear doors! Best laugh this morning, pictures above with narrow uncomfortable looking bed, just where you dont want it, right in the middle of van..I bet come bed time and some one fancy s an early night or a lay in in the morning a real laugh!


here is a video showing a pretty common layout for a panel van...so where is this high bed I wonder....more chance of that in your imagination or a CB.



seems that your main objective on here are to spread discord and negativity.....


I had a very good mentor, named Judgemental, oh and just out of curiosity what exactly do you have against France ? ;-)


As for no rear doors, on the very rare occasion I need a van I hire one for 25 quid, not spend 50k on one :->


People knocking IH for trying something new, which may or may not work, and yet many a coachbuilt has narrow fixed beds with the corner cut off which we tolerated for a while with one van.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-10-17 9:11 PM


I think you'll find at least in the 600 series no need at all for cushion shuffling, the extra length of the X250 chassis allowing for full length single beds, or a giant king size by dropping the back rest cushions down, our is identical to this layout below, but sadly not enough length on the old chassis for twin beds.



Mmmm. seems you cant submit pictures at all now, even after resizing them to the sites ludicrously small file size. :-S

I think that rear lounge models might work in a full sized coach built but in a panel van having the lounge and the bed in the same place fails to make use of those comfortable cab seats as they can't be used due to inhibiting wardrobes and bathrooms.

In a van this small, not using those seats to advantage is a crime.

Add a small side settee or corner dinette and you have a decent lounge at the front, then use all that space in the rear for a proper bed not cushions with sleeping bags, not our thing, we like a bed.

Side benefit is the underfed storage, which without this area, is woefully short in other van layouts.

Looked at AS Kingham as it has a French bed, like ours, underbed storage should be great but they had the combi hanging out the back and left a tiny storage area which was further impacted buy the adding a neat door with an even smaller entrance, doh!

By moving the combi forward to the front end of the bed there would have been a really useful storage area available but..........Dave Hurrell was raving about the storage in this van.......didn't really understand this.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

I've got to be honest, I've never understood the desire to sit in the very same seats you've spent hours driving in, different strokes for different folks I guess, although there are many PVC conversions that allow that, but we have no issue at all with our "old" IH rear lounge / bed, the only thing we would change is an upgrade to the longer wheelbase X250 giving the option of two full length singles which we would much prefer, despite the fact that our current van with very little effort makes up into the largest bed we've ever had in any van, be that coachbuilt, one of which had one of those stupid cut off at the corner fixed beds, and the usual sit bolt upright diners that many have, or any PVC we've owned or looked at,


is our IH perfect, no, would a new one be, no, if anyone can find a perfect conversion or coachbuilt let me know. ;-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
goldi - 2013-10-19 11:28 AM


Morning folks,


£74000 for a van conversion ? ! you could get 2 tributes for that price.





You know the old saying......................................we had a Tribute PVC conversion, it was the biggest load of crap I have ever had the misfortune to own, so much so we got shut after just three months, and lost a bundle in the process, but I will concede although I'm not sure what specific van conversion your talking about, 74k is completely nuts, but then again so is 100k plus for a coachbuilt, but there's plenty of them about, and a mate of mine has just recently bought one...............he likes to go to Brean.

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bolero boy - 2013-10-19 9:40 AM

I think that rear lounge models might work in a full sized coach built but in a panel van having the lounge and the bed in the same place fails to make use of those comfortable cab seats as they can't be used due to inhibiting wardrobes and bathrooms.

In a van this small, not using those seats to advantage is a crime.


There are several PVC's which have a rear lounge and also a small dining area up-front. Not suitable for a full blown meal granted but certainly good enough for breakfast and a lunchtime snack. When the weather's good we'll often use this and just leave the rear lounge made up as a permanent bed - hopefully being able to eat a main meal outdoors or maybe dine out. One or two 6.3 metre vans do this particularly well. I agree not using those front swivel seats to advantage is a poor use of resource.

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Guest JudgeMental
bolero boy - 2013-10-19 7:37 AM


JudgeMental - 2013-10-19 7:06 AM


you live in the dark ages you miserable old grumble.....no draughts,and who in their right mind would want to lose the practicality of rear doors! Best laugh this morning, pictures above with narrow uncomfortable looking bed, just where you dont want it, right in the middle of van..I bet come bed time and some one fancy s an early night or a lay in in the morning a real laugh!


here is a video showing a pretty common layout for a panel van...so where is this high bed I wonder....more chance of that in your imagination or a CB.



seems that your main objective on here are to spread discord and negativity.....

Eddie, SPX a real improvement over the SP,with a bit more space in the front of the van. A little more space has made a huge difference. It's actually the difference between not enough room and just enough room.

Would not have SP as too small and cramped in the front, can't get legs under dinette, nowhere to put feet up etc, so can't have pals in for a drink, BUT SPX changes a lot of that with the slim side settee. Also washroom much better, could never go back to any washroom with a shower curtain......ugh!


I agree...but my 6.6 m euramobil was far more manoeuvrable (turning circle) then our 6 m van....cant imagine a 636 being any more fun turning...obviously on the road a much better experience..


Im still looking at either the 636 FR or Roadcruiser Revolution with electric bed over massive garage (both Posll)....or a nearly new La Strada.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
I think you'll be back in a coach built before long,after looking at videos of all of them. I love the look of all that shifting and shuffling around of stuff in the one van you mention, and the lift up bed in the other allowing you to transport things like a cement mixer in the back, and the electric bed in another, still you do get a ladder to get up into it, what a faff, and tables hardly big enough for a plate, and you can bet the concertina shower doors will never rattle enough to drive you to distraction :D my guess is if IH was made by a company in Germany you'd be telling us all that was the one to get, ;-)
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I took the time to look over all the PVC at the show on Tuesday morning at the NEC. A very good show IMO.


And no I don't want to go to Europe and see vans and bed layout that don't interest me!!


The IH stand was busy but the entrance to the Small entrance door conversion /slide out PVC model was bared to all but?

They also had a new Lime Green model on the stand which did stand out which I suppose was the point. But not at all environmental friendly on a site I guess.


What did strike me was the idea of a small entrance door must have its appeal to some, but so does a large sliding door which I much prefer, giving so much flexibility.

But I think I have seen some time a single door in a large sliding door PVC.


And No I don't want to know which one it is or see European U Tube thankyou.


Seems you can make it as complicated and expensive as you want.


What also occurred to me was why the slide out section? It was little more than a bench seat. As a design exercise it may well be worth the punt but I can see little advantage at all in its development over its cost. I can see huge problems on tight French Aires!


What did come across is that the Rear lounge PVC design, that I much prefer seems to have reached its design zenith?

Most marks are now well thought through and I feel little improvement can now be achieved over and above kit improvements. Oh Yes also build quality which is still clearly some volume converters ongoing problem. Large loose freestanding panels on entrance don't look too firm to me.


Most PVC manufacturers have now very similar kit as standard with Solar,Refillable gas tanks, TV's and much more and are now adding Bling to set some difference.

Even my very traditional manufacturer this year had fitted Strip light under cupboards, A folding External Coffee table and Underslung Gas Tank to a design I don't think can be improved for my type of use and needs. Why a underslung gas tank on a van that only uses gas for a 2 burner hob and small camping oven?


Engines are getting bigger, from 100 now 150 is the norm. But the cost have gone up too. You don't seem to get much below £50K now on the road. My van has risen by nearly 10% in 11 months? But I suspect most of that is Kit.


For me I want a simple well built british (Yes) built PVC with twin single bed that is self contained and that I can wild camp in in comfort all year round. I don't want the kitchen sink, microwaves or flashy graphics. Simplicity is the appeal and I am a happy bunny.


I felt that 2 manufacturers lead the way for me being Vantage and East Neuk but apart from the volume converters most are worth a look..


IH well they were trying to be different and good luck but not for me.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
I'm largely in agreement with everything you say, I think in the case of IH it would be better to say if it ain't broke don't fix it,and should have been left to the original designs, but where I do depart from your view is an underslung gas tank seems a logical progression, freeing up as it does the space that a gas locker takes up, and of course much cheaper gas. ;-) ;-)
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1footinthegrave - 2013-10-19 1:34 PM


I'm largely in agreement with everything you say, I think in the case of IH it would be better to say if it ain't broke don't fix it,and should have been left to the original designs, but where I do depart from your view is an underslung gas tank seems a logical progression, freeing up as it does the space that a gas locker takes up, and of course much cheaper gas. ;-) ;-)


Re gas it's down the cost IMO. In the 11 months I have used my PVC over 12000 miles we have used 1 6kg tank £16. Linked up to on site power two times in 11 months. Under slung tank 15kg £370 + fitting. It's a no brainer! But everyone to their own.

Owning a motorhome does seem tfor some to be about owing kit far more than using it. My pont is auto side awnings, sat dishes and bike rails (folded) the cost per use/hour is huge.


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Once you start down the cost per hour route you are doomed if your van is newish. Cost of the money invested, depreciation, servicing, insurance etc. etc. divided by number of nights then add in campsite fees and you can you can stay in very nice hotels for the same money, and have no problem with height barriers :-D
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Guest 1footinthegrave
We've just returned from a 6 week tour of France and northern Spain, total cost, and yes I do mean TOTAL cost was £900, assuming £50 a night for a very modest hotel and the same fuel costs if going by car would have been £2100 just for accommodation, but of course your right about working things out purely on a monetary basis, but we are retired and can do extended trips, mainly using aires, one of which we did of ten weeks and I dread to think of the cost of accommodation if we had not got a van over the years. Of course we have had like many others the upfront cost,( in our case second hand ) but would I want to return to airport departure lounges and budget flights and hotels or apartments, no thanks. ;-)
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bolero boy - 2013-10-19 7:47 AM


colin - 2013-10-18 8:34 PM


bolero boy - 2013-10-18 7:57 PM


colin - 2013-10-18 8:34 AM


bolero boy - 2013-10-18 7:50 AM


Colin, what front lounge PVCs are you referring to that have large lounges? Your Globecar is typical of the genre, is it not, and there is no way this could be described as spacious.


Our Globecar has a front half dinette (like many continetal vans) not a front lounge.

Sorry Colin didn't mean to be pedantic. So, are you saying that your van doesn't have a lounge at all, as you have single beds at the other end don't you?

I can only think of a Murvi that has a front lounge if you discount all vans with a half dinette, which must be the great majority of them that aren't rear lounged. Are there others.


A grey area, by convention a dinette is not a lounge, there have been many vans that do have front lounges, IH, Timberland, Devon, WildAx, even one of the present Globecar range(which is UK only)

That doesn't mean that a dinette can't be used for lounging, as far as I'm concerned our van offers opertunaties for lounging in two areas, the front dinette and the 6ft 6inX 6ft rear bed, this gives us a total of around 8sq.m of van that can be used for lounging, it can comfatably accomadate 5 people lounging, and when we are on family holidays this happens quite often, but more often than not it's just the two of us and one is in the dinette with the other on the bed, so it has no lounge, but a large area to lounge in.

Colin, how can five people comfortably lounge in a Globecar 636SB unless some of them are in bed?

You'd have to be really good friends to be sat together in the dinette 'relaxing' and that only leaves the two cab seats. A bit anti social to have 5 people in for drinks and then banish some to the bedroom tho this actually might be interpreted as 'social'. ;-)


Whats wrong with having 2 peps lounging on the bed? To quote those lovely management trainers, you realy need to think out of the box :D , on the family holiday this is what happens, in fact it's sometimes been me(or gf) and the (2&13yo) girls in the back with three adults in the front.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-10-19 1:34 PM


I'm largely in agreement with everything you say, I think in the case of IH it would be better to say if it ain't broke don't fix it,and should have been left to the original designs, but where I do depart from your view is an underslung gas tank seems a logical progression, freeing up as it does the space that a gas locker takes up, and of course much cheaper gas. ;-) ;-)


Got to agree with this, IMO the underslung gas tank is the only improvement on the IH 630sl that gives an improvement without causing other compromises. The slideout whilst novel and giving a better L shaped galley and wider bed, actualy decreases the seating room quite considerably (3ft less sofa?) and you (aparently) have to sleep with feet in the slideout which will not suit all. Once again the caravan door should be easier to use (for henry's wife) but is quite narrow and it's very easy to catch a rucksack on the frame ;-) , IMO it would be much better to use the german idea of a combined SLD and caravan door and get the best of both worlds.

Saying that a SOLD notice was on the van this afternoon, after all it's a well screwed together van and exudes a certain classiness esp. as IH haven't gone OTT with logo's as in previous years.

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