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Huttoft - there may be hope!

Rowan Lee

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Well, at least you got a response and you may be getting the day time parking back....

(..although it's a bit crudely written, for a letter from a "councillor", isn't it...)


But his following phrase speaks volumes:


"Huttoft Car Terrace has been plagued for some time by What is called "wild campers", I call them freeloaders". .


So..as some of us had been saying on the previous thread ,it's clear from what he says, that generally speaking "Joe Public"(or in this case, a Councillor) do not really differentiate between someone pitching up for a few nights in a "proper" MH and some who's getting by in a converted vehicle..


In their mind, all are seen as "Freeloaders"!....

(..no matter how "legitimate" some may feel themselves to be.....)

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I agree with Pepe, I read the response and it seems that all overnighters were regarded as freeloaders and, as such, I suspect the resolution might be some available parking for vans during the daytime but a barrier system at night preventing and wild camping.

As I said in a previous post, the Council are petrified of having to spend time and money to remove undesirables only for them to return as soon as the Council's back is turned.

This appealing situation will only be resolved when someone has the balls to make this type of behaviour a criminal offence and can be dealt with swiftly by the Police instead of making money for legal organisations while the sorry pantomime pans out.

This must change, and quickly!

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Can, as far as I am aware, still be used to disperse 'nests' - no new legislation required. The council would need to prove the situation had deteriorated to 'trespass' though - I would think achievable with the Huttoft example.


Though I support the council's intentions, it's increasingly clear they are not the most incisive problem-solvers ever encountered.


A bit like most public servants...


It's staggering how utterly incompetent most decision-makers are.

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