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M/H parking V objecting councils


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Guest 1footinthegrave

We all live in a perfect world don't we, signs and the ignoring of,


my real favourite, pick up your dog crap, routinely ignored, and the ones that do pick up throwing the bag and it's contents into the nearest convenient spot, come and take a walk in our sand dunes in high summer and pick up as many bags as you can handle, full of fresh as the day it was pooped out, and again the ignoring of no dogs signs in parks and other places. So excuse me if I don't share others views that someone spending the odd night where it has been deemed they shouldn't by some tin pot official is or should be very high on any agenda.


I'm further bound to say I really do wonder if some of you folk really do have a van given the views expressed, or are you just a sad old bunch stuck in the house with bugger all better to do than post on here.


Now who do I contact about the builders LWB Sprinter that's parked on our car park every night.

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You may be OK with that kind of thing, I'm not, I think it's selfish and anti-social.


As far as I could establish, the painting incidents took place at 55.307991,-1.558141 in August / September last year. The dog walker said people in Red Row were fed up of the coastline being 'taken over'. Of course he may have just been making that up and it may just have been him. He did seem like a genuine chap though


You just can't help those snide remarks can you crinkly.



That area was designated as an SSSI area a few years ago and overnighting stopped by the authorities (another con to get blanket bans without expensive legislation .... good old Quangos eh?). The parking area you pinpointed is far too small for anything other than a VW camper, so there may not be too much truth in what you were told. When we did overnight there, we had a contact number for the local Council and used to pass on details of flytippers (which was a big problem). Wansbeck Council were quite happy for motorhomes to overnight but that all stopped with the introduction of one huge unitary Council for the whole of Northumberland. Hence the death of many Northumberland coastal spots.


You are not the only one who clears up other peoples mess but you probably cannot see that from your high horse. The difference between us is that I can legally park on Council property in Northumberland because of the good deeds done in the past. Details of which I have no intention of passing on here. :D

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747 - 2013-10-15 11:56 AM


You really enjoy getting on your high horse and disparaging fellow motorhomers. You even inferred that I was a freeloader, so much so that I was forced to explain how I use my van .... because this is a public forum.


All you are good for is moaning. You are doing nothing to change the status quo in the UK. No doubt you will enjoy any benefits that come about by the efforts of others. Talk is cheap and moaning is annoying.


I recognise the importance of wildcamping with humility and respect. I've spent over 1,000 nights off formal sites, and have a background in countryside recreation management. I'm tuned in to the matters at hand.


If attempting to raise awareness amongst our user group that general members of the public are often suspicious and resentful of our presence is getting on my 'high horse' then so be it. Guilty as charged. Or is it that articulation of the matter pricks your conscience? If so, good.


All I've seen you do is fail to understand simple English and offer insult and aggression. I'm not sure how you think that will benefit the future of overnighting off formal sites, or come to that - returning to the point of the thread - simply parking.


The attitude is typified by many on here who wallow in a sense of entitlement: the 'I've paid my road tax so I should be able to do whatever I want, whenever I want to' mentality.


The anthropocentric world view is pretty typical too, Did it ever occur to you that SSSI designation is primarily designed to benefit non-human entities?


Such attitudes are simplistic, belligerent and ultimately counter-productive. They will not be met with sympathy by the general public nor by the officials that are elected to represent it. There are great demands on limited space in the UK and holding the ridiculous view that our user group should be afforded priority is the one thing that really is annoying, annoying to residents, visitors, and land managers - to the point that more and more restrictions are being imposed. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if more and more 'vans are vandalised too.


A 'Get out of my way, I have a van with a settee and a cooker in the back' attitude will not win hearts and minds.


It may eventually filter through that I am actually attempting to further our user group's interests, not moaning. It may also eventually filter through that the more our user group bang on about and demand 'entitlement', the fewer places will be available for our disposal.


To be honest though, given the petty mindedness, sense of entitlement, and shallow, pointlessly bickering idiocy that dominates this forum, I have few hopes that our situation will be improved any time soon.


Not without a culture shift driven from some credible and well resourced entity anyway.


Or, a Daily Mail version: all officials are thick and can't see the massive global economic and environmental benefits that motorhomes can bring to the world and should be made to ride roughshod over all other interest groups and natural history interest to enable me to park wherever I want in my large and beautiful white box.

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crinklystarfish - 2013-10-18 10:36 AM


747 - 2013-10-15 11:56 AM


You really enjoy getting on your high horse and disparaging fellow motorhomers. You even inferred that I was a freeloader, so much so that I was forced to explain how I use my van .... because this is a public forum.


All you are good for is moaning. You are doing nothing to change the status quo in the UK. No doubt you will enjoy any benefits that come about by the efforts of others. Talk is cheap and moaning is annoying.


I recognise the importance of wildcamping with humility and respect. I've spent over 1,000 nights off formal sites, and have a background in countryside recreation management. I'm tuned in to the matters at hand.


If attempting to raise awareness amongst our user group that general members of the public are often suspicious and resentful of our presence is getting on my 'high horse' then so be it. Guilty as charged. Or is it that articulation of the matter pricks your conscience? If so, good.


All I've seen you do is fail to understand simple English and offer insult and aggression. I'm not sure how you think that will benefit the future of overnighting off formal sites, or come to that - returning to the point of the thread - simply parking.


The attitude is typified by many on here who wallow in a sense of entitlement: the 'I've paid my road tax so I should be able to do whatever I want, whenever I want to' mentality.


The anthropocentric world view is pretty typical too, Did it ever occur to you that SSSI designation is primarily designed to benefit non-human entities?


Such attitudes are simplistic, belligerent and ultimately counter-productive. They will not be met with sympathy by the general public nor by the officials that are elected to represent it. There are great demands on limited space in the UK and holding the ridiculous view that our user group should be afforded priority is the one thing that really is annoying, annoying to residents, visitors, and land managers - to the point that more and more restrictions are being imposed. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if more and more 'vans are vandalised too.


A 'Get out of my way, I have a van with a settee and a cooker in the back' attitude will not win hearts and minds.


It may eventually filter through that I am actually attempting to further our user group's interests, not moaning. It may also eventually filter through that the more our user group bang on about and demand 'entitlement', the fewer places will be available for our disposal.


To be honest though, given the petty mindedness, sense of entitlement, and shallow, pointlessly bickering idiocy that dominates this forum, I have few hopes that our situation will be improved any time soon.


Not without a culture shift driven from some credible and well resourced entity anyway.


Or, a Daily Mail version: all officials are thick and can't see the massive global economic and environmental benefits that motorhomes can bring to the world and should be made to ride roughshod over all other interest groups and natural history interest to enable me to park wherever I want in my large and beautiful white box.


I don't know why I even bother with you. Your head is so far up your a**e, it's unbelievable. *-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
I can't take it any more, I've put my van on Ebay, I'll get a bike or walk everywhere from now on. :-S will I be allowed to leave my bike if I go off for a stroll though ? I mean look at all those bloody great white boxes taking up space car users could have had on our local car park in August, and you should have seen the litter bins overflowing with the motorhomers crap.


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747 - 2013-09-25 1:36 PM


Negative comments from crinkly does not help, it just muddies the water. He has no direct knowledge of the Huttoft area and should keep his speculation to himself.



Complete garbage, I have direct knowledge, you just asssumed I didn’t and made this up.


747 - 2013-10-15 11:56 AM


You really enjoy getting on your high horse and disparaging fellow motorhomers. You even inferred that I was a freeloader, so much so that I was forced to explain how I use my van .... because this is a public forum.



Complete garbage, you inferred this, I’m guessing it was your conscience.


747 - 2013-10-15 11:56 AM


All you are good for is moaning. You are doing nothing to change the status quo in the UK. No doubt you will enjoy any benefits that come about by the efforts of others. Talk is cheap and moaning is annoying.



Complete garbage, I actively promote responsible overnighting and am actually trying to undo the damage caused by those who think they are somehow a member of an elite group who should be allowed to do whatever they want because they drive a van with a bed in the back.


747 - 2013-10-18 12:02 PM


I don't know why I even bother with you. Your head is so far up your a**e, it's unbelievable. *-)



Complete garbage, I just see the reality and can articulate it. I accept it’s uncomfortable reading for those who think the world owes them a living though.


Glad you’ve decided not to bother with me, it might have been wise to have taken that stance before you started making stuff up and insulting me for simply pointing out just why it is that councils etc aren’t sympathetic to motorhome parking, and why land owners are resorting to height barriers etc.


If you don’t understand why we are an unpopular user group, it’s probably best to stick your head back in the sand and stop spouting garbage. All I’m bothered about is keeping my impact as low as possible which has the happy consequence of supporting the sustainability of the hobby.


If the problems aren’t understood, how can they possibly be put right?


Odd that some seem to find this simple premise despicable to the point of childish jibes.


Whilst completely missing the point and acting like spoiled brats, witness our ongoing marginalisation.


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Guest 1footinthegrave

Perhaps you could explain why exactly the French take the opposing view, the provision of Aires that continue to grow in number for example, some directly outside campsites for just an overnight stay, villages that actively encourage motorhome users to stay in their villages, three very new aires we found on this trip smack bang in the village centres, with welcome signs and on one toilet and shower facilities and four electric points, cost to the user NIL.


If we were some ethnic minority we would ALL be shouting from the rooftops about discrimination, and being listened too, but as long as some in our "own" camp have the attitudes and opinions displayed on here what chance have we got. ;-)


I notice you ignore the picture I posted of our car park in high summer, demonstrating what an undesirable lot we are monopolising the sea front parking area, we really need eradicating from the UK altogether.

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