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How much longer

Geoff Bell

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[QUOTE]Geoff Bell - 2006-08-22 11:42 PM Mel and Carol, where are you off to?[/QUOTE] Charles and I are off to France Dover - Dunquerk (meeting up with Mel at Dover - we are both booked into the same ferry). 1st stop - auchen in Dunquerk then onto Le Blockhaus near St Omer, then Arques - aire for the night, Sunday am the boat lift at Arques and then onto La Coupole at Helfaut - then down to Valery Sur Somme for Sunday night. After that no plans as such, but on the list during the trip (17 days) Mont St Michel, Sainte Mere Eglise, Utah beach. Hede (11 locks on the canal). If the weather is good, we will stay in Brittany, if not we will head south, but not that far south - maybe as far as Limoges. Anybody know any other places good to visit - I am all 'surfed out'. Only two more sleeps!!! B-) B-) Carol
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[QUOTE]JohnP - 2006-08-23 10:29 AM Suggest the martyrs village at Aradour sur Glane near Limoges. A different experience to Omaha. Plenty of parking for the MH. Where ever you wonder, have a safe journey.[/QUOTE] thanks john - wow what a place, if we don't make it this time, it will be on the list for another trip. Carol
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Geoff We're having a 3 P's holiday - paddles, pedals and poddles. We're taking the canoe so hopefully we'll get a few good paddles in (the dogs come to), a few pedals around on the bikes, and, as the dogs will be wanting their exercise, a few long poddles as well. We're heading initially for Dusseldorf for the big motorhome show for a day or 2 then down through Germany, tootle around the bottom for a while and back up another way. However, no doubt whilst we are there my husband will change the itinerary yet again and we'll end up in Switzerland, Austria, France, Belgium, Luxembourg or even Holland - we'll just go where we feel like. So long as it doesn't get too hot we'll be happy.
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Carol It's a really good show, we went last year for the first time and it is massive, loads of vans on show that you just don't see here, the only slight downside is that it doesn't quite have the wealth of accessory stands that British shows do but there are still quite a lot and it does help to 'protect' the pocket a bit! Ferry times - I've been checking their website and I don't know if you've realised that the outward ferry is now 08.00 instead of 08.15? You'll have to get up a bit earlier I'm afraid to get there in time. When are you coming back to GB? I forgot to ask you, we're coming back on Sat 9th on the 20.01 ferry - it was 19.30 but the times have changed so we'll be in for a later landing time, just as well we're kipping in Dover again that night. Must dash, things to do ... only 58 hours to go to boarding the ferry .....!
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we are booked on the 10am ferry back to blighty on the 12th Sep. This time tomorrow I will be driving home from work, with Charles following at 3pm. All being well we should get on the road by 4pm. See you Saturday morning Mel. Safe journey - you might pass us on the A1, A14, M11, M25, M2 or A2 8-) gird your loins folks - Michele will be back soon, very soon - be afraid, be very afraid. (lol)
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