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Aires for Crinckly


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A few weeks ago Crinckly asked about Aires that would satisfy certain conditions:

Quite day and night, spacious, pleasant view/pretty outlook and no irritating fellow campers!!!

Well have been through our data base of one's we have stayed on and most of these should fit the bill on at least two or three of these criteria.


St Pourcain sur Sioule 03

Caille 06

Mouzon 08

Lagrasse 11

Montferrand 11

Peyriac de mer 11

Cuges les pins 13

St honorine des pertes 14

Mortagne sur Grionde 17

St sevin duzet 17

Soubise 17

Sadroc 19

Sourzac 24

Mouth 25

Broglie 27

St clar 32

Fontet 33

Neuillay les bois 36

Arinthod 39

Nozay 44

Cardaillac 46

Gourdon 46

Caumont sur Garonne 47

Turquant 49

Bouere 53

Dun sur meuse 55

Bertry 59

Cauterets 66

Gavarine 66

Corre 70

Vernoux en Gatine 79

Conty 80

Trigance 83

Visan 84

Chateau Larcher 86

Gurgy 89


Hope this helps. Anyone want further info on these or any other Aires just ask.

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i don,t think he is interested, there may be other m,homers there or he may have to pay not his idea of m,homing , thanks r&j i,ve noted them and will add when i check my database, though we never use aires that are empty so probably no good for crinkly
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The "spacious, pleasant view/pretty outlook" criteria are easy enough to satisfy, but the "Quiet day and night...no irritating fellow campers" are not.


We overnighted at the St Jean-sur-Mayenne aire last week.




Work is currently being carried out during weekdays to install more 230V service-pedestals, so daytime noise is to be expected. What we hadn't anticipated was the 2am arrival at the aire of the occupants of the motorhome in the next emplacement who then decided it was essential to have a prolonged and LOUD conversation.


I also recall arriving at Bouere (53) once




to find it taken over by travellers.


It's useful to have advice on stopping places that are physically attractive, but unrealistic to believe that staying at such places can be relied on to be pleasant. (This, of course, is equally true for campsites.)

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I find that there is a forumla for finding the perfect quiet Aire.


Personally I try to avoid the large ones that take 20 vans or more as you can pretty much guarentee they will be popular and there is a good chance of being parked next to or near someone annoying!


Look for an Aire thats not near anything. Aires that are within walking distance of somewhere interesting or a nice town will be full. The one 3 miles up the road in a small village with no shops will be empty. We then just use the scooter to visit the interesting town or park the van in the busy aire and move off to the quiet one later. :-D


My preference is country aires that take up to 5 -10 vans. After a while by constantly reading www.camping-car-infos.com you just get a feel for what will suit your needs.

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Hmmm.....So does no one else see the possible drawback, in posting a list of pleasant, tranquil, scantly populated, locations on the internet then? :-S


As for any snidey comments about whether Crinkly in "interested" or not, has it ever occurred that he just hasn't seen the thread?!... *-)

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pepe63 - 2013-10-25 9:47 AM


Hmmm.....So does no one else see the possible drawback, in posting a list of pleasant, tranquil, scantly populated, locations on the internet then? :-S


As for any snidey comments about whether Crinkly in "interested" or not, has it ever occurred that he just hasn't seen the thread?!... *-)


There's no certainty that the locations listed won't have potential drawbacks that haven't been mentioned and it would be worth looking at the relevant entries on the campingcar-infos website to check for negative comments.


Crinkly's most recent forum logon was 19 October,. There's a good chance, then, that he won't have seen this thread, particularly if (like me) he does not bother accessing the internet when motorcaravanning.

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Derek Uzzell - 2013-10-25 2:38 PM


...Crinkly's most recent forum logon was 19 October,. There's a good chance, then, that he won't have seen this thread, particularly if (like me) he does not bother accessing the internet when motorcaravanning.


Same here Derek,I can't say that I've ever felt the desire to log-in to an internet forum, whilst I'm away on my hols.... ;-)

Granted,if it's for "advice" purposes,then fair enough but to just to "have a chat"(bicker!), then why bother? :-S

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Guest 1footinthegrave
robertandjean - 2013-10-21 2:58 PM


A few weeks ago Crinckly asked about Aires that would satisfy certain conditions:

Quite day and night, spacious, pleasant view/pretty outlook and no irritating fellow campers!!!

Well have been through our data base of one's we have stayed on and most of these should fit the bill on at least two or three of these criteria.


St Pourcain sur Sioule 03

Caille 06

Mouzon 08

Lagrasse 11

Montferrand 11

Peyriac de mer 11

Cuges les pins 13

St honorine des pertes 14

Mortagne sur Grionde 17

St sevin duzet 17

Soubise 17

Sadroc 19

Sourzac 24

Mouth 25

Broglie 27

St clar 32

Fontet 33

Neuillay les bois 36

Arinthod 39

Nozay 44

Cardaillac 46

Gourdon 46

Caumont sur Garonne 47

Turquant 49

Bouere 53

Dun sur meuse 55

Bertry 59

Cauterets 66

Gavarine 66

Corre 70

Vernoux en Gatine 79

Conty 80

Trigance 83

Visan 84

Chateau Larcher 86

Gurgy 89


Hope this helps. Anyone want further info on these or any other Aires just ask.


Can we just keep them our little secret please, especially from the Brit to*ser who monopolized the free one hour hookup on one we recently stayed at, by pushing the button every hour, I'd have dearly loved to have pushed his bloody button. >:-( and another selfish Brit who took up two bays out of four by spreading out his table and chairs, I was so tempted to reverse over them, maddening behavior so often displayed.


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