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1st time with dogs ?


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1footinthegrave - 2013-10-24 10:03 PM


Muswell - 2013-10-24 9:51 PM


I foot, don't you understand that the dogs have won? First train humans to feed them, then train them to take them on holiday, then finally to walk behind with a plastic bag just in case :-D


:D :D :D how true, some plonker even said they have bought a motorhome for theirs, and Melb shares her bed with three of them, I dread to think where she gets licked.


... are we talking dogs ... or husband????? :$ :$ :$ :$ :$

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Typical that you cherry pick some of my comments to respond to, but conveniently ignore others. (!)


So come on, do you think it reasonable to inflct the din of yapping barking dogs on others, as those Brits obviously did.


And why no comment about your doggy children chasing and terrifying cats, oh I forgot, they are just having fun.


As for your choosing to sleep with three sharing your bed in a small PVC I can only conclude personal hygiene is not very high on your agenda, and as much of your day is spent collecting dog poo in bags that shouldn't really be any surprise, or do you really pick up all three's little presents, I do hope you wipe their little bottoms before they snuggle under your duvet, ah lovely, and you think I'm mad. :-S



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1footinthegrave - 2013-10-26 7:29 AM

As for your choosing to sleep with three sharing your bed in a small PVC I can only conclude personal hygiene is not very high on your agenda.


That's the bit that I can never understand, Mike, have these motorhomers who use their 'vans as dog kennels got any sense of smell? How you can live in such close proximity to one of these noisy, smelly, hairy, disease-ridden critturs, let alone three ( or even more!) is totally beyond me! 8-)


"Each to his/her own'", I suppose,





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Guest JudgeMental

Poor Carey..thats what happens on here..lots of old grumbles with nothing better to do then stir with their tired old vitriol..


Not a doggy person myself, and think the breeding needs strict conrol, as any tom dick and harry can breed simply to make money which has to be wrong! But as long as dog trained and well behaved and owner reasonable, know how to control and not be self indulgent...no reason why you and you dog cant have an enjoyable time abroad :-D

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Guest 1footinthegrave
JudgeMental - 2013-10-26 11:08 AM


with nothing better to do then stir with their tired old vitriol..


But as long as dog trained and well behaved and owner reasonable, know how to control and not be self indulgent...no reason why you and you dog cant have an enjoyable time abroad :-D


But that's exactly the point in your last paragraph.


as for having nothing better to do than posting one here Spain can't be up to much, that's all you've done since you've been there. ;-) P.S hows the foreign van holding up, no more problems I hope. B-)

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Guest JudgeMental
at least my van does not have an inferiority complex and split personality, is lovely and airy with all the doors flung open on another glorious day.......while your poor excuse for a camper, dont know if its a tenny weenie claustrophibic caravan or a mini stuffy coachbuilt!lol. I have swam, been into town for a bike ride, shopping etc...talking to the kids on skype before going out fo rlunch and going to the airport. What are you doing except filling this site with your cancerous rhetoric you absoloute misery!lol
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i notice that you have mentioned 'cats' a couple of times, you wouldn't happen to be a 'closet' Cat lover/owner would you ? Because if you are, I have a couple of 'Bones to pick' with you, Why are Dogs villified and legislated against, and yet Cats are allowed to roam completely free, with NO identifiying Tag, allowed (even encouraged) to tresspass into other folks Gardens, crap in their recently dug flower beds, then wander on. IF my dogs did that to people, I wouldn't be suprised if someone shot them, WHY the tolerance for cats ??? Also, I feed the wild birds in my Garden, and attract as many differant sorts as possible. This of course is a magnet for all of the 'Hunting Moggies' in the area, which is why, at my spying a cat in the garden (either to Hunt or Defacate) the word 'Cats' said loudly stirs the Two Labradors into a 'chasing frenzy' in the Garden. They are then let out, NO Cat stays long.

SO, my 'soppy animal loving streak' doesn't stretch to Cats. Ray


My avatar also gives away the fact that I abhor the Cull of our Native Badgers, which were in their setts (sometimes the same one) for generations before man started intensive cattle/dairy farming , causing BTB. Which infected Badgers in the first place. Vaccination of Both, the only solution.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

No I am not a closet cat lover,so your rant is wasted on me I'm afraid, I was merely highlighting Mel Bs obvious pleasure that her dogs enjoy chasing them regardless that they too may be someones beloved pet, which typifies the thoughtless and selfishness of many a dog lover, you included it seems. I will say that given you rarely hear dreadful cases like that poor girl Jade being savaged to death by cats perhaps they would be a better option. True to form you doggy types choose always to ignore the deaths and serious injuries inflicted by your pets, just collateral damage I guess.


As for me, the closest I've come to pet ownership was tropical fish years ago.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
JudgeMental - 2013-10-26 12:09 PM


What are you doing except filling this site with your cancerous rhetoric you absoloute misery!lol


I am holding the fort until you get back, no need it seems, despite the fullness of your days in Spain you seem to be able to spend a great deal of time on here with your trademark bedside manner. ;-)

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Hi Casey,

Sorry but most of the time it is pointless to ask any dog related question on this forum, I did once and did get some helpful answers (I think from the Judge) but if ONEFOOT starts his rant it all goes off at a tangent and you may never get an answer.


May be things will be better when there are two feet in the grave.


We didn't get as far as Spain but it is a fact that the French do not clean up after their dogs and it is almost impossible to buy dog poo bags in France. Lots of beaches are no dogs.

Italy was ok , There were parts of the lakes you could take you dogs for a swim and lots of bag dispensers and bins, the same with Croatia.

Germany, lots of bins and most of them have bag dispensers on them.

Sorry nothing on Spain, Good luck with your post if you are lucky one or two may be worth reading.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Another dog loving deluded person, why on earth do you think more and more places ban dogs, dog fouling is one of THE most complained about problems, and yet non of you are ever responsible. As for your delightful wishful thinking of me being six feet under just once again illustrates what nice folk you are. Mind you Jade Anderson is, but again how revealing that you or others make no comment about that.


And how utterly stupid to say you can't buy poo bags in France,any small bag will do and thank God even the French have at long last woken up to the issue. ;-)

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mildi - 2013-10-26 4:31 PM


Hi Casey,

Sorry but most of the time it is pointless to ask any dog related question on this forum, I did once and did get some helpful answers (I think from the Judge) but if ONEFOOT starts his rant it all goes off at a tangent and you may never get an answer.


May be things will be better when there are two feet in the grave.


We didn't get as far as Spain but it is a fact that the French do not clean up after their dogs and it is almost impossible to buy dog poo bags in France. Lots of beaches are no dogs.

Italy was ok , There were parts of the lakes you could take you dogs for a swim and lots of bag dispensers and bins, the same with Croatia.

Germany, lots of bins and most of them have bag dispensers on them.

Sorry nothing on Spain, Good luck with your post if you are lucky one or two may be worth reading.


Well said! At least this relates to the subject asked.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Stick around, many threads go off at a tangent. ;-) Although my original reply was not, I said stick them in kennels, rather than being shook around for hours on end in a hot vehicle, animal lovers, yes right. ;-)
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Guest pelmetman
Symbol Owner - 2013-10-26 10:23 AM

How you can live in such close proximity to one of these noisy, smelly, hairy, disease-ridden critturs, let alone three ( or even more!) is totally beyond me! 8-)


"Each to his/her own'", I suppose,






Your right Colin ;-).................why people have kids is beyond me >:-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
pelmetman - 2013-10-26 5:30 PM


Symbol Owner - 2013-10-26 10:23 AM

How you can live in such close proximity to one of these noisy, smelly, hairy, disease-ridden critturs, let alone three ( or even more!) is totally beyond me! 8-)


"Each to his/her own'", I suppose,






Your right Colin ;-).................why people have kids is beyond me >:-)


Well the Andersons haven't got Jade now have they. >:-(

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Guest 1footinthegrave
mildi - 2013-10-26 5:30 PM


you are the point in question,

With people like you on the earth you wonder why we prefer the company of dogs???


Yes there is a lot of crap around but sadly most coming from your post


Oh I guess this is the "crap" your talking about.


"It's a bigger problem than most people think it is. Nearly a quarter of a million dog attacks last year alone, 6,500 hospitalised, in the UK Some 16 people have been killed by dangerous dogs since 2005, including 14-year-old Jade Anderson

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Guest pelmetman
1footinthegrave - 2013-10-26 5:32 PM


pelmetman - 2013-10-26 5:30 PM


Symbol Owner - 2013-10-26 10:23 AM

How you can live in such close proximity to one of these noisy, smelly, hairy, disease-ridden critturs, let alone three ( or even more!) is totally beyond me! 8-)


"Each to his/her own'", I suppose,






Your right Colin ;-).................why people have kids is beyond me >:-)


Well the Andersons haven't got Jade now have they. >:-(


Your have a point Mike ;-) ....................some people shouldn't be allowed to have dogs.........or kids *-)

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1footinthegrave - 2013-10-26 12:43 PM


No I am not a closet cat lover,so your rant is wasted on me I'm afraid, I was merely highlighting Mel Bs obvious pleasure that her dogs enjoy chasing them regardless that they too may be someones beloved pet, which typifies the thoughtless and selfishness of many a dog lover, you included it seems. I will say that given you rarely hear dreadful cases like that poor girl Jade being savaged to death by cats perhaps they would be a better option. True to form you doggy types choose always to ignore the deaths and serious injuries inflicted by your pets, just collateral damage I guess.


As for me, the closest I've come to pet ownership was tropical fish years ago.


Don't get me started on Tropical Fish !!!! ;-)

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Mike, no doubt you've heard of the phrase "me thinks he doth protesteth too much ..." if you keep on 'stalking' me and being so fascinated about who shares my bed like this you'll make the other member of the forum jealous that they're not getting the same treatment! *-)


Oh, as for chasing cats .. if the stupid things think it is funny to come over to my dogs and stare inanely at them, hissing and screeching and expect the dogs to be happy with that ... well what do they expect! >:-)


Now, if that upsets you no doubt you'll go into apoplexy when I tell you that one of them absolutely loves to chase seagulls!!!! :D


Totally agree about tropic fish by the way Ray ... blooming stupid things and not that easy to keep either!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Mel B - 2013-10-26 11:16 PM


Mike, no doubt you've heard of the phrase "me thinks he doth protesteth too much ..." if you keep on 'stalking' me and being so fascinated about who shares my bed like this you'll make the other member of the forum jealous that they're not getting the same treatment! *-)


Oh, as for chasing cats .. if the stupid things think it is funny to come over to my dogs and stare inanely at them, hissing and screeching and expect the dogs to be happy with that ... well what do they expect! >:-)


Now, if that upsets you no doubt you'll go into apoplexy when I tell you that one of them absolutely loves to chase seagulls!!!! :D


Totally agree about tropic fish by the way Ray ... blooming stupid things and not that easy to keep either!


I'm no cat lover, but how bizarre that you cannot see that cat lovers do not see them as stupid things at all and lavish as much "love" and attention on pampered ones as you do your dogs, but my guess is you cannot stand them.


I'll also bet your husband plays second fiddle to your dogs,and I can be absolutely sure your dogs are the running around yapping and barking their heads off type with you totally oblivious to the din and the disturbance to others, but that doesn't matter a fart to you does it, as long as your little darlings are having fun.


I'll leave you to have the last word on the subject, "not to mention missing 'Mummy' and 'Daddy' as you refer to yourselves earlier in this thread in relation to your three dogs, with respect your nuts.

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