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1st time with dogs ?


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Guest 1footinthegrave
mildi - 2013-10-27 1:12 PM


One foot gave 22 replies to this thread and the only useful thing was put them in kennels.




Well I'm glad I was the only one to give some useful advice, thanks for the compliment. :D :D



Odd though that not a single one of the Dog loving brigade expressed any sorrow or regret for Jade Anderson, which I think say's more about the average dog owner on here than I can ever do. (!)

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1 foot,

Jade Anderson was killed by a 'pack' of Bull Mastiff's in her 'friends' house, Yes, I did read the article in the paper, and was as Disgusted at it, as you were. AND i think that the Dogs should have been 'put down' immeadiately (if they were not anyway ? once a group of Dogs have behaved like that, they can NEVER be trusted again ). AND that the owner of the dogs should have faced Manslaughter charges, private property or not.

BUT, an action against ALL dogs and ALL owners would be a gross over-reaction, there are 'Rogue' dog owners who delight in the Agression they can 'stir up' in their Dogs. And even 'set them to attack' smaller dogs or even people, but blaming ALL dogs and ALL owners for their Crime (for thats what it is) would be stupid. Catch the criminals and punish them 'properly' for ' attack with a deadly weapon', or manslaughter. On that I would agree with you, But not much else. Ray

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Guest 1footinthegrave

I'll say no more on the matter except this, if any right minded person really, and I do mean really was to see the bigger picture of thousands of people attacked and maimed every year by dogs, perhaps like smokers who were perceived to be harming others and subsequently had their "freedoms" severely curtailed we would be ALL saying that should also apply to dogs.


If you or anyone else has the stomach for it go to this page and scroll down and see and read the appalling suffering caused by dogs, especially if it was one of your loved ones, maybe you too would say enough is enough, but somehow I doubt it.





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one foot,

instead of all the anti dog brigade just slagging off dogs/owners how about

a bit of practical debate, most dog owners are responsible ie pick up the crap/

try to keep yappy dogs quiet /stop them intruding on other peoples pitches etc

but there are a lot of irresponsible owners as there are a lot of irresponsible

parents !!

There are far too many dogs full stop, you just have to look at the numbers in

the shelters.How do we reduce the numbers of dogs ( sensible answers please )

there was licensing/chipping etc but maybe some form of registration on birth ?

Although my original post was where to take my dogs.

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1. Find a safe place for them to travel, stop regularly for exercise and water.

2. use the tunnel, dog friendly and quick.

3. check your stops ahead, almost all aires have spaces for exercise and dog owners are in the vast majority.

4. Book your worm tablet for the return and insist on just the tablets and signature on the pet passport.

Look on this forum for vets.

5. Resign yourself to beautiful young girls coming over to stroke the dogs and make small talk. It isn't you they are interested in, just the dogs.

6. There are few dog haters out there, but they are a sad lot, thankfully very small in number, although vociferous.

7. Do clean up after them,

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1footinthegrave - 2013-10-26 11:35 PM


I'm no cat lover, but how bizarre that you cannot see that cat lovers do not see them as stupid things at all and lavish as much "love" and attention on pampered ones as you do your dogs, but my guess is you cannot stand them.


I'll also bet your husband plays second fiddle to your dogs,and I can be absolutely sure your dogs are the running around yapping and barking their heads off type with you totally oblivious to the din and the disturbance to others, but that doesn't matter a fart to you does it, as long as your little darlings are having fun.


I'll leave you to have the last word on the subject, "not to mention missing 'Mummy' and 'Daddy' as you refer to yourselves earlier in this thread in relation to your three dogs, with respect your nuts.

On a real tangent on this one aren't you! Well, you continue having your usual obsessive rant based on as usual totally WRONG assumptions and I'll continue with what I've been doing and try to put something constructive on the forum for others to benefit from ...


Such a shame we can't put you in kennels ... or at least get you a muzzle but I don't suppose they make them to fit your mouth size! (lol)

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I judge a person on their attitude and how they act to dogs and how dogs react to them and how long they spend posting on the Internet. No names but I have identified a person on this forum who is such a sad case I can only feel sorry for him and his obviously sad isolated existence.
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On the News yesterday (30th) see that 'New' Dog laws are coming in to force, mainly concerning the Subject I posted about earlier, 'Private Property' no protection against prosecution (All postmen shout Hooray !) and Burglars are specifically excluded from this protection, (sensible). The maximum sentence for Dangerous Dog attack is going up ,and the 'Dangerous' Dog is to be considered a 'Weapon' as it should be. Lets just hope that ENFORCEMENT gets a boost too. Too many 'Thugs' are using (and abusing) Dogs for their own ends. And ordinary Dog owners are getting 'Tarred' with the same brush. Time for it to stop.

(as should me 'posting' on these 'doggy threads' that give 1 foot so much pleasure ! ;-) ) Ray

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Watch out for sandflys by lakes etc,years ago in spain our dog was bitten and contracted sandfly virus which eventually killed him,there was no info at the time but i think british vets are aware of it now and can offer protection against it.On a different note i have picked up a lot of dog mess cos i worked as a street cleaner for norfolk for a while,as a dog owner it was a real eye opener to realise how many people dont pick up,even with the poo bins i saw a sweet little old lady throw her poo bags in the general direction of the bin!
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Guest pelmetman
capcloser - 2013-11-01 12:42 AM


On a different note i have picked up a lot of dog mess cos i worked as a street cleaner for norfolk for a while,as a dog owner it was a real eye opener to realise how many people dont pick up,even with the poo bins i saw a sweet little old lady throw her poo bags in the general direction of the bin!


I think you may have found some of the main culprits ;-)...................Old people 8-)..........as many of them are physically incapable of picking it up :-S.................which kinda creates a bit of a dilemma as many of the elderly would be lost without their dog :-| ........

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pelmetman - 2013-11-01 8:21 AM



I think you may have found some of the main culprits ;-)...................Old people 8-)..........as many of them are physically incapable of picking it up :-S.................which kinda creates a bit of a dilemma as many of the elderly would be lost without their dog :-| ........


You shouldn't have mentioned that.


The ageists will be along soon to suggest that all dog owners should have to pass a medical at 70 to make sure they can bend low enough to pick up dog poo.




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Billggski - 2013-11-01 1:21 PM


Ever seen a horse rider clean up after their mount has done its' pile?



No.....but most horse faeces will be deposited on agricultural land/fields and these are very likely owned/rented by it's owner(..or at the very least are being used by the landowners consent).


As a rule horses don't tend to be just taken out on the streets to walk around the block, to "exercise",with the specific purpose of it having a sh*t away from the owner's house! *-)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest 1footinthegrave
Ha ha ha, "leave us all in peace" a contradiction in terms when it comes to dogs if ever there was one, whoof whoof. ;-)
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