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Problem with microswitch taps.


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long winded and slightly frustrating problem, i have a Hymer 644 1996, love it to bits, i have a little issue i would like to get sorted.

My kitchen tap works 100%. my bathroom tap only works after i have used the kitchen tap. Also the toilet flush does not work, unless i have just used my kitchen tap OR when i open the flush hole (i don't know what this is called....you know the round hole that all dissapears through when you open it.) .

The only other denominator is i have a SOG. Should i hear any noise when the afore mentioned hole is open.

maybe i have a wiring problem, maybe its a airlock problem.

I would prefer to attack this myself than to give my holiday savings to my local motor home repair centre, (who by the way are top notch.)

Any one any troubleshooting tips on this.

i have microswith taps not a pressure system.



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Sounds like a wiring problem, or you could have more than one problem, if the bathroom tap works after using the kitchen tap does it work continuously or just for a short while. If it is for a short while that suggests the water flow is from a build up of pressure in the system after using the kitchen tap and this would point to either a faulty micro switch or the wiring, sometimes one of the wires breaks inside the tap, it gets trapped, easy to fix if you are a dab hand with a soldering iron.

When you open the toilet slide it operates a micro switch which turns the fan on you should be able to here it. Normally the SOG fan is wired to the 3 amp fuse under the toilet (this fuse normally feeds the pump on toilets with there own flush tanks).

I don't see how opening the toilet slider would have any effect on tap operation.


I think you need to get a multimeter and check you are getting volts to the tap micro switch and the switch is working same for the SOG.


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thanks for the replies

should i be getting 12 volts at the micro switch.

i actually don't hear any fan coming on when operating the toilet.

Is it OK to run 12 volts directly to the SOG to see if the fan works?



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The micro switches will have a +12 feed to one side and the other connection will be the live feed to the to the pump when checking you need to connect the black lead of you meter to an earth (-12) point.


Yes OK to connect 12V directly to the SOG fan.

Take out the waste tank and check the SOG microswitch is in position and operating when you open the slide. They are only held in place with double sided tape, mine moved out of position I refitted it using a couple of S/S self tappers.

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once again, thanks for the little pointers. as it turned out it was a wiring issue. and the SOG was the issue. it hadn't been wired correctly and this was shorting out the bathroom tap. When i correctly wired the SOG (after checking all with a 12 volt supply directly to the SOG to make sure it was working), all the taps and toilet flush worked a treat.

Dont you just love it when a problem is solved.



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Dealers & electrics don't go well together, although our van media system & sub woofer as standard Hymer leave the dealers to put it together & wire it. After re-wiring my van I gave my dealer a diagram so he could put other customers vans right. :D


A tip on tap micro switches, it is worth fitting a relay in line with the pump, takes the load of the micro switches then they last for ever as they can be a real pain to replace in some taps.

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