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Parking 7 mtr MH in or near London


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On Monday we have to attend a meeting with a solicitor in London Central.

(After 4.5 years of being fobbed of by a Spanish solicitor looking after my dad's will and my inheritance ) short while ago the government governing body seized his office and finances)

So now we are seeing another Spanish solicitor to sort the mess.

So we want to park as close as possible for the day, catch a bus or train in.

We are traveling from Worcester and the onto Folkestone. Don't really want to park at Oxford park and ride, to far out and time after the meeting is a factor

Hope someone can help


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Can you make the M11 junction 7 ? you can borrow our drive for the day . You can get a train straight in or a tube . Where abouts in London do you have to go to ?. Then from junction 7 straight round the M25/M20 to Folkstone . Any good ?....Ok gotta go do the horse now , will check in later to see if I can of helped with this offer .
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Hi Michelle

Thank you for a very kind and would have been perfect.


The wife has now decided to go on the train.

We were only going to see the solicitor, then travel over to letouquet fo a meal at blue blanc mare and return on Tuesday. We all do mad things sometime.


So a very big thank you


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