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Seitz window blinds


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Can anyone advise me on how to replace a broken catch to my Seitz flyscreen. The original plastic one broke off, now have a new one, but no one is able to tell how to fit it. It holds the flyscreen to the lower frame rail where the blackout blind is housed. It seems the whole window frame, with around 20 or so concealed screws, has to be removed and then dismantled, Unless someone can tell me otherwise !
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Wingpete, I'm afraid so, you will just have to bite the bullet. The fittings usually slide into the aluminium rail from the end and are located in place by a pip made from a sharp tool being hammered into the aluminium. Not that difficult to take out the inner frame, inside you will find there is a right angle inner slide that locates the runner at either end, this is held by several spring clips that you just lever off with a screwdriver. You will find then that you can pull a little of the blind out to enable you to get to the side that your clip is on which you can forcibly release, slide to the end and replace with the new one. You may have to use superglue to finally locate the new one when you have replaced the frame and made sure the two parts line up. Note which end and which way up the locating runners are fitted at either end they are quite important and need to be replaced back the correct way and at the correct end of the aluminium strip, they are usually two different colours (in my case one white one black) according to the hand. If you do not put them the right way round the blind will not click stop at its varying positions or at the top and bottom! Not a difficult job to do but fiddly and it is easy to damage the blind material if you are not careful with it reasemble opposite to taking appart. Good luck Bas.
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Thanks for the double-up information Bas ! I think my frame is made of plastic though. I expect the principles to be similar however. It seems that the side rails holding the sliding blinds ought to be removeable, but not obviously so. I started to remove small cross head screws within the side rail recesses, but they did not slacken anything off. So I think a close examination may be called for, when I have the inclination. In meantime, a piece of bent wire holds the screen down !
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Hi Wingpete, Yes the frame and fittings are indead plastic, the aluminium is the bar that goes from side to side that the blind/ flyscreen is slid into to keep it taught and straight as you move it up and down. Assuming you are talking about the standard Seitz cassette type flyscreen/ blind unit.
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