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New Avtex TV/DVD Vs. Laptop


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We are due to get our new van soon and an option accessory I was considering was a TV/DVD.




a) the Avtex that the dealer supplies seem expensive

b) the Elddis uses a "NEW" omnidirectional "bee sting" type aeriel which seems to get critically panned so

c) I'd probably have to upgrade the aeriel over and above the price of the TV.


We're really not that fussed for TV use but would watch a DVD of a dark, wet and windy night in Blighty. In Europe I suspect we would be outside the van more so probably would use the facility even less.


I've really not got to grips with this Amp conversion business yet and am not sure how much drain using a laptop would be compared to the likes of an Avtex telly to watch dvds.


There is a nice wee space for a lapop to sit in the lounge area ao I'm seriously wondering AVTEX TV/DVD + new aeriel Vs. one of our laptops at no additonal expense.


What's people's thoughts as I need to make my mind up and yet again would greatly appreciate any advice.



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Hi, the avtec range of tv, s are universal and resolve tv from european broadcasters as well as uk services.

Laptops generally require additional hardware/software to be able to receive off air tv,


tvs wont handle email or text messages, laptops with wifi can.


size and wweight comparison, there is not a lot to chose between them


tvs can be mounted with a wall bracket , dont know of similar option for laptop.


Aerials ..digital tv alignment isnt easy,, signal is either there or it isnt.


If abroad you wish to watch UK tv then a satellite system will be needed, dish, convertor, interconnecting leads etc.

We have both options, tv and laptop, tv to watch tv, laptop to save photos on, and either to watch dvds.


costs are comparible for laptop or tv,


Dont know if this helps. Your choice.




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Hi Maurice - welcome to the mad house! :-D


One initial piece of advice - do NOT buy everything from your dealer! They are often much more expensive than buying the same item elsewhere.


Now, as for a TV specifically, as you only intend to watch DVD's occasionally I would suggest trying out your laptop first as you've already got it! If you find that it is okay but you want to be able to watch 'live' TV you can get a TV tuner (looks a bit like a dongle) that you put in to one of the USB slots and attach an antenna to:




There are 2 types of antenna/aerials as far as I'm aware, the 'normal' domestic coax type and the smaller screw in type. If you want to use the aerial you already have you need to make sure that the input connector is the coax type. The aerial I think you have is the standard Status 330 'flying saucer' type and, to be honest, we have been very pleasantly surprised by how good ours is! On our previous vans we had the directional ones (Status 530) which could be a pain to set-up, lots of twiddling around. I was wary of having the flying saucer type which came as standard with our new van, but I'm glad I didn't do a 'knee jerk' reaction and change it before we'd actually used it.


There are various makes of TV tuners - we've used Hauppauge ones before, but there's a very cheap Sandberg Mini one which may suffice without a lot of outlay on your part.




If you do decide to get a TV you don't need to get an Avtex, there are a lot of much cheaper TV/DVDs out there which run happily on 12v for a lot less dosh and for occasional use would be more than adequate for you needs. The only thing to really watch for is the amount of power they draw - LED ones are much, much less power hungry but as your use is likely to be low this may not be an issue. We have an Avtex LCD one and never use sites but do have a 75w solar panel and 2 leisure batteries, but again our usage isn't massive.

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Thanks very much for the ideas.


The one thing I'm not sure about, although from what's been said I am seriously thinking about just taking the laptop and investigating the dongle thing if I feel the urge, is how much power would my laptop use in the motorhome.


I have had a look at the back of it and the plug and can't see anything that would help me there.


BTW The Elddis mootorhome range now uses Avtex "bee sting" whippy type aeriel instead of the Status one and seems to be getting roundly crticised in a caravan forum I came accross for the change.

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Setting up a directional aerial is simple. Look and see which way local aerials are are polarised. That is to say are they flat or horizontal. Set yours up the same and then simply point yours in the same direction as the local ones. Alternatively get a simple signal strength indicator, plug that in and turn the aerial to get the best signal strength. Maplins have some of the best value ones. We have traveled all over the UK and so far have never failed to get a usable digital signal. Unlike a sat dish the aerial alignment is not that critical.
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If it is of any help, we bought a new Elddis 175 in May. This came with the "Bee Sting" aerial that your referring to. I can only comment on my experience to date, that although I was sceptical on it's potential to give a good reception, to we have never yet failed to get a good picture on the TV (Tesco own brand ). Perhaps I've been lucky so far, but you wont know till you try it.!
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Guest JudgeMental
I would just go with the laptop for now and see how you get on, and investigate Mels idea on a tv dongle...Most tv content rubbish theses days, all we watch is a bit of news on it. really is a waste of space....if you intend to visit spain and decide on a tv get one with an analogue tuner as many channels including bbc1 are still on analogue down here
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DSPM - 2013-11-04 8:01 AM


If it is of any help, we bought a new Elddis 175 in May. This came with the "Bee Sting" aerial that your referring to. I can only comment on my experience to date, that although I was sceptical on it's potential to give a good reception, to we have never yet failed to get a good picture on the TV (Tesco own brand ). Perhaps I've been lucky so far, but you wont know till you try it.!


Is that just a "normal" domestic small flatscreen as opposed to a 12v one? If so how is it on power drain?


I think we are just going to stick with the laptop and a dongle type effort if we want to try the telly.


Thanks for the responses/

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A lot of smaller domestic tvs are actually 12v but you don't realise they are! Many have a transformer built into the power lead (long black box) others have the transformer actually within the TV casing so you don't see it. If you get one with the external transformer in the power lead you can do away with it and just connect the TV directly to your 12v system.


LED TVs have a much smaller power drain than a LCD TV, if you have a shuftie on Ebay for example you should be able to find lots of different ones to compare.


One thing we do is make our own DVDs to take away with us - of films, tv shows etc - that we've recorded in the weeks before we go away, so we have something to watch and not have to prat around setting up the tv aerial!

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Yes as Mel B described, normal domestic (Tesco) TV/DVD combo with the transformer built into the power lead. Simply went to Maplin, found a jack plug that matched the size and made up a 12v lead. Not sure about power consumption, but we only have (and had on previous van) a single 110ah battery. been using for 4 years now (on previous van, & new van), so far so good. If you use a laptop via a TV dongle you will still need an TV aerial? as stated previously, so far I have found the standard "bee sting" aerial to work well! why not wait until you get the van to see what works best. either way, happy camping ;-)
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