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Litter, Motorhome...and your thoughts!


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Hi, I am new to the forum and was directed here through a Twitter contact. I wonder if anyone can help me? I am a very keen litter picker and over the years both in the UK and abroad have picked, recycled and dealt with a lot of the stuff. Earlier in the year I tried to raise money to run a 3 month litter pick of Dorset and the New Forest. It was an excellent campaign but unfortunately I failed to reach the amount I was aiming for. For those who are interested you can read a write up about it here:




I am very keen to try again. I would like to do a 3 or 4 month litter picking 'campaign' of Dorset's lay-byes. My campaign is called "Please", as in 'please can you stop throwing your litter on the ground'.


So one of my reasons for coming on this Forum is to ask if anyone, individual or business, would 'consider' lending me a small Motorhome for this period starting early next year when the litter is more visible due to the die back of the summers growth.


I intend to trail a small trailer behind me, pick litter, speak with the public, and generally thrust the 'litter' problem further into the public eye...and help solve the damn problem once and for all.


I ran the last campaign through a 'crowdfunding' business called Zequs.com and they are keen for me to try again.


Your thoughts and ideas would be very welcome. Many thanks.


ps. I am an optimist. You will not convince me that 'clearing the UK' of litter is impossible. In my opinion it 'is' possible!

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Good on you! We all despair of the problem in this country, Lord knows why we see fit to throw our litter away to let someone else to deal with it.

On the other hand, i get really annoyed with the local authorities who cant seem to proportion their bin collections to the use they get. I mean that, in rubbish hot spots (laybys, stopovers, picnic areas) the bins always seem to be overflowing. In these cases we would take our litter home but many just stack it by the full bin where it will inevitably blow away or attract vermin.

It seems as if collectors have a 'round' which may include these areas but are only visited with the same frequency as other places on the round rather than meeting the requirements of each specific site.

Im sure that many collectors visit the same bin every round but never need to empty it due to lack of use, but, no doubt, it still gets visited at the expense of a popular one 'because its on the round'.

Good luck.

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Maybe , if local councils came WEEKLY to houses, then it may not be such a problem


As to OP question, to borrow a MH, well most owners use their vans , so a 3/4 month loan, difficult, as he also wants a tow-bar on it Another thought, the insurance, may be classed as buisness. Why not "collect" in different area's on a daily basis?

i applaud the sentiment, BUT don't think it the answer to the problem. CCTV and LARGE fines would be a better answer IMO




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Plenty of motorhome sales and hire companies in your area - maybe one of them would lend you a van with sponsorship advertising publicity on it as I think it highly unlikely that any sane person on here would lend anyone else their pride and joy for such a purpose?


I applaud your efforts and wish you luck.

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Pelmetman might, his van's full of crap anyway. Don't know if it would pull a trailer though, might pull the back end off. (lol) (lol)
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PJay - 2013-11-06 12:23 PM


Maybe , if local councils came WEEKLY to houses, then it may not be such a problem





How will that affect the litter that`s thrown on the streets ?

The morons that do it will still throw their litter away anywhere they want.

Even if the councils collect daily, weekly, or fortnightly these low-lifes will still do it.

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I can't imagine any motorhome owner ' lending ' his pride and joy to a total stranger for a few months so he can wander round picking up litter.

Most I've met are very reluctant to let their own children borrow it for the weekend.


.......and what would be the effect on the insurance premium ? ( .. and who would pay it ).




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Hi i also hope you do well,i workex for norfolk council for a bit,street cleaning and cleaning by the side of roads and flytipped stuff,you need to be really careful if you intend to stop and start along busy roads,vehicle will need a flashing orange light,you must have two people so vehicle can protect to a degree person picking up rubbish,ideal is a pick up and trailer,are you actually aware bow much you will pick up,we had to empty a 3 ton truck twice a day at a council yard,where will you dump this rubbish? And most of this from the verge including fridges,hard to get rid of,and of course a layby with a pile of needles,we had equipment to deal with sharps so do be careful,lots of luck
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Many thanks for your comments so far. Perhaps I can make a response. Firstly, I totally realize that this is a big 'ask' and I understand some of the comments made about 'why would anyone in their right mind consider lending a stranger their beloved, expensive and well cared for motorhome, especially when he intends trailing a trailer behind it...and filling it with litter?!'


Pjay's comment is valid, 'why not do a litter pick on a daily basis?' Yes, of course this is possible, and I have even considered doing this on a bicycle towing a child trailer behind me in which I could get a couple of fully filled bins bags. This project is not about how much I can collect but how I can help solve the problem. It may not be 'the' answer Pjay, but I believe it can be a part of it, as can be CCTV and Fines as you mention.


Capcloser, you make some good points. I will not be cleaning any roadside verges, only lay-byes, one reason because a lot of them are filled with litter, (and fly tipped stuff) but also because of the safety concerns. I wish no one to receive any form of injury through picking up other people's rubbish. You mention some of the enormous amounts of fly tipped rubbish around. I do not intend on cleaning 'all' of Dorset's lay-byes. Far too much work! My intention is to run the project for 3 or 4 months and just concentrate on lay-byes and the litter phenomena and see how I can positively effect it. It's a huge problem and not only includes clearing all the mess up...but as we all know, stopping it being created in the first place.


I am planning a meeting in December with Dorset Waste to see about how we might work together.


Tracker, yes, I have contacted several Motor Home business' in my area but have had no replies so far. I think it could work well as a sponsorship deal as for one reason, clean roads means happy travellers, happy travellers means more tourists, more tourists means potentially more people wanting to buy a motorhome...hence the good correlation between litter picking and the motorhome business!


Could someone please direct me to Pelmetmans thread on 'bargain bangers'? Could not find it via the thread search. Thanks.


Insurance premium Malc d, of course this would be my responsibility and as has been mentioned if I was to run this as a business project then that would have to be taken into consideration too.


Thank you very much for your input. I still think using a motorhome could be a good idea. Mobile home/office/workshop/advertising hoard/film studio.....but I do realize it is not the only option. What does Tracker say?:


No wrong ways-just different means to same ends.


Thanks for your input and good wishes Folks.



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Just a thought.....if you move around from lay-bye to lay-bye you can pick up plenty of rubbish bit you might find that 'your' laybyes are getting dirty again soon.

Why not try getting one bery busy lay bye spotless and then stay there promoting the clean area and educating the through traffic aout litter.

Many people are creatures of habit and use the same stop overs, probably theowing out their rubbish as part of their 'routine'.

Your group could target a number of spots in this way and get the message to a large number of 'offenders' in a short space of time.

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Yes Bolero Boy, I agree. This is why I am not so much concerned about the quantity I pick but about the 'quality' in the way in which I do it. I am keen to film this campaign and ideas such as yours will prick the public's imagination I believe. Some lay-byes are more atrocious than others. For instance, one lay-bye I picked earlier in the year I collected about 250 aluminium cans in 20 minutes, but they were very difficult to get at. I was crawling on my stomach under prickly gorse bushes...and left the other 2 or 3 hundred cans for another time. I didn't even touch the car tyres, suitcases, plastic bags and other waste. But instances such as this are really quite alarming.


If we can work out a way to systematically start seriously cleaning these spaces, just maybe the public's imagination as a whole will be inspired to follow suit and 'back' a real good thorough clean of the whole of the UK.


Big words maybe, but without big words being uttered the possibilities always seem impossible and always in the distant future.


Thanks for your ideas.

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Good stuff.

I still feel that bins in lay byes need emptying on a regular basis (despite the difficult logistics) as the public will not be keen to take their stuff home, they would put it next to the overflowing bin.

I wonder if its possible for depot staff to call in at lay byes on their way to or from work (if on route) and just change the bags over? This would save a fortune in costs and mean the lay bye started each day with an empty bin.

Perhaps a small bonus for the employee with most bins emptied each month?

Pie in the sky, perhaps, but we have to be able to do this cost effectively and with the right ethic behind it.

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I am and have always have been keen to set up a litter picking business of my own. On a 'very' small scale I have been paid to litter pick and have also paid others to help me...but it's finding the funding to make it far more effective! I agree with your notion of 'attention to detail' and 'pride in work done' and 'efficiency', and sometimes this has to start with a dedicated few.


Fortunately there are actually thousands of voluntary litter pickers and litter picking groups in the UK, (and Worldwide). Without them are lands, rivers and seas would be a lot worse. But I do feel that with the right focus, intentions and resources we can organize this 'very creative force for good' to create systems such as you suggest, that in time will prove effective and will be taken up elsewhere.


These comments are adding more fuel to my argument and I look forward to meeting up with the local Council waste representative to put these points to him.


I don't know how much you know about the 'crowdfunding' model, (worth a google) but this 'can' be a very effective way of raising funds to do projects that you really believe in but find difficult to fund in the 'normal ways'. If funds could be raised this way and run alongside present waste management services it must be possible to improve conditions.


In my opinion, 'Not Pie In The Sky'. An idea well worthy of putting a lot of effort into! Thanks for your comment b b.

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I think the idea of targetting a couple of laybys with a visible presence so people parking are aware of what you are doing is a good idea,also from my time as a litter picker has taught me that rubbish attracts more rubbish,so an area that looks tidy is more likely to remain so,as i say lots of luck
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malc d - 2013-11-06 8:32 PM


I can't imagine any motorhome owner ' lending ' his pride and joy to a total stranger for a few months so he can wander round picking up litter.

Most I've met are very reluctant to let their own children borrow it for the weekend.


.......and what would be the effect on the insurance premium ? ( .. and who would pay it ).





Afraid I agree, nice sentiment, but a bit unrealistic. Buy yourself a cheap van and join us.

UNTIL the dumping of rubbish at Sea becomes a SERIOUS offence, AND is strictly enforced EVEN in International waters, you are 'Flogging a dead horse' Just read about 'Palm Oil' killing a dog on the beach in Cornwall , where the stuff has washed ashore after being 'washed out of tanks' from some large passing ship. Personally I would arrest the Ship and all of its crew, in International waters if necessary, and HOLD them until a suitable Fine is paid ( 500,000 or so ) thats the only way to stop it. Might sound a bit 'Somali Pirate' like, but it would be effective. It's the only way to 'Save' the Oceans the Seas and Our Beaches. Ray

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Rayjsj - 2013-11-07 2:27 PM



Personally I would arrest the Ship and all of its crew, in International waters if necessary, and HOLD them until a suitable Fine is paid ( 500,000 or so ) thats the only way to stop it. Might sound a bit 'Somali Pirate' like, but it would be effective. It's the only way to 'Save' the Oceans the Seas and Our Beaches. Ray



Nice little earner for the legal profession trying to prove which ship it came from.



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Guest 1footinthegrave

First offence, the stocks so I can throw stuff at them,


second offence cut their hands off.......................


oh no that wouldn't work, we'd just end up with thousands more on disability benefits like the two Brit Motor home users we saw in France who having removed their mountain bikes from the back of their expensive motorhome, put their disabled badge in their window before riding off, perhaps they'll lend you their van if you threaten to inform the dhss >:-)



But I do applaud your efforts, if the existing laws were enforced we wouldn't be knee deep in crap to start with.

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malc d - 2013-11-07 2:46 PM


Rayjsj - 2013-11-07 2:27 PM



Personally I would arrest the Ship and all of its crew, in International waters if necessary, and HOLD them until a suitable Fine is paid ( 500,000 or so ) thats the only way to stop it. Might sound a bit 'Somali Pirate' like, but it would be effective. It's the only way to 'Save' the Oceans the Seas and Our Beaches. Ray



Nice little earner for the legal profession trying to prove which ship it came from.



The very fact that i'm suggesting that they get arrested in International waters, means that a few 'legal niceties' are being 'dispensed with' , I think the term 'beyond reasonable doubt' is what I'm looking for, and the onus would be on them, to prove that they DIDN'T, not the other way around. Not quite Somalia, but a 'Scare the Shxx out of them' action to stop the Oceans being the 'Dumping ground (sic)' of the World. Ray

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Maybe I'm being a bit dim but I really don't see why a motorhome would be the best vehicle to use for this project. Surely a pickup or small truck would be better suited? The benefit of a motorhome is you can live in it but why would you need to if you're just doing Dorset? You can easily get from one side of Dorset to the opposite side with any vehicle and I assume you live there so why the motorhome?



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Guest JudgeMental
malc d - 2013-11-06 8:32 PM


I can't imagine any motorhome owner ' lending ' his pride and joy to a total stranger for a few months so he can wander round picking up litter. Most I've met are very reluctant to let their own children borrow it for the weekend........and what would be the effect on the insurance premium ? ( .. and who would pay it ). :-|


and the police and insurer would not want to know in the event that the van not being returned as technically you gave the van to them! An absolute minefield....

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Fair comments! In response to Dave Newell: In my little ideal World a Motorhome would suit 'me and my project'. I am staying with my Folks at the moment which is temporary. Yes, you can drive from one side of Dorset to the other easily but I want to take things slowly and would prefer not to cavort all over the countryside burning up fuel and hours just in driving. A pick up/van could work and perhaps I could base myself in central Dorset. Ideally I have a wedge of cash and as is mentioned in another post 'buy my own motor home'. I am working on this too! I'm glad for all these comments because it is giving me a lot to think about and I can focus in on the best option. Thanks!
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