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Anyone actually stopped?


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Having had land rovers and towed a variety of trailers I am familiar with MAM, MTC, GVW and so on......although I still don't understand them.

I read a number of threads warning members to check their axle weights, tyre pressures, towing loads, bike rack weights etc. but has anyone ever been stopped by VOSA or the police and the weight actually checked? Either here or abroad.

Is this a red herring and no one really cares (within common sense)

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No, never been stopped or personally know of anyone who has. I suspect a lot who look at the forums say they weigh their vans but how often I wonder, most people I know or have spoken to with vans neither know or care what they weigh. Personally I have one of these drive over things and check periodically but do not bother for every trip.
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We've never been stopped but similar to camocam', we have seen MHs being checked(services on M5 a couple of years back). I've only weighed ours (and checked the axle weights)the once and that was with full tanks and fully loaded with all the kit'n'clobber that we were ever likely to carry at one time....Once that's done, unless things change radically(eg fitting scooter rack, repositioning gas cylinders/tanks etc)..I can't see much point in weighing it again... :-S This topic has been raised before...so just be careful... ;-)
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Hi Been stopped three times in works vans, scary when you know any little problem and your booked as they check everything, I was stopped at Morton in Marsh, lucky for me in a brand new 7.5 tonner, bloke in the artic next to me was in tears.

police officer told me he was towing a trailer which was to big, he had his foot on the brake and you could hear the air escaping.

Weighed my van not long after buying it, we have had a heavy rear bumper added, and other bits and bobs, we were packed for two weeks away and a full tank of water, what I didn't realise was, the waste water tank was full as well and we still had 350kg to spare.


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I've heard of one instance where a couple were heading to Spain for the winter in their Hymer A class and were stopped by French police at the boarder with Spain. They were several hundred (yes 100s) Kg overweight. The police would not let them proceed until they had ditched supplied and equipment to get below the MAM and fined them several hundred Euros.


Remember, if you are found to be driving a vehicle which exceeds the MAM or any axle load you can be fined. If involved in an accident and it is found that your vehicle was overweight, your insurance company may not settle any claim as you have invalidated your policy. The chances of being stopped or in an accident whilst driving an overweight vehicle are are probably very low, but besides being illegal it is irresponsible to other road users and anyone travelling in the vehicle.


I weigh my motorhome at the start of each major trip. I have some 6 weighbridge tickets which I can produce if stopped. I also pick the highest axle loads from these tickets to set the appropriate tyre pressures.





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Watched the Motorhome Channel the other night (yes, i know.....) and there was a towing article. The instructor was mainly going on about mirrors for caravans and weight and fines etc....i think he worked for (or an advisor to) the Highways Agency and they do set up stopping points where they pull in the particular type of vehicle they are checking that month.....cars, vans, motorhomes etc. so it does happen although ive not seen it.

Id like to see the twerps with no lights on when its pitch black and hissing with rain pulled in and given the riot act. Sorry, but came back on M3/A303 on monday and you just cant see them in your mirrors.....thats if youve got some :-)

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Guest JudgeMental

They tried to stop me on way back from Spain last week.....I just ignored them and drove on..if it happened here I guess it would be a sirens and helicopter job, or possibly shot or tasered?..so heavily policed we are....., I have adopted the Italian attitude and ignore if possible, they can get stuffed :D


edit: I visit weighbridges regularly, and never overweight.

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I was stopped by Spanish Police on the way home a couple of years ago on a Motorway in my tag axle Hymer,  they directed me to an area where they had an Articulated Lorry on their weigh system, It was heaving down with rain at the time and I sat there waiting for about 20 minutes. the Police finished with the lorry and walked over to my van, they walked round the van , had a natter to each other and waved me on, I  think that because of the heavy rain they could not be bothered to alter the set up of the weigh system , so relieved I drove on, I did have a lot of wine and goodies on board and do not know if I was over weight 4500 kilos gross, but I  was pleased to be sent on my way.
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Summer Last year there was a VOSA Crew and Police pulling Caravans and Motorhome into a layby on the A75 on the west side of Dumfries  en route to Stranraer, the following week in the local Newspaper it was reported the Police had Confiscated/ retained some 16 caravans and vehicles which had been stolen elsewhere, no mention of any fines for other offences,I think it was an exercise solely for stolen vehicles,  a successful one at that.

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Guest pelmetman
hallii - 2013-11-13 5:16 PM


Stopped in France about 20 miles from the ferry, a cursory inspection (no weighing) and on my way.


I think they can tell by looking at a vehicle if it is very overweight. A bit like me really!




That's why I had airbags fitted ;-)..................my bottom was getting quite saggy 8-)...............now its pert as a newborn empty van B-)


I think they're missing an advertising trick..........."Air bags........Botox for your rear end"........ :D

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Stopped by Spanish police on route from Zaragoza to Valencia in 2011. They had a good look around the vehicle before waving us on - my thoughts at the time were that as we had headlamp beam deflectors on and high viz jackets could be seen they probably made a judgement that we were likely to be responsible about other things such as weight.



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I`ve been stopped a few times with no problems what so ever.

Axle weights checked and diesel tank dipped, everything ok.

There are people who will drive miles out of their way just so they don`t have to pass a check point.

That to me just says they have something to hide and shouldn`t be on the road in the first place and i really hope and wish that they get caught one day and they get everything they deserve.

VOSA check points are put there for a reason and not as some seem to think for a joke !

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Got stopped off M11 at Harlow . They went all over the van looking for faults and after going forward for the front wheel weights they said I am over weight. Asked how far to go and said 10 miles in which they gave me a warning. Afterwards I thought if my son got out of the cab we would have been ok. . Still always check now.
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I was stopped last year at Taynuilt near Oban on the A85. All lights checked and also I noticed a good sniff in the open window presumably for alcohol. There are regular drug checks on this road usually late at night but never been stopped myself. One of my sons who travels late nights has been stopped several times. Tank was dipped for red diesel in Moffat also last year.
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Got stopped and weighed at the Swiss border. They didnt beleive that a 7.5 metre van with a motorbike on the back was under 3500KG. We were, just and I had just filled the luton with german beer.


They stopped and asked every time that year we passed the Swiss border. I just showed them the weighbridge print out from the original checkpoint

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