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Seat belts for passengers


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As far as I remember, the law now states that if rear belts are fitted they must be used by all passengers. You will find that all new motorhomes now have belts fitted to all habitation seats. Dave 656
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I think you will find that some design motorhomes with end lounge side facing seats do not have belts fitted and therefore rear passengers can still travel legaly although with an element of risk. I stand to be corrected if this is not so. chas
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If the belt is fitted, it must be used.  However, whether all the seats have belts, or whether they are lap and diagonal or lap only, will depend on when your van was built.

You may wish to check whether all your seats are designated travel seats.  I believe some rear facing seats may not be intended for travel use on some 'vans, so may not have any belts.

If it was built before the current regulations came into force, provided it complied fully with the regulations current at the time, there is no requirement to upgrade to the current regs.  You may wish to do this, but you may discover that retro-fitting belts is not possible due to absence of suitable mounting points.  You will probably need to contact the manufacturer with year/model and, if possible the converter's serial number, for the full picture.

Hope this helps

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Mels point about side mounted seats and belts is important. They won't work and can cause serious injury, particularly if they have a diagonal belt My MH is only 4months old and is 5berth, but only 4 seats have belts. The 2 cab seats and the front facing dinette ones. Behind the dinette seats there is a tubular steel frame for anchorage. I have been told that the dinette seats must be used first with belts and a 5th passenger can travel without on the side one legally.
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