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Welcome to the Out&AboutLive forums, Richard.


I think all Autohomes Wayfarers had the same interior layout, but it might be useful if you give the year of your vehicle.


There are photos of a 1998 Wayfarer here that include a layout drawing (Photo 2)




and futher photos of a 1997 model here




It's evident that a support of some sort (a board, slats or the table-top?) can be fitted across the 'gap' between the seats on the right-hand side that face each other, and the seats' cushions could then be rearranged to form a lengthways single bed (or narrow double bed for cuddly people). It also looks like extensions on the inner ends of the right-hand seats can be slid out and across towards the settee on the left. Presumably one could then rearrange the settee's cushions to form a gigantic bed comprising all the seat cushions.


I think you'll need to say which 'board' you want information on - the thing that goes between the right-hand seats or an additional support on which the centre section of one of the settee cushions might rest when the Big Bed was constructed.


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As the space between the sliders is relatively narrow, are you certain a 'board' is actually needed to fill in the gap? I'm wondering if the back of one of the side-settee's cushions has been made sufficiently rigid to not require support at its centre-section when rested across the sliders. (Just guessing - you may well have a Wayfarer owner's handbook that mentions that a board needs to go between the sliders.)


I don't know if any current member of these forums has a Wanderer and, even if there were a Wanderer-owner here, he/she might not have the in-fill board - such things often go missing when motohomes change hands.


This link




carries details of the Autohomes Owners Association. You might try phoning Peter Wright to see if he can help (This assumes Mr Wright's contact details are still correct, of course.)


If that proves unproductive, you might try asking about the board on the larger motorhome forums (MotorHomeFacts and MotorHomeFun, say) as there should be a better chance of you finding a Wanderer-owner there.

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We have one on our Sundance, never used it. we did have the cushion (long back settee one) reinforced as it went a bit soft. It is now firm enough to use without the inset piece of wood, which ours is. As we don't use the bed as a double have never tried it as has been said, a strong piece of ply wood, should do. if you require one, but try the cushion , if it has a solid back, which we now have.


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