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I have been catching up with the various postings re aires, and have the impression that a lot of them have raised prices significantly over the last few years. I dont remember having to pay, except for water, on those

We used during our last trips 3 years ago.(health issues have kept us in uk for a while)

Is this just memory loss, or are they now cashing in because of their recession.

I know we used France passion frequently, and wonder if they are still as popular.


I would like to think that we may be able to cross the channel again for holiday, but other half is concerned about possibility of being stranded abroad on her own, even though health issues have been reported by hospital as of no cause for concern now, just routine checkups once a year.

We would benefit from mutual support from like minded couples travelling same direction at same time. If interested, a pm would be welcome. Likely time, may/June, Duration, nominal 6 weeks.Destination, flexible .















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tonyg3nwl - 2013-11-22 12:16 PM


I have been catching up with the various postings re aires, and have the impression that a lot of them have raised prices significantly over the last few years. I dont remember having to pay, except for water, on those

We used during our last trips 3 years ago.(health issues have kept us in uk for a while)

Is this just memory loss, or are they now cashing in because of their recession.

I know we used France passion frequently, and wonder if they are still as popular.


I would like to think that we may be able to cross the channel again for holiday, but other half is concerned about possibility of being stranded abroad on her own, even though health issues have been reported by hospital as of no cause for concern now, just routine checkups once a year.

We would benefit from mutual support from like minded couples travelling same direction at same time. If interested, a pm would be welcome. Likely time, may/June, Duration, nominal 6 weeks.Destination, flexible .




I don't think the prices relating to aires that were charging for parking 3 years ago will have risen generally, though the small number of aires now operated within the "Camping-Car Park" network will almost certainly have seen their prices increased. Historically, charging for parking at aires presented challenges - either someone had to collect the fee, or cash needed to be put in a ticket-machine that was constantly at risk of vandalisation. Nowadays, with most people possessing credit-cards (and with credit-card standardisation) charging is much simpler and one might anticipate parking fees for aires to become more common.


I've no statistics on the number of 'visits' made annually to France Passion (FP) sites, or on the number of motorcaravanners subscribing to the scheme, but the number of FP sites has risen significantly every year since I joined FP in (I think) 2001.

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The French do not like the new charges, they like it simple. Water and waste. For everything else there are camping sites. I agree the prices are going up. All councils and government want more, so they can spend or waste more.

Most MH's are self sufficient and those that aren't use sites.

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My impressions are that, yes, more are now charging and those that have always charged are charging more.


There are still many free Aires and a small charge of say 5€ is OK by me. I will not pay 10€ -12€ plus 2€ for water. I can get a camp site off season for that!



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There are still thousands of free Aires and they are easy enough to find. Avoid the big popular aires and you will still find plenty with free parking services and sometimes hookup.


3 months in France this summer including July and August. Total cost for water, waste, EHU and overnight parking £46.



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Guest 1footinthegrave

Just a confirmation of above really, the only caveat being we generally don't use coastal locations,a bit of a bus mans holiday for us living as we do right on the beach, but our autumn 6 week trip costed out in total less than 2 Euro's a night, and there were some lovely locations all of which were quiet and included one which ( Nonancourt but don't tell every one) even had free electric, the fee for that particular aire was nil, as was another whose name escapes me for the moment ( the log book is in the van ) also had free showers, go figure ;-) worth saying one FP stop at St Emilion cost 20 Euros but only because we bought 10 litres of lovely wine. :D :D



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Guest JudgeMental
Your wife being nervous regards the risk of health problems while traveling understandable, but is it realistic. Have you beed given the all clear to travel from your clinicians, and have you managed to obtain travel insurance...if yes to both I would just get on and do it, life to short......go somewhere nice and warm and dry though and you will feel the health benefit almost immediately, winters here pure drudgery and summers not much better! :-D
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Guest 1footinthegrave

Can only agree with Eddie, I have a health issue that could potentially see me drop dead, but how many people are at the same risk without knowing. Having made a full declaration for health insurance I would hope the practicle problems would be covered, she would of course still be faced with a pretty dreadful situation should anything happen, her not being able to drive does not help. Your suggestion to travel with someone else in convoy is something worth exploring, but the practicalities throw up some interesting conundrums, perhaps I should suggest it to some on here so they can get to know the "real" 1foot. :D


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Due to various health issues we travel without insurance but as both of us drive that does reduce the risk of being stranded.


We also have two sons we have discussed this with and either of them is well capable and prepared to 'rescue' one or both of us - at our cost of course - should the situation arise.


The first trip was a worry, the second less so and now, after quite a few we just go and enjoy without a care in the world - although we do tend to stick to EU countries with known good health systems!


As far as Aires are concerned it is hardly worth the time and fuel of driving extra miles to save a few Euros unless the freebie is either on your route, you enjoy the diversion, or it looks like being a better location from the description and picture in the book of Aires.


We would be happy to meet anyone on our travels and would offer help if it were needed but I don't think traveling in convoy would work for many of us unless we all had similar tastes and expectations from the journey as we all seem to be pretty independently minded on here?

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Oh no.................please don't let this degenerate into another aire, or anti aire thread, it's been done to death (!) ;-) one could equally argue it's not worth the fuel to seek out a site that may or may not live up to expectation, and a route is where you are going surely,be that a site or an aire..................oh bugger now what have I done. :D
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1footinthegrave - 2013-11-26 9:47 AM


Can only agree with Eddie, I have a health issue that could potentially see me drop dead, but how many people are at the same risk without knowing. Having made a full declaration for health insurance I would hope the practicle problems would be covered, she would of course still be faced with a pretty dreadful situation should anything happen, her not being able to drive does not help. Your suggestion to travel with someone else in convoy is something worth exploring, but the practicalities throw up some interesting conundrums, perhaps I should suggest it to some on here so they can get to know the "real" 1foot. :D


Is this really PRACTICAL? (lol)

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Have to agree with Tracker, re travelling in convoy.

we did this this year, with a friend (of 30 years)who lives in France. he had been widowed early on in the year, and had not been out in his van, as wife had been the navigator, and he did not have, or know how to use a Sat Nav

we went with him and bought a Sat Nav, and showed him how to use it. We all went off , and he would only use Aires, which was fine , up to a point, but not always worth the extra time spent looking for them.

Any way was not easy trying to stay to-gether on the road (Traffic lights, etc) Of coarse being a French van, left hand drive, ours is not. We stayed to-gether for a week, then we headed south, and he made his way back to Brittany

Believe me a week was more than enough, of playing follow my leader (though we did take turns leading)


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Guest 1footinthegrave
rupert123 - 2013-11-26 10:52 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-11-26 9:47 AM


Can only agree with Eddie, I have a health issue that could potentially see me drop dead, but how many people are at the same risk without knowing. Having made a full declaration for health insurance I would hope the practicle problems would be covered, she would of course still be faced with a pretty dreadful situation should anything happen, her not being able to drive does not help. Your suggestion to travel with someone else in convoy is something worth exploring, but the practicalities throw up some interesting conundrums, perhaps I should suggest it to some on here so they can get to know the "real" 1foot. :D


Is this really PRACTICAL? (lol)


I could give you some spelling and grammar tests, you could introduce me to the joys of staying on sites. :D

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Guest JudgeMental
1footinthegrave - 2013-11-26 9:47 AM


I have a health issue that could potentially see me drop dead.....



Really?.......We live in hope..

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Guest 1footinthegrave
JudgeMental - 2013-11-26 12:18 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-11-26 9:47 AM


I have a health issue that could potentially see me drop dead.....



Really?.......We live in hope..


And there was me coming round to the idea you may be a nice bloke after all. ;-)

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Guest Had Enough
1footinthegrave - 2013-11-26 11:26 AM


I could give you some spelling and grammar tests, you could introduce me to the joys of staying on sites. :D


People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. As was pointed out you can't spell practical so you shouldn't be castigating Henry for any error that he made. You also have occasional problems with contraction apostrophes, as in lets instead of let's and don;t instead of don't and, like many on here, you have problems with your and you're.


I wouldn't dream of mentioning this normally but you opened the door I'm afraid with that unnecessary dig at Henry.






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Den - 2013-11-25 5:38 PM


The French do not like the new charges, they like it simple. Water and waste. For everything else there are camping sites. I agree the prices are going up. All councils and government want more, so they can spend or waste more.

Most MH's are self sufficient and those that aren't use sites.


This is an over simplification. Yes the majority of French vanners do not like charges but there is a sizable minority who welcome charges particularly when accompanied by improved facilities such as WiFi, hook-ups and barrier entry. They take view that charges often make it easier to find a space whilst at same time enjoying the better set out,facilities etc.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Had Enough - 2013-11-26 1:21 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-11-26 11:26 AM


I could give you some spelling and grammar tests, you could introduce me to the joys of staying on sites. :D


People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. As was pointed out you can't spell practical so you shouldn't be castigating Henry for any error that he made. You also have occasional problems with contraction apostrophes, as in lets instead of let's and don;t instead of don't and, like many on here, you have problems with your and you're.


I wouldn't dream of mentioning this normally but you opened the door I'm afraid with that unnecessary dig at Henry.






Get over it, light hearted banter, have you never heard of it........................I'm sure Henry would complain directly to me, if you took the trouble to look he has taken it in good humour, something you are singularly devoid of.

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robertandjean - 2013-11-26 1:48 PM

This is an over simplification. Yes the majority of French vanners do not like charges but there is a sizable minority who welcome charges particularly when accompanied by improved facilities such as WiFi, hook-ups and barrier entry. They take view that charges often make it easier to find a space whilst at same time enjoying the better set out,facilities etc.


I too see things along the same lines.


As I say so often it is not just about the money - it is mainly about convenience and the ability to stop when we want to and where we want to without the rigmarole of finding and booking into a site.

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Guest Had Enough
1footinthegrave - 2013-11-26 3:57 PM


Had Enough - 2013-11-26 1:21 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-11-26 11:26 AM


I could give you some spelling and grammar tests, you could introduce me to the joys of staying on sites. :D


People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. As was pointed out you can't spell practical so you shouldn't be castigating Henry for any error that he made. You also have occasional problems with contraction apostrophes, as in lets instead of let's and don;t instead of don't and, like many on here, you have problems with your and you're.


I wouldn't dream of mentioning this normally but you opened the door I'm afraid with that unnecessary dig at Henry.






Get over it, light hearted banter, have you never heard of it........................I'm sure Henry would complain directly to me, if you took the trouble to look he has taken it in good humour, something you are singularly devoid of.


Light hearted banter my *rse! It was you being a clever dick by pointing out that you could spell something that he couldn't. You fool no one! As I said, if you're going to start pointing out other people's spelling and grammar errors you need to be good at it yourself. Which you're not! ;-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Well I wouldn't even try to begin to compete with the biggest "clever dick " on here, you attempt to take the crown pretty well of the time........unless Kirby is in on the act...................perhaps we should have a vote eh. ;-)


I forgot by the way, what the outcome was with CliveH, do please tell it was hard to keep up stretching as it did over God knows how many posts. ;-)

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Guest Had Enough
1footinthegrave - 2013-11-26 5:44 PM


I forgot by the way, what the outcome was with CliveH, do please tell it was hard to keep up stretching as it did over God knows how many posts. ;-)


We decided that, compared to you, we are absolute paragons and are now the closest friends possible!


Sometimes you have to see those who are much worse off than you to realise how lucky you are. ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
Aaah another of life's conundrums :-S...............who's the most intelligent?......... a Clever Dick or a Smart A*se..............answers on a postcard please (lol).........
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