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Screen Covers Inside or Out?


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External every time.  We had internal ones supplied with our new MH and after one of the first  nights out (in November) the inside of the screen was dripping wet.  We stuck with them for a few weeks to see if this was a one off but it wasn't.  In addition they left horrible sucker marks on the screen and windows.  They swiftly found their way to a car boot sale.


After a bit of 'tinternet research we went for Silver Screens with the fold out middle section and have to say we find them excellent.  No more condensation, easy to put on and take off......even in the rain, after all once you get the hang of it fitting/removing only takes a couple of minutes and I'd rather that than have water running down the inside of the screen with the potential for (over time) corrosion problems.


We all know that in a MH damp is your enemy so doing what you can to reduce it has to be a good thing.

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External screens every time! Stops 95% of inside condensation. If you have the latest Ducato/Peugeot/Ciitroen i would highly recommended the extended down screen (Taylors do one) which covers the gap between the hood and screen as the water management of water going inside the engine compartment is a terrible design. They have had to fit an engine cover on the latest models to stop water getting in the electrics.


Keep the plenum drains clear to let the water out. On my 2011 ducato the drain hose hidden behind the small removeable cover next to the o/s headlamp was not connected! I suspect that as it is so small they deliberately left it disconnected to ensure the water runs away and does not seep through the wiper spindle rubber seal. The water then drains into the engine compartment. Your choice - leave it disconnected or connect the drain tube and remove the cover regularly to keep the hole clear.

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