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Over 50?.......your the lucky ones....

Guest pelmetman

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Right again Dave. this country would be totally different had we lost the war, or not got involved in the first place. No thieving pikeys for a start and the destruction of any culture we may have had.

I'll get me coat. :D


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Dave225 - 2013-12-09 7:32 PM


peter - 2013-12-08 10:56 PM


Bang on Dave. I don't feel guilty, as we've worked bloody hard for what we've achieved. Not p*ssed all our money up the wall like some do.


Thank you. I was beginning to think I was the only b....d who had worked all his life just to be told that i should feel guilty and give it all to some spotty teenager who cannot spell.


Oh dear..and you called others "pompous"..

So what in this thread made you think that it was only YOU who had worked hard then...?..

Just because someone can empathise with others, that then means that they haven't worked hard then does it?....


As for, "..affordable Housing...Don't make me laugh"..So I take it that you refute the fact that some of the current crop of "retirees" have been in a position to see their house values rocket by obscene amounts then?..and I suppose they also haven't been able to buy their "council houses" at knock down prices either then..?

So all that has been one big lie then has it?... *-)


Oh..and just to state the obvious, there'll be a percentage of "pensioners" who have only spent their lives p*ssing their money up the wall anyway...but by becoming "pensioners", they magically become "worthy" and "entitled" ... ;-)


Anyway, I'll leave you all to your overly simplistic, "..Old is good.....young is bad..." ranting.. (lol)



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For goodness sake you lot, stop the blooming bickering! *-)


Surely what your views are on this are based on your own experience and therefore you are only able to give an opinion based on that?


I know what we went through when I was a kid, when I first got married, what hard work and sacrifices we have had to make to be in the position we are in now, to say that we had it better than kids have now is a joke! It was different that's all.


If someone wants to get on they can work hard, get better educated (night classes for example), get a job - even with a basic wage which is better than nothing as they can gain experience, even in a mundane job, which future employers will look at.


What I cannot abide, both when I was younger and now, is those who are just bone idle and whinge about how hard done by they are, but won't lift a finger to get themselves out of it. Talk about a basic wage now ... my first wage was so low that I (and my employer) didn't have to pay tax or NI, but I still put in as much, or more, graft than everyone else working there who were all much better paid than me, because that was a job that I had got and I wanted to do it well. I didn't whinge about it, I just got on with it and ensured I had a good work record which then stood me in good stead to gradually climb up the job ladder, doing night classes etc to improve myself as I left school with few qualifications other than my typing ones. A lot of years of extra classes and hard work - I could just have plodded on as I was but I wasn't prepared to just accept that as my lot and did NOT expect others to hand me stuff on a platter.


As for pensioners trying to live on the state pension alone ... if they don't have any other income they will also get rent and council tax paid and possibly help with other things, so could get a lot more in reality than the £142 a week (current single person's guaranteed minimum pension) when the rest is added in so whilst the pension itself sounds low, when you add the rest it isn't. My Mum used to get this and always complained that she was getting too much!!!! *-)


Just as some 'kids' nowadays expect to be able to have mobile phones, designer clothes, the latest gadgets etc, some pensioners also expect to be able to go out a lot, run a car, have foreign holidays etc. The same applies for both groups though, if you want it you have to make arrangements/plans to be able to finance it yourself and NOT expect others to pay for it! If you aren't prepared to do so when you have the money, then don't come whinging to others for it when you haven't got it any more.


Others will have other opinions about all of this, these are just mine.

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Guest pelmetman
derek pringle - 2013-12-10 9:09 AM



If all some people can say is that it was as bad when we were young then it is a pity. I would have have hoped we would have progressed and made things a lot better for our next generations.



We have......they can now work until they're 77...........Progress eh? ;-)

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