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Leaving our Motorhome in Spain

Woodstock Traveler

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I am thinking of leaving our Motorhome in Spain next easter. At the moment we keep it in a garage in France, but we find that we are covering the same ground each time that we travel south for the sun. Adding to the cost of fuel/time and charges for motorways. We have had a couple of recommendations of places to leave it, both of which are in secure compounds, but not under cover. Therefore I was thinking that it may not be necessary to turn off the Transformer, as the solar panel which is 160w. would be able to keep the 2 leisure batteries charged while the sun is shining, even during the winter months. But would I have to turn off the 12v Control Panel, as this may use up some of the power. does anyone one have any advice on this please? At the moment when I leave the Motorhome in the garage for any length of time i.e. a couple of months, I turn off the 12v. control panel also the transformer, and disconnect the engine battery.
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At moment my MH is parked at Alicante Airport. The control panel is switch off. I have a 90w solar panel that is connected to a Ctek Dual250S battery to battery charger. The charger looks at the leisure battery and the engine battery and when the leisure battery is charged sends power to the starter battery. Will find out at end of February if all ok but as there is no drain all should be well. Parking has means to jump start.
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Guest JudgeMental
I only knew about this from chatting to Hamish ( shortcircuit) best PM him for details...something I would consider doing but main problem would be the security as we carry expensive e bikes, plus keeping batteries conditioned...
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sshortcircuit - 2013-12-14 11:40 AM


I had a quick look at Stones and very handy for Benidorm, however you have to get to airport, not manned 24 hrs and not open Sunday so a lot of negatives.


There is or at least was a bus to the airport that will drop you off for 9 euros at a destination of your choice within reason. I know the bus reguarly stops at Camping Villasol and Stones is merely up the road. There is a need to check however. Details are at the Round Town News on the Rincon. Stones also deliver to various locations at a price so they could be asked to suggest somewhere. As I said they are English so no language issues.


The original poster didn't say he needed to be close to the airport. If that is the case then I agree Alicante airport would be ideal. In order to elicit a decent response it would be advantageous for precise details of requirements to be provided. In this case the request is rather vague.

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 Just how do you leave a Motor home in France or Spain and still keep it legal? no MOT, No tax etc! AFAIK you cannot get an MOT abroad and thus even with a French Controle Technique get RFL. OK if the Vehicle is less than 4 years old but in the future? OH yes no MOT and Tax will mean your Insurance is invalid.
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Retread24800 - 2013-12-14 2:18 PM


 Just how do you leave a Motor home in France or Spain and still keep it legal? no MOT, No tax etc! AFAIK you cannot get an MOT abroad and thus even with a French Controle Technique get RFL. OK if the Vehicle is less than 4 years old but in the future? OH yes no MOT and Tax will mean your Insurance is invalid.


The OP MH is French registered so there may be a difference. I deliberately re MOT this year to take it to August. Road Tax is due in April and I could have done it on line and disc posted to me however will bring MH back for end of April.


Unless its a new MH I do not think it is possible due to MOT

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sshortcircuit - 2013-12-14 3:46 PM
Retread24800 - 2013-12-14 2:18 PM Just how do you leave a Motor home in France or Spain and still keep it legal? no MOT, No tax etc! AFAIK you cannot get an MOT abroad and thus even with a French Controle Technique get RFL. OK if the Vehicle is less than 4 years old but in the future? OH yes no MOT and Tax will mean your Insurance is invalid.
The OP MH is French registered so there may be a difference. I deliberately re MOT this year to take it to August. Road Tax is due in April and I could have done it on line and disc posted to me however will bring MH back for end of April. Unless its a new MH I do not think it is possible due to MOT


 Any vehicle driving within the EU must be 'legal' in the country it is registered in so a French C-C over 4 years old must have a French CT every 2 years so it would be easier. A Similar UK MH would need to return to the UK for a MOT annually.

Must admit it really P's me off when I see UK wrecks driving round here with no MOT/tax and questionable insurance. But the Gendarmerie are becoming clued up and the car parks at the airports are loosing their quota of illegal Britmobiles.


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I don't think the OP has clarified quite what he means by "leave" his motorhome in Spain. He only says he intends doing so at Easter, to avoid driving it back to wherever he lives in France. Whether he intends nipping home for a week or so, or leaving it for the whole summer, is unclear.


However, I assume he means leave in the short term as surely no-one would leave a motorhome parked for several months near Alicante, let alone near Alicante airport. Might be useful if he would clarify.


What is the attitude of French insurers to vehicles that have not had their CT? I assume they would not honour the insurance in the event of a claim?


However, as the CT only becomes due six months before the fourth anniversary of first registration and is bi-annual, if the van is under 4, or in its intermediate year, I assume there is no absolute necessity to return it to France?

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Brian Kirby - 2013-12-14 4:43 PM



However, I assume he means leave in the short term as surely no-one would leave a motorhome parked for several months near Alicante, let alone near Alicante airport. Might be useful if he would clarify.



Well Brian what is this peril of wisdom you are going to impart to us as you obviously have inside knowledge or first hand experience, not a friend of a friend? My MH is being left in secure parking for 3 months so what have I got to worry about?

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Peril of wisdom? Dunno! :-) Inside knowledge? No. But if I have understood him right, not something that strikes me as a good idea.


For three months, as you propose, maybe (though personally I'd have reservations about even that, but you are you and I am me) - but for longer? The OP spoke of leaving it in Spain at Easter, to avoid the mileage costs of travelling south for the sun, by which I assume he means for the winter.


That seems to me to mean leaving the van in what I understand to be an open, though secure, storage compound over the whole summer, so maybe around six months?


I can't see that doing any van much good. It will get ferociously hot inside, is liable to be invaded by ants, the sealants would get cooked, and the intense heat and UV would accelerate tyre degredation. The toilet cassette and waste water tanks would need thoroughly cleaning out beforehand, or they will end up stinking, ditto the fresh water tank and, unless the solar panel also charges the starter battery (he hasn't said whether it does or not), he'll be liable to find it as flat as a hat when he returns to it.


I'll admit I'm a bit confused as to when he intends leaving it, as he refers to leaving it at Easter, but later says the solar panel would keep the leisure batteries charged during the winter months. Even so, it is not something I'd think a particularly good idea.

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It was the OP's proposal I was commenting on, Hamish, not yours. I agree, Fife to Alicante is a very long round trip, but he was only coming from France, and I assume intended leaving his van during summer, not winter.


We've had ant problems pretty much whenever we've been in Spain in summer, so if anything were to be left in the van, and the van left unattended for six months or so, I'd anticipate ant trouble!


Happy landings.

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sshortcircuit - 2013-12-14 6:40 PMThe alternative then. 3700 mile round trip, 20 days driving, 2 ferry crossings as opposed to two 3 1/2 hr flights. Suggest you are way over the top with possibilities of infestation etc particularly at this time of the year but then I will find out end of February.

You have two alternative options

1) Buy a house in Spain and re register your Vehicle .

2) Buy a new vehicle every 3 1/2 years.


PS 20 days driving? The distance from Bilbao to Portsmouth is about 1200 Km*2=2400Km over 6 hrs per day and 20 days = 120hrs or 6 mph (3700/120 = 31mph)  Pps the ferry to save the mileage costs £750


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Guest JudgeMental
Calais - Benidorm takes me 2 days. Left Calais Monday lunchtime, swimming in pool Wednesday after lunch. But I only live 1.5 hours from ferry...... Syd drives it in one day by car from The northeast! :-D
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Retread24800 - 2013-12-14 6:07 PM
sshortcircuit - 2013-12-14 6:40 PMThe alternative then. 3700 mile round trip, 20 days driving, 2 ferry crossings as opposed to two 3 1/2 hr flights. Suggest you are way over the top with possibilities of infestation etc particularly at this time of the year but then I will find out end of February.

You have two alternative options

1) Buy a house in Spain and re register your Vehicle .

2) Buy a new vehicle every 3 1/2 years.


PS 20 days driving? The distance from Bilbao to Portsmouth is about 1200 Km*2=2400Km over 6 hrs per day and 20 days = 120hrs or 6 mph (3700/120 = 31mph)  Pps the ferry to save the mileage costs £750

Never in a month of Sunday's would I consider a ferry. Just think back a few months when nothing was sailing and travellers were being rebooked 10 days ahead, no thanks.Not sure about your sums. My 20 days were based on an easy drive and I think average speeds are a good bit lower than some think they can achieve within the speed limits.
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