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Rapido electrics


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I have a Rapid 710F registered 2000. As I wanted to get through weekend rallies I bought a new leisure battery, which wax fitted by the dealer.


Since then the control panel readings for the vehicle battery and the leisure battery are always the same.


The dealer had an auto electrician look at the issue and he advised that the leisure battery would have to be used quite a lot before it would read a different value from the vehicle battery.


As I had not used the van since this investigation (about 6 weeks ago) I decided to take the van out for a little run. Both batteries read 14.5 before starting, both read 13.5 after about 40 minutes driving.


Does this sound right?

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I wonder if your indicating panel is actually switching between the batteries. To prove it, disconnect one lead from the leisure battery, then switch the panel from leisure to van and back. In one position you should read nothing. If it reads nothing, in both positions, then you are reading the leisure battery in both positions, if it reads voltage in both positions, then the panel is wired only to the vehicle battery and there is a wiring problem in leisure battry circuitry somewhere, or the panel wiring is faulty.





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Rapido has fitted electrical systems based on CBE and Scheiber equipment, and it seems from this photo




that a 710F model would have a Scheiber control-panel.


Voltage readings for the vehicle and leisure bateries should only be as high as 14.5V when the batteries are being charged, either via the motothome's alternator or by its on-board battery-charger. So a 'no charging' readout of 14.5V is very suspect.


The logical thing to do would be to use a voltmeter to check the voltage of each battery at its terminals to see how those voltages compare with the control-panel readouts. Continental-European motorhomes use a 'coupler/separator' arrangement to parallel connect the vehicle and leisure batteries when they are being alternator-charged. If both batteries show identical volages at their terminals when off-charge, I guess there's the possibility that the coupler/separator is not separating them.

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I've been mulling over your original posting.


You said


"As I had not used the van since this investigation (about 6 weeks ago) I decided to take the van out for a little run. Both batteries read 14.5 before starting, both read 13.5 after about 40 minutes driving."


A: I read this initially as meaning that, after about 6 weeks of your motorhome not being started, the control-panel readouts were showing 14.5V for both batteries.


B: I subsequently wondered whether you might actually have started the motorhome's motor and then checked the control-panel readouts while the motor was running but before starting driving the vehicle. If you had done that, 14.5V readings for both batteries would be expected as the control-panel would be reflecting the vehicle's alternator output not the batteries' charge-state. Similarly, after 40 minutes of driving, it might not be unreasonablel to find that the voltage being provided by the alternator to the batteries had reduced to 13.5V.


If Scenario A is correct (and your statement "Since then the control panel readings for the vehicle battery and the leisure battery are always the same" suggests it should be) then there's a problem. If Scenario B is correct, there may not be a problem.


It would be worth you confirming how the control-panel (Is it the Scheiber panel shown in the link I provided?) behaved before the new leisure-battery was fitted. Presumably it showed different voltages for the two batteries and the leisure-battery's voltage readout reduced noticeably as 12V power was taken from it (say, during a weekend rally when the motorhome was not connected to a 230V power-supply)?


I don't know if there is anything in your Rapido's handbook to suggest that the control-panel may need 'twiddling' for it to provide accurate readouts after a battery-swap. I found a French-language description of the Scheiber panel shown in the photo and it looks pretty simple, with separate test-buttons to produce voltage readouts for either the motor or auxiliary battery.




Disconnecting the leisure-battery has been advised twice above. Besides doing this to carry out the checks mentioned, it might be worth trying just to see if it has any positive effect on the control-panel readouts (A bit like giving a piece of electrical kit a judicious thump). I would have expected an auto-electrician to have tried this, but another try wouldn't do any harm and just might do some good.

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Answering the question very simply - and am not an electrician - I would be pleased if they were the same reading. In our new VW I have a flexible solar panel - just been and checked - and both batteries show the same.


Ps. I look at problems very simply. If it works then I do nothing - it derives from being a cyclist - always look for the shortest route.


PPS. I have the feeling that the poor guy is becoming more confused with all the technical advise being offered. All it needs is our Brian to add his bit !

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Will85 - 2013-12-29 1:00 PM


Answering the question very simply - and am not an electrician - I would be pleased if they were the same reading. In our new VW I have a flexible solar panel - just been and checked - and both batteries show the same.


Ps. I look at problems very simply. If it works then I do nothing - it derives from being a cyclist - always look for the shortest route.


PPS. I have the feeling that the poor guy is becoming more confused with all the technical advise being offered. All it needs is our Brian to add his bit !


Skercat has not mentioned that his (her?) Rapido has a solar-panel but, of course, if it has that would be an important factor to take into account.


When someone new to this forum has a technical inquiry, it's often the case that additional questions will need to be asked to enable a useful response to be given. On a face-to-face basis, my first questions to skercart would be "How long have you owned your Rapido?" and "What did the control-panel do in the past?" The answer to Question 1 would establish the owner's familiarity with the vehicle, and (assuming the owner had not just obtained the motorhome) the answer to Question 2 would confirm that something significant had changed.


If all technical questions asked on this forum were straightforward, Brian and I would not need to participate. There may well be a simple answer in this case, but it would appear that an auto-electrician was unable to provide an explanation that satisfied skercat.


Let's assume skercat's Rapido has not got a solar-panel and the control-panel readouts for both batteries are always identical. I'm aware that you are not an electrician, but what's your simple diagnosis of why the battery readouts are always the same?

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Hi skercat


We also have a 710F. The battery voltages show the same when the engine is running, and on hook up but only when the green coupler light is illuminated - showing the same charge is going to both fully charged batteries.


With the engine off and the mains disconnected, switching on the habitation electrics (lights, heater fan etc) shows a difference in the voltage reading and the coupler light goes out almost immediately.


Was the reason for changing the leisure battery that it was not holding a charge or was showing a low voltage reading on the display? If either or both, and the engine was started this could have ruined the coupler/separator unit and the dealer/auto-electrician bypassed causing both readings to be the same all the time?



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1footinthegrave - 2013-12-29 7:00 PM


I note you allude to the idea that you and BK are technical consultants and so imply the best placed to answer these questions, appointed by whom exactly, perhaps it would help in that is case to verify both yours and BKs qualifications, and some contact details so the veracity of yours and BKs claims could be confirmed, I'm sure that would help enormously, questions could then be directly sent to you via a pm perhaps. ;-)



...as usual,. Brian and Derek in their own inimitable fashion(s) are at least attempting to help the OP, whilst you ("alluding" to my previous post on your "attitude") continue to demonstrate that you have become a triple A rated a*sehole.


Give it a rest!





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1footinthegrave - 2013-12-29 7:58 PM


Robinhood - 2013-12-29 7:50 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-12-29 7:00 PM


I note you allude to the idea that you and BK are technical consultants and so imply the best placed to answer these questions, appointed by whom exactly, perhaps it would help in that is case to verify both yours and BKs qualifications, and some contact details so the veracity of yours and BKs claims could be confirmed, I'm sure that would help enormously, questions could then be directly sent to you via a pm perhaps. ;-)



...as usual,. Brian and Derek in their own inimitable fashion(s) are at least attempting to help the OP, whilst you ("alluding" to my previous post on your "attitude") continue to demonstrate that you have become a triple A rated a*sehole.


Give it a rest!





Funny that you omit that this was my post at the top of the thread, apparently without any value or help to the OP in my own inimitable fashion ;-)


I have a Rapido with a CBE electrical system, I've read you can reset the panel so that it shows the correct values. I believe you need to first check each batteries voltage using a separate volt meter,which I personally would do with them disconnected and ensuring they are fully charged, then through a series of button presses on the control panel set the panel display to the same values, for both corresponding batteries, I should add I'm no expert, that is merely the information it states in my CBE instruction book.


I have to say though the auto electrician given his comments to you wouldn't inspire my confidence to say the least. (!)


My questioning the validity of two people who profess or allude to the idea of being technical consultants on this forum seems to be entirely reasonable, just as you calling me triple A arsehole for asking the question seems reasonable to you. ;-)


......no, sorry, you can't hide behind that. :-S


I fully acknowledge that you posted a "pearl of wisdom" at the top of the thread that might be relevant to the original post (in reality, possibly not the most helpful answer, though notably no-one had a go at you for it)


Derek then significantly fleshed out some of the potential background and issues.


You yourself then went entirely off at a tangent with your next post.


On Derek further adding (IMO totally relevant and on-topic) detail, you immediately reverted to your less-than-subtle "vendetta mode", and additionally roped in Brian (who you seem to have an ongoing battle with) despite him not even being a participant in this thread.


I've deferred from responding to your behaviour for long enough. A certain amount of "unpleasantness" seems to have become accepted in Chatterbox (IMO to it's detriment), but I consider your behaviour to be wholly unacceptable in Motorhome Matters (in the context it has recently been exhibited). Whilst I naturally can't attribute this feeling to others on the forum, I suspect that my view is not an isolated one, and I am quite content to state it.


You now come across as a very "sad" individual, but the worst aspect is that such behaviour tends (IMO) to inhibit those less forceful individuals who feel they could contribute positively, but are intimidated by your behaviour. This is to the detriment of the forum as a whole, and luckily, there are still a few stalwarts who are not so intimidated.


So, if you will pardon my language once again, you are, sir, a 24 carat, copper-bottomed, triple A rated a*sehole.








(with knobs on!). :-|



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1footinthegrave - 2013-12-29 9:28 PM


I didn't rope Kirby in at all, this is what DU stated.


"If all technical questions asked on this forum were straightforward, Brian and I would not need to participate."



I'll try again,I merely asked if someone sets themselves up as a "technical spokesmen or expert" why it is unreasonable to ask on what basis they say claim to be that very thing, what is it about that simple proposition that makes you so angry ?


Keep digging...........


I've had my say, and your wider (unacceptable) behaviour will either be obvious or not to those who read these (and other) posts.


As for your roping in of Brian (something on which you have form; I note both that you appear to choose to be derogatory in referring to him, and have a short memory) see below:


1footinthegrave - 2013-12-29 7:58 PM


My questioning the validity of two people who profess or allude to the idea of being technical consultants on this forum seems to be entirely reasonable, just as you calling me triple A arsehole for asking the question seems reasonable to you. ;-)


....how does this not rope Brian into the debate - I don't see any evidence at all of him claiming to be a technical consultant?


I agree that the term a*rsehole may be seen as derogatory, and though I would normally not chose to use it, (and apologise to anyone else it might have offended) it seemed most appropriate given your recent history.


Enough on this thread, but (much as per your promise elsewhere) I reserve the right to challenge any further unacceptable behaviour.

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Then why don't you dismantle your Truma heater, bin the advice Derek gave you to try to help you fix it, and sort the whole damn thing out from scratch for yourself? Silly me, because that advice was gratefully taken, as he knew more about the heater than you, and you were the one with the problem. Talk about bite the hand that feeds! You really are an idiot!


People learn things as they go through life. So, there will always be someone who knows more, and someone else who knows less, about any given subject, than you, or me, or anyone else. You dislike those who demonstrate knowledge on any subject, labelling them "so-called experts" and accusing them of merely swanking their knowledge for self gratification. Until of course, you are the one asking. Hypocrite!


Then, having accepted their information, in order to get in your next gratuitous swipe at your "so called experts", you begin to demand peoples' qualifications, as evidence they have the status to be able to post on technical matters. What a staggering cheek! Just read what they write, make your own judgement as to its value, correct tactfully if necessary, add where useful, and otherwise shut up.


And while we're at it, do stop your petulant bleating digs at anyone who posts a reply to an OP, that omits to credit YOU with having already given a part answer a few posts up. It is not a personal affront to YOU, it is simply the consequence of oversight or accident. Get used to it, it happens to all of us all the time. Being rude about it helps no-one.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-12-30 6:35 AM


So why am I surprised at your angry response for simply asking the question what qualifies anyone to make the statement ( repeated yet again below ) that seems to give the impression that people like Euroserve, Dave Newell, and many other very knowledgeable people on here can largely be disregarded, as there are only two players worth listening to. READ IT AGAIN. if that is not sheer arrogance, I do not know what is. (!)



"If all technical questions asked on this forum were straightforward, Brian and I would not need to participate."



.....and I'd suggest you read the thread again, and try to understand that the context of the above sentence of Derek's was in reply was to a direct "poke" from (the almost as mischievous as you) Will85 patently referencing both Derek by implication and Brian explicitly (and those two individuals alone).


So, not arrogance, but a fairly natural and direct response to the preceding post.


(but one which, given your preponderance of particularly negative responses, combined with your ongoing "feud" with certain individuals, you've interpreted as yet another opportunity to "have a go").


I apologise profusely to Skercat (the original poster) as I'm sure he didn't bargain for his query raising such a dialogue, but all this is in (though I suspect vain) hope of some sort of normality returning to the wider Motorhome Matters forum.

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Will85 (Bill) and I go back a long way. I place him in my forum-members ‘nice guy’ category, but I thought his comment deserved a mild nose-tweak, in particular for unnecessarily introducing Brian Kirby into the discussion.


Many of the technical inquiries made on this forum have a simple answer, but even in apparently simple cases providing appropriate advice may require considerable effort. It’s possibly unkind, but I refer Bill to this series of Year 2006 forum threads that relate to his trying to obtain a marker-light bulb for his Rapido motorhome.












What Bill doesn’t know (because I chose not to mention it at the time) is that I became so fed up with what should have been a straightforward matter I contacted Rapido’s Anthony Pfaff myself. I told Anthony there was a Rapido owner complaining bitterly on a UK motorhome internet forum that he couldn’t get any sense out of Rapido or his dealership and all he wanted was a simple light-bulb. I asked Anthony if he could confirm what bulb was required as I believed the Rapido manual contained a misprint. Anthony’s response was ‘terse’ (basically “What business is it of yours?”) but Bill did get the information he needed.


Brian Kirby and I are both long-term contributors to this forum that began in 2006. I also participated from Year 2000 on the preceding MMM forum. I don’t claim to be a motorhome “technical consultant” but I’ve had 13 years exposure to motorhome-related inquiries and that gives me a lot of background information to draw on.


I tend not to provide knee-jerk advice to questions where the answer is not obvious. If I notice before submitting my response that another forum-member has said much the same thing, or that their reply and mine overlap in some areas, I’ll not submit my reply or try to edit it to remove the overlaps. Sometimes I don’t notice overlaps which, inevitably, results in repetition. I don’t view this as a cardinal sin and it certainly doesn’t concern me when other forum-members’ contributions repeat or overlap mine. If such repetition offends then Mea Culpa - I try to avoid it but it sometimes happens.

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Yes a very long way.


I'm certain that Brian doesn't take me too seriously. I would suggest that he and I are at the opposite ends of practicality and that's good, I place myself as wonderfully uneducated, but if I were to write a CV today no one would believe it. as for Brian - I don't know.


My Rapido query'(s) in 2006 - Did I really say all that. It all worked fine in the end after my adjusting or rather correcting.


Regarding the two batteries question, I assumed that the task of the electrics was to ensure an equal flow of power between batteries, hence my comment.


I look at all life from the simplest way possible.




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1footinthegrave - 2013-12-30 6:35 AM


My heater problem was responded to by a few contributors,the best advice being yours I think,which was take it to Truma, although I acknowledge ALL contributors were motivated to benefit not only me, but anyone with a similar problem now or in the future, and for that I thank all them including Derek Uzzell.


So why am I surprised at your angry response for simply asking the question what qualifies anyone to make the statement ( repeated yet again below ) that seems to give the impression that people like Euroserve, Dave Newell, and many other very knowledgeable people on here can largely be disregarded, as there are only two players worth listening to. READ IT AGAIN. if that is not sheer arrogance, I do not know what is. (!)



"If all technical questions asked on this forum were straightforward, Brian and I would not need to participate."

It is now be my place to apologise to skercat for further OT, and I do so gladly.


1foot, you seem to read what you want to read, and not what is written; and you seem to interpret only in a way that reflects your own pre-conceived notions of others and their motives. The above is a classic example.


There is nothing in Derek's quoted comment that excludes anyone. He merely responded to Will88's earlier contribution dragging my name into the debate, for largely mischevious reasons. Robin has given you the full context, and the reason why I was mentioned by Derek. A charitable interpretation of the comment would have recognised its context. In your haste to pursue your vendetta, as usual, you took the uncharitable interpretation.


I didn't ask to be mentioned, I have no "mutual admiration" pact with Derek. I have huge admiration for his repeatedly demonstrated persistence, patience, reserved manner, level of knowledge, and access to knowledge. His comments re Will88 are a further example of this.


What you never seem to appreciate is that your responses are not the consequence of reality, but of how you, and I think almost you alone, have come to see others. It is a disease.


I don't see Dave Newell (who I happen to know a bit) as swanking his superior knowledge to feed his ego when he answers questions, I see him as a knowledgable person with a useful contribuition to make to someone's problem - not infrequently to his personal cost.


So with Nick Fisher (euroserv), and Jon (brambles), or Clive (Mott-Gotobed), or the lete Mel Eastburn (MelE), to name but a few others (there are more, but I'm trying to avoid the BAFTAs! :-)). They do not get paid, they do not promote themselves as "experts", they merely demonstrate greater knowledge on various subjects than the rest of us can ever hope to access without recourse to dealerships, who of course charge, and seem frequently to be less technically sound than the above. It is mutual self-help, not ego building, that you are seeing.


Yet, for some perverse reason, you seem to resent the fact that they can, and do, do this. Until, it seems, you have a problem, when it is all cap doffing, please Sir, thank-you Sir, humility. Until, of course you have your answer, when you go gack to calling your benefactor arrogant, or worse, for having the knowledge, and for being prepared to give up their time to pass it on.


So I say again, in measured terms, you are a hypocrite. I also say you are an idiot, because your attacks and generally abrasive behaviour are destroying the very thing you ultimately value. The next time you ask for help, you will be taxing all those you have insulted for having the knowledge to answer, with a decsion as to whether to respond and risk further opprobrium, or stay silent. I know where I stand, others are probably more Saintly. Think on.

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Guest Had Enough
1footinthegrave - 2013-12-30 3:15 PM


Can I ask you one simple thing,and get ONE simple answer, ( unlikely, but I'm an eternal optimist )


why is it you are posting on this thread at all, when at NO single point have you attempted to address the OPs question in any way shape or form. Despite what you say about me, at least I did, you have added ZERO ;-)


And let me be as perfectly clear as I can be, at no point would I denigrate any professionals input on here, and for God sake man you've got a major beef with me, why not spare everyone else your lengthy replies to me, and PM me instead, I'm sure most don't give a roodoo (!)


Or arrange a meet with me at the annual East Sussex, White supremacist, Idiotic, Homophobic, Islamaphobic, ant-immigration, pro UKIP rally, where I will be attending in my best Klu klux outfit, ( have I missed any of your insults out ) and we'll discuss your beef with me face to face if you like.


Perhaps he's posting on this thread because you, once again, made reference to him when you accused him and Derek Uzzell of being some kind of self-appointed technical experts?


This is just one in a string of vindictive comments that you've made to or about Brian Kirby, none of which had any connection to the thread. It is clear to everyone that for some reason, you've taken against Brian Kirby and lately you've taken every opportunity to denigrate him with snide and nasty attacks.


Other people have asked you to desist but you seem incapable of doing so and I'm surprised that it has taken normally affable members such as Robin Hood and Brian Kirby to finally make a stand and tell you exactly what they, and many others I suspect, actually think about you.


But I'll give you credit for being accurate in one respect - you are as you say a 'White supremacist, Idiotic, Homophobic, Islamophobe' and you're the main reason that I no longer have anything to do with Chatterbox., which I've no doubt will please you and the other idiots who've ruined it


And I know that you will now come back with a personal attack on me, and yes, I can be an argumentative bugger but generally any arguments I have are with other equally argumentative people.


But how anyone can take offence at BK and DU, both of whom are normally polite and unflappable, and both of whom give superb advice freely, is beyond me. It takes a very special kind of vindictive nastiness to engage in a vendetta against a man like Brian Kirby. But you have that vindictive nastiness in spades, as we've all witnessed in the last few weeks.



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Guest Had Enough
1footinthegrave - 2013-12-30 4:53 PM


Another post from someone trying to help the bloke out with his electrical problem :-S


Perhaps you can explain how this post from you (above) did anything to help the OP's problem?


"Perhaps the fatal flaw of these forums is thinking someone can be trained up as an auto electrician within a few posts. I actually started out in life as an apprentice as one for Simms auto electrics, but that's another story.............


I note you allude to the idea that you and BK are technical consultants and so imply the best placed to answer these questions, appointed by whom exactly, perhaps it would help in that is case to verify both yours and BKs qualifications, and some contact details so the veracity of yours and BKs claims could be confirmed, I'm sure that would help enormously, questions could then be directly sent to you via a pm perhaps."



Perhaps you can also explain why, in other threads, you have posted simply to make a vindictive comment about Brian Kirby and the length of some of his posts? Every time you've done this it has added nothing to the original question posed in the thread.



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Guest Had Enough
1footinthegrave - 2013-12-30 5:12 PM


Had Enough - 2013-12-30 5:01 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-12-30 4:53 PM


Another post from someone trying to help the bloke out with his electrical problem :-S




Perhaps you can also explain why, in other threads, you have posted simply to make a vindictive comment about Brian Kirby and the length of some of his posts? Every time you've done this it has added nothing to the original question posed in the thread.



I'll give you that. ;-) except it may have saved someone blowing their brains out with the sheer tedium of wading through them all on another occasion, mind you brevity seems an alien idea to some.


Anyway can we leave it there, I cannot stand the bloke, but I'll try and hide it in future. ;-)


You may not have the attention span, or the intelligence, to absorb a comprehensive and therefore lengthy post, but many of us have. It's not our fault if you can only cope with posts of a couple of sentences.


But this is irrelevant. If you don't like posts, or you can't understand them, then skip them and leave them for those who can. But to continually make nasty disparaging comments about a poster who does his best to help others is disgraceful.


Regrettably you are, as others have said, an idiot, and you simply can't comprehend what you do, and such is your nature that you can't stop yourself anyway. You eaten some humble pie today but by tomorrow you'll be spewing out the usual bile, which is amply demonstrated in this post to which I'm responding.



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1footinthegrave - 2013-12-30 3:15 PM


Can I ask you one simple thing,and get ONE simple answer, ( unlikely, but I'm an eternal optimist )


why is it you are posting on this thread at all, when at NO single point have you attempted to address the OPs question in any way shape or form. Despite what you say about me, at least I did, you have added ZERO.............

Er, OK, but that seems to be two questions.


1, the direct question: why am I posting at all? (But with gratuitous sarcasm added. Now, what was the point of that?)

2, the implied question: why, in posting, have I not answered the OP's query?


Answer 1. Because I saw my name being dragged into the mud. Right of defence.

Answer 2. Because I know nothing of Rapido electrics, so have nothing to contribute to the OP.


(I have already apologised to the OP for wasting space on his string, and happily do so again.)


So, if you hadn't dragged me in, I should simply have stayed away, and the string would have been that much shorter.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-12-30 6:43 PM



How could you possibly see as you phrase it "having your name dragged in the mud" in a thread by your own admission you have nothing to contribute to, why would you even look, or do you trawl through every single post and thread on these forums, or have the gift of clairvoyance that alerts you to any mention of your name or initials specifically by me, sorry a totally ridiculous and implausible explanation, I will say one thing though, we do have something in common, that is far too much time on our hands for all this bulls**t.................. ;-)


God Almighty! Are you really that stupid? I read the Rapido thread, I read as many threads as possible because I may well learn something.


Apart from which how do you know whether or not you have anything to contribute unless you read a thread? And threads diverge - you may have nothing to offer initially but later in the thread there may well be something to which you can contribute.


You really are the silliest, most idiotic person I've ever come across and this, coupled with your toxic views on everything makes for the most unpleasant person anyone could imagine.


You dragged Brian Kirby into this thread with another of your vindictive little attacks, so why are you surprised when he chooses to react? For God's sake man, give it a rest will you?


Edited to add - and you're also the most foul-mouthed cretin that I've ever come across on a forum such as this. Constantly saying feck or fecking is no different from the word that the forum won't allow to use and your constant use of foul language simply demonstrates your dirty mind and your limited vocabulary.



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Guest Had Enough
1footinthegrave - 2013-12-30 8:53 PM


Foul mouthed cretin, another pleasant attribute to put on my CV, funny that you don't see the irony of abusing me verbally even within the same paragraph is lost on you.....................next. ;-)


It's actually a most unpleasant attribute, like most of your attributes.

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If we can draw a line under the forum in-fighting and return to skercat’s original inquiry...


David (Overdrive) in his posting of 29 December 2013 7:37 PM confirmed that (when the appropriate test buttons are pressed) his Rapido 710F’s control-panel will show identical voltage readouts for the motor and leisure battery when the motorhome’s engine is running and when the green coupler-separator light is illuminated. Identical voltage readouts for both batteries will also be shown when the motorhome is connected to a 230V power-supply and the green coupler-separator light is illuminated.


David advised that, when his 710F’s batteries are not receiving any charge and a load is placed on the leisure battery (by switching on the living-area lights, heater blown-air fan, etc.) the coupler/separator light goes out and the voltage readouts show differences.


This information should allow skercat to test whether his Rapido’s electrical system is functioning correctly without needing to check voltages at the batteries themselves.


With his motorhome’s motor not running and the vehicle not connected to a 230V hook-up, having switched on the 12V habitation services, he can check that the coupler/separator light is not illuminated and use the control-panel’s test-buttons to read the battery voltages. If the voltages continue to be identical for both batteries (with the coupler/separator light still lit perhaps), then there’s a problem. To avoid any possibility of the voltages being equal coincidentally, it would be best to carry out this checking procedure a number of times, allowing several hours to elapse between each check and leaving the 12V habitation services on continuously during the whole test period. As David suggests, if the voltages never differ then the coupler/separator is likely to be faulty.


Scheiber describes as follows how their ‘2 battery’ coupler/separator is designed to operate:


(1) When the motorhome’s alternator is providing charge, priority is given to the motor battery. When this battery attains a voltage of about 13.5V, the leisure battery is ‘coupled’ in parallel to the motor battery. Charging of both batteries will then continue while the alternator is charging.


(2) When the leisure battery is receiving charge from the motorhome’s on-board battery-charger, the same principle applies as in (1) except priority is now given to the leisure battery.


(3) When the motorhome’s motor is stopped the coupler/separator’s relay opens disconnecting motor and leisure batteries. 12V habitation services (water-pump, lights, heater) will now be powered from the leisure battery.


(4) The Scheiber coupler/separator also incorporates a relay (triggered by a signal from the alternator) to power a refrigerator only when the motorhome’s motor is running.


There are a few on-line references to problems with the Rapido/Scheiber system, with the coupler/separator sometimes being cited as the prime suspect.


This review of a 2003 710F owned by Mark Brownrigg (who writes for MMM magazine)




says “...there is a strange power equalisation link between leisure and vehicle batteries. If the leisure battery drains, then it can leave you without enough power to start. Constant monitoring and frequent winter runs are needed, it seems. All this is technology we could do without.”


In theory, the coupler/separator should prevent this happening, but there you go!

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Your van is CBE equipped, the OP's is Scheiber equipped. Since Rapido is the common link, it seems resaonable to assume similar coupler-separator devices will have been specified for both systems.


Our Hobby was CBE based, The Burstner and Hymer both Schaudt based. However, the common thread is that it seems that the manufacturer specifies what he wants, and the suppliers then provide complete kits to suit, possibly also including the harness.


So, I would expect the coupler separator to have been included in the CBE kit. If your CBE installation is similar to the one in our Hobby, I would look near, or inside, the 12V fuse-board, where the main harness terminates - which is where Hobby has specified a number of auxilliary relays using the generator C+ terminal as a control signal. In the Hobby, this was under the front passenger's seat.


I'm assuming the coupler-separator will basically be a pair of "back to back" relays, similar to a split charge relay, but with additional voltage based switching control. If so, there should be an audible click as the unit de-couples the habitation and starter batteries. If you can provoke the unit to de-couple while listening for the click, the sound might give a guide as to location.

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