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Docted , Thanks no did not have a good one .Weather dissusting still really left it to late for the Vendee . Agony with the kid's didn't get a break at all and really just catching up with the washing now.oh well need's must......... Like Geoffs Goatie
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Thank you , Missed you as well . The little one was fine shame the insurance cost that much .still worth it her lungs where in full swing ....seriously had aC***p holiday actually feel like we need a week or 2 on our own ...just to ghet over it ...Just been catching up on the reading although some of it has me totally lost still that's not hard Ha Ha, Like all the new pictures of the dog's van's mice Goat's seems like I have started something .....Keep well speak soon.
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Know your wrong Walter . If you recal Jack said one night where's starspirit I think I got his goat. REMEMBER .......... So I replied I to him saying what I said (ie) I thought Walter had the goat Anyway you old Goat going York or France............. DADDY OR CHIPS
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