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Taking a tag axle to europe.


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Will definitely keep smiling and avoiding the peages where possible !!!

Or change to a more expensive Mercedes chassis, same weight, same number of wheels ,but only two axles so a group lower !!

Only the French could classify a motorhome as a 16 wheel articulated lorry !!



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Motorhomes are not given a special autoroute classification - that's the salient point that UK motorcaravanners seem to find so difficult to grasp.


It's been said on this forum numerous times, but the autoroute 'Class' system is as arbitrary as the UK's 'road tax' system. Classification is based on a vehicle's number of wheels, height, weight and number of axles. Motorbikes, trikes and quad-bikes are in Class 5; other motor vehicles fall into Classes 1 to 4.


Your Frankia falls into Class 4 not because it's considered to be a 16-wheel articulated lorry, but because it meets the Class 4 description.


There are Classification grey areas (like what counts as a vehicle's "height") but these are covered in the leaflet. I don't know whether it could be argued that a 3-axle lorry where one of the axles can be lifted from the road surface can be counted as a 2-axle vehicle, but that won't apply to 3-axle motorhomes.


As far as Andy (the original poster) is concerned, it's sensible for him to be aware that his 3-axle Burstner SHOULD be charged Class 4 toll-fees on French autoroutes. If he were charged a fee appropriate to a lower Class, he would be getting a bargain.


It's also worth him knowing about the 'red button' tactic to try to obtain a below-Class-4 fee, but it's up to him to choose whether or not to use it. If he does use it and the Class 4 fee is still demanded, he'll know that he is being correctly charged.


Much better that Andy be accurately informed about autoroute tolls before venturing abroad than, say, find himself at a Millau Viaduct toll-booth expecting to pay €10 and being charged €32.


Slightly-higher 2014 Millau Viaduct fees listed here:



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There's the British way and then there's the French way Vive la différence.

After all you come over here for a change from fog, rain,  nose to tail traffic and jobs worth Camp site Gauleiters. So why be supprised if the règles are a little different also.

I suppose we will need to change the rules to stop you camping in car parks, charge you more for gazoil and only sell you soggy bread to make your holiday complete. :D 

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