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'Aires' the British way


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Guest Had Enough
bolero boy - 2014-01-14 7:00 PM


Had Enough - 2014-01-14 6:38 PM


bolero boy - 2014-01-14 5:49 PM


Ok, Frank, lets try and get it down to a couple of lines, shall we?

In my opinion, I think £30 for a night in a carpark, especially one where I won't be using the (IMO) unnecessary, extra facilities is a bit of a rip-off.

In my opinion, I think that, should the choice be available, most overnighters would go for a £10 basic stay with no fripperies over a £30 stay that includes a bar, some entertainment (whatever that is) and an EHU provided by a fleet of generators.

Just my opinion, no financial statements or sneaky meanings.

Hope you're getting plenty of sun, perhaps a little too much ;-)

Oh, I nearly forgot.....thank you Frank ;-)


Let's get it down to a couple of lines then. You've made up your mind it's a 'rip-off' and even it it were proved that the CC is losing money on providing this service you'd still consider it a rip-off!


Whatever you do don't let any facts sway you! The CC has done this before so knows the demand!


But it's like an expensive restaurant. you don't need to use it as you can go to McD's.

Frank, I'll try one last time.

Remember, this is only an opinion and cannot be treated as gospel. IMO £30 a night in a carpark is very expensive in relation to other sites, including those with far more attractive facilities than a generator outside your door.

The thing is, the 'demand' is there as many other local sites and CL/CS are booked. With this pent up demand, the CC are able to charge effectively whatever they like. Adding entertainment, a bar etc softens the blow for those who have to take Hobson's choice. That still doesn't make it good value. I still think its not necessary and would be so bold as to suggest that, if a lesser/cheaper option was the on

Y one available, this would be taken by the same users of the current arrangement.

Just an opinion.


And I'll try yet again. No one has argued that it isn't expensive. No one has argued that there may be a case for a cheaper no frills alternative. Lobby for one if you're a CC member.


But what is wrong with your approach is that you did something that you accuse me of. You came in, guns blazing and accused the CC of blatant profiteering.


This is what you said:


'These 'extras' are just a smokescreen to hide the exorbitant fee behind. What are the CC ofFering over and above one of their normal sites (at, say, £18) or a THS at far less?

Has to be a case of milking here......'


Has to be a case of milking here? How do you know? As I and others have tried to explain to you we have no idea of the huge costs involved in setting up a temporary site such as this. The CC has done it in the past and obviously knows there's a demand.


So to make it simple again, yes, you may think it's expensive and it is. But that's not the point! The point is that accusing the CC of exorbitant overpricing when you have no knowledge whatsoever of the costs involved is unfair, unreasonable and shows a bias that destroys any real credibility that you have in debating this fairly.







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Had Enough - 2014-01-14 7:06 PM

I'm wetting myself with laughter


That just about sums up your attitude.


Whilst I do not have any religious beliefs, neither do I use the 'G' word to emphasise my postings and put simply so that even you can understand it I, along with almost everyone else on here do have respect those that do have religious beliefs.


There is no need to apologise on my behalf but others may feel differently.



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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2014-01-14 7:37 PM


Had Enough - 2014-01-14 7:06 PM

I'm wetting myself with laughter


That just about sums up your attitude.


Whilst I do not have any religious beliefs, neither do I use the 'G' word to emphasise my postings and put simply so that even you can understand it I, along with almost everyone else on here do have respect those that do have religious beliefs.


There is no need to apologise on my behalf but others may feel differently.



God, you're pathetic! I don't think I've ever read such sycophantic tripe in all my life. If there are any religious people on here who are so narrow minded that the word God offends them I'm sure they don't need you to defend them.


Please explain how using the word God can offend anyone! And as for refusing to actually type the word God and write G, the mind boggles.


For God's sake, grow up you silly little man and stop finding ever more ways to stir things up.

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Had Enough - 2014-01-14 7:44 PM

For God's sake, grow up you silly little man and stop finding ever more ways to stir things up


Here we go again - the pot calling the kettle black again!


Please read back through your own postings on this and many other threads and note just how many times you introduce unrelated bilge into an existing argument just to further your own ego.


And yet you somehow seem annoyed when it's done to you?


And you have the gall to call me silly and accuse me of stirring?


What was your first offering on this thread if it was not unprovoked snide and stirring of your own campaign of vilification when nobody had a go at you.


Had you been capable of politely responding that you disagreed with my, or anyone else's, comments not only would we not be in this ongoing tirade but you might even have been able to make a good case worthy of debate instead of descending to nastiness.


As it is anything you say is lost in your attempts at hostility and is worthy only of contempt.


Hope you are enjoying Morocco. I do know that of both holidays when we were there we found plenty to do in the evenings without resorting to a forum spat.


I'm bored with this now as you have nothing new or constructive to say so I'm off to watch some paint dry - at least the paint has some colour and depth and won't always be wet - unlike you!

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-01-14 7:44 PM


I don't think I've ever read such sycophantic tripe in all my life.


Point of order yer honour :-S...................







behaving or done in an obsequious way in order to gain advantage.


Who is guilty of thus? :-S............

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Frank, in a competitive marketplace the consumer has a right to decide when a service charge is out of kilter with other comparable services. I suggested that the provision of the 'service' provided by the CC in the NEC carpark was way out of kilter with other THS provided by same. Other organisations at other sites (yes, some i have been to) have been provided for much less than £30. You're right of course, I don't know the actual accounting sums involved so have no idea if the CC are profiteering or not.

However, of they are not, they need to have a look at some other organisations. Even Warners are only charging from £10.50 a night with showers (although no EHU).

As I say, way out of kilter, perhaps the CC have far higher costs, I don't know...perhaps you can help?

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pepe63 - 2014-01-14 5:59 PM


Interesting to note that "gocro", after starting a thread that obviously had the potential to cause disagreement, then kept a very low profile....


Naughty!...... ;-)

Like most Francophile campers, we are used to getting a lot for our Euro in camping terms, I just feel that delivering service to Motorhomers is not the fort'e of the C&CC or the CC (beating my drum)


We used to go to the NEC and use the camping facility, about 15 years ago in our Auto Sleeper Commer van, it didn't seem to be expensive then mind you all they provided was a tap and an Elsan point and it was used mostly by caravanners as a rally.

If we venture down from Northumberland this year we'll in all likely hood drive down in our Skoda and stop in a Travel Lodge.

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Tony Jones - 2014-01-14 9:14 AM


When we went in October we used a couple of very friendly Britstops within half an hour's drive. Supported their businesses with evening meal at one and breakfast at the other, spent less than half of what CC charge!



So how do you register to join Tony?


Very odd website which tells you;

Upon registering as a member of Brit Stops, motorhome owners will receive a windscreen sticker and the high quality Brit Stops invitations book detailing the many local businesses that are host members of Brit Stops.

but has no facility to register!


Also if they are chucking out windscreen stickers, this sounds suspiciously like a fee paying club. I do hope i'm wrong!


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Bulletguy - 2014-01-14 10:36 PM


Tony Jones - 2014-01-14 9:14 AM


When we went in October we used a couple of very friendly Britstops within half an hour's drive. Supported their businesses with evening meal at one and breakfast at the other, spent less than half of what CC charge!



So how do you register to join Tony?


Very odd website which tells you;

Upon registering as a member of Brit Stops, motorhome owners will receive a windscreen sticker and the high quality Brit Stops invitations book detailing the many local businesses that are host members of Brit Stops.

but has no facility to register!


Also if they are chucking out windscreen stickers, this sounds suspiciously like a fee paying club. I do hope i'm wrong!


They have a "Buy Now" option on the website..


(..although it'd need renewing in February anyway).


I suppose it is sort of a "fee paying club", although just why that should be "suspicious" I don't know?...

(..maybe you could give up your time and organise something similar for free? ;-) )

but once you've paid/"registered"/got the guide/got the sticker, the "stops" are free to use..


It's just good manners, common courtesy (and a bit of *forward thinking) to maybe buy some products from your "Hosts".. ;-)

(*If they end up feeling that it's not worth their effort, they may end up removing themselves from the scheme..)


Some friends of ours use them a fair bit. We did look at joining but thought that for our type of "usage", it probably wouldn't work...

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If you are looking for a place to overnight near the NEC, you could try the Leisure Centre carpark in Stratford-on Avon.


About 1/2hour down the road from the NEC


Near the centre of Statford if you want to go out at night.


£2 a night 4pm to 8am


Parking overnight for m/homes and tuggers is allowed by the Council(all stated in the council website)


Nice and quiet when we have used it



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pepe63 - 2014-01-15 8:20 AM


Bulletguy - 2014-01-14 10:36 PM


Tony Jones - 2014-01-14 9:14 AM


When we went in October we used a couple of very friendly Britstops within half an hour's drive. Supported their businesses with evening meal at one and breakfast at the other, spent less than half of what CC charge!



So how do you register to join Tony?


Very odd website which tells you;

Upon registering as a member of Brit Stops, motorhome owners will receive a windscreen sticker and the high quality Brit Stops invitations book detailing the many local businesses that are host members of Brit Stops.

but has no facility to register!


Also if they are chucking out windscreen stickers, this sounds suspiciously like a fee paying club. I do hope i'm wrong!



I suppose it is sort of a "fee paying club", although just why that should be "suspicious" I don't know?...

(..maybe you could give up your time and organise something similar for free? ;-) )

but once you've paid/"registered"/got the guide/got the sticker, the "stops" are free to use..



Ah right so what they need to make more clear is it costs £25 to register which includes a guide book and pretty sticker. I suppose it's better than signing up to the CC if you spend a lot of time in UK.



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Bulletguy - 2014-01-16 4:17 AM


pepe63 - 2014-01-15 8:20 AM


Bulletguy - 2014-01-14 10:36 PM


Tony Jones - 2014-01-14 9:14 AM


When we went in October we used a couple of very friendly Britstops within half an hour's drive. Supported their businesses with evening meal at one and breakfast at the other, spent less than half of what CC charge!



So how do you register to join Tony?


Very odd website which tells you;

Upon registering as a member of Brit Stops, motorhome owners will receive a windscreen sticker and the high quality Brit Stops invitations book detailing the many local businesses that are host members of Brit Stops.

but has no facility to register!


Also if they are chucking out windscreen stickers, this sounds suspiciously like a fee paying club. I do hope i'm wrong!



I suppose it is sort of a "fee paying club", although just why that should be "suspicious" I don't know?...

(..maybe you could give up your time and organise something similar for free? ;-) )

but once you've paid/"registered"/got the guide/got the sticker, the "stops" are free to use..



Ah right so what they need to make more clear is it costs £25 to register which includes a guide book and pretty sticker. I suppose it's better than signing up to the CC if you spend a lot of time in UK.




That's exactly the point Paul. £25 and nothing more to pay all year, v. £40 for ... access to other things you can pay for (in some cases through the nose!)

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sshortcircuit - 2014-01-16 8:08 AM


Approximately how many Brit stops are there?



Edit. Should have looked first and not many in comparison with the CL/CS networks. Hopefully it will grow to make it worthwhile.


I think it's better to view Britstops as a resource that can be used "as well as" and not just "instead of"...


(..and even if it's only used two-three times a year,as the "stops" are free, it would've paid for itself...)


Unfortunately, at the moment due to annual leave(lack of!),our time away tends to be quite "targeted"..but if we were able to amble about at will, we'd definitely join up... :-D




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Britstops are for Motorhomes, CL/CS are more for caravans. Often in the middle of nowhere fine if you want a quiet weekend but not very convenient if you want to visit a town, village or other attraction.

I detest the current trend on CL/CS of putting in EHU's bumping prices up by 50% and expecting you to pay the same even if you don't use the EHU. I hardly ever used EHU with a caravan and never use it with a Motorhome.

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